
  • 网络rain-fed agriculture;rainfed agriculture;rainfed farming
  1. 甘肃省雨养农业区气候变暖背景下秋粮生产脆弱性研究

    Climate vulnerability of autumn grain crops in rainfed farming areas of Gansu Province

  2. 宁南山区雨养农业作物立体复合种植效益的综合评价

    A Comprehensive Appraisal on Crop-interplanting Benefits in the Rainfed Farming Areas of the Hilly Southern Ningxia

  3. 利用MODIS资料估算西北雨养农业区地表净辐射

    Estimation of Net Radiation in Dry-farming Region in Northwest by MODIS Data

  4. 应用EOS-MODIS卫星资料推算西北雨养农业区能量通量

    Estimation of energy fluxes in dry-farming region in northwest China by EOS-MODIS data

  5. 因此,在黄土高原西部雨养农业区实施NTS和TS耕作措施,既有利于土壤有益真菌数量的增加,提高养分转化率,又有利于促进该区农业的可持续发展。

    Therefore NTS and TS not only increased the number of beneficial fungi and enhance the nutrient conversion rate , but also improve the sustainable development of agriculture in this region in the long-term .

  6. 黑龙江省复种指数为1,推算农业需水为400~500mm,而多年平均年降水量多数大于400mm,有发展雨养农业可能;

    Multiple cropping index number is 1 in Heilongjiang Province . The agricultural water demand deduce amount is 400 ~ 500 ? mm , however , the average annual rainfall most is more than 400 ?

  7. 黄土高原半干旱雨养农业区夏秋季大气透明度较高,晴天地面的总辐射值最大瞬时值均超过1000W/m~2,6~8月总辐射旬平均强度为338.90W/m~2;

    The maximum of instantaneous global radiation is beyond 1000W / m2 and the ten-days average intensity is 338.90W/m2 because of high atmospheric transparency over semi-arid rainfed agriculture region of loess plateau between June and August .

  8. 会宁是以雨养农业为主的农业县。

    Ning will be based on rain-fed agriculture and agriculture-based county .

  9. 黄土高原雨养农业区雨水集蓄应用研究

    Rainwater harvesting for agriculture in rainfed area of the Loess Plateau

  10. 黄土高原地区雨养农业初探

    A study of run & off agriculture in Loess Plateau

  11. 雨养农业区马铃薯产量的风险评估

    The risk evaluation of potato output in the dry-farming region

  12. 甘肃雨养农业区降雨概率特征研究

    Study on Characteristics of Rainfall Probability in Rainfed agricultural region of Gansu Province

  13. 甘肃中部雨养农业区土壤水分预测模式的研究

    Prediction Model for Soil Moisture in Rainfed Agriculture Region of Middle Gansu Province

  14. 半干旱雨养农业区陆面过程观测试验研究

    Observational Experimental Study of Land Surface Process in Semi-arid and Rainfed Agriculture Region

  15. 黑龙江省雨养农业与井灌

    Rain-supporting agriculture and well irrigation in Heilongjiang Province

  16. 雨养农业区地膜春小麦持续高产栽培施肥技术研究

    Research on Mulched Spring Wheat Sustainable High Yielding Cultivation and Fertilizer Techniques in Rainfed Areas

  17. 集流节灌是雨养农业持续发展的主要支柱

    Water Collection and Water-saving Irrigation Is the Mainstay of Sustainable Agricultural Develop-ment in Rainfed Areas

  18. 内蒙古雨养农业区土壤水分动态监测模式

    Dynamic model to monitor soil moisture content of rain fed agricultural region in Inner Mongolia

  19. 甘肃雨养农业区年平均有效降雨量理论上可以满足小麦生育期的作物需水量。

    Wheat crop water requirement was contented with the annual average available rainfall in rainfed agricultural region of Gansu Province .

  20. 西北东部雨养农业区植被波动频率和幅度最大,是受降水影响最敏感的地区;

    The frequency and extent of NDVI variation was highest in rain-fed cropland region , where is the most sensitive areas influenced by precipitation ;

  21. 但是在几乎所有农业都是雨养农业的区域,土壤水分提供了食品生产所需淡水的唯一来源。

    But in a region where almost all agriculture is rain-fed , soil moisture provides the single largest source of freshwater for food production .

  22. 采取井水综合增温和改善地下水垂直补给,是实现水稻雨养农业的关键。

    To take composite measures in heightening well water temperature and improve upright recharge of groundwater is the key to realize the rain-supporting agriculture .

  23. 黄土高原西部雨养农业区集雨水窖的主要类型及其效益分析&以甘肃会宁为例

    Main Types of Rainfall Collecting Cellar and Its Benefits in Rainfed Agriculture Areas of West Loess Plateau & Taking Huining , Gansu Province as an Example

  24. 黄土高原属典型雨养农业地区,干旱缺水是制约该区旱作农田生产力进一步提高的瓶颈。

    In the typical rain fed farming areas of Loess Plateau , drought and water shortage are the main choke points to the increase of farmland productivity .

  25. 分析了黄土高原半干旱雨养农业区田间春小麦叶片光合生理生态特征及其对环境因子的响应。

    This paper analyzed the eco-physiological characteristics of spring wheat leaf photosynthesis in the semiarid rain-fed agriculture region of Loess Plateau , and their responses to the environmental factors .

  26. 利用甘肃省定西农业气象观测站1986&2004年的观测资料,就气候变化对黄土高原半干旱雨养农业区春小麦生长的影响进行了初步探讨。

    Using surface observation data of Dingxi agricultural meteorological station from 1986 to 2004 , the impact of climate change on spring wheat growth in semi-arid rain feed region was investigated .

  27. 阐述黑龙江省雨养农业的可能性,开发地下水库是发展黑龙江省雨养农业最可靠地保证。

    To state the possibility and potential of developing rain-supporting agriculture in Heilongjiang Province ; to develop the underground reservoir is the most reliable assurance to develop rain-supporting agriculture in Heilongjiang Province .

  28. 山西水资源贫乏,人均占有量为全国人均值的17%,平均13年受旱一次,长期以来雨养农业的被动局面未能得到根本改观。

    Shanxi is short in water resource with per capita water resource only 17 % of national average , and drought happens once every 1 3 years on average . There have no basic change of agriculture depending on rainfall .

  29. 特别是在无灌溉条件的旱作雨养农业区,气候是影响作物生长发育的首要因子。

    The climate condition becomes the primary factor effecting crop growth and development , especially in the agricultural regions of dry rain-fed , such as the West Henan Loess hilly region where the crop yield mostly depends on the weather .

  30. 雨养农业区净辐射的季节变化表现为冬季最小,其次是秋季,夏春两季最大,并且四季相差比较大;净辐射四季变化也呈现出不均匀的分布特性,频率分布范围较宽。

    The seasonal variety of the net radiation is least in winter and most in summer and spring , and there is asymmetrical feature of its distribution in different seasons , its frequency distribution range is also wide in this dry-farming region .