
  • 网络metal coloring;Colaring of metals;Coloring of metals;colouring of metal
  1. 采用提拉法生长单晶,通过附加金属着色、淬火、室温和液氮温度光聚集等过程,制备了NaCl:(F+2)H色心激光晶体。

    NaCl : ( F ~ + _2 ) _H color center laser crystals were prepared by Czochralski method , additional coloration , annealing and light aggregation at 290K and 77K .

  2. 电化学法处理金属着色废水

    Treatment of Metal Dyeing Wastewater with Electrolytic Method

  3. 用煌绿-瑞-吉染色法,成熟精子着色浅,不成熟精子头部着紫红色;金属着色

    Mature spermatozoa was stained lightly and immature one stained purple with brilliant green-Wright-Geimsa ; Metal Colouring

  4. 一种给金属着色的物质。

    A substances that colors metals .

  5. 讨论了电化学方法处理金属着色废水的工艺条件和效果,对电极效应作了深入分析。

    The process conditions and effects for electrochemically treating metal dyeing wastewater are discussed , and the polar effect is analysed in deep .

  6. 有色金属铸件着色探伤技术的研究

    The Study on Dye Penetration Inspection Technique for Non-ferrous Metal Casting

  7. 由此初步探索和总结了聚烯烃类塑料薄膜生产过程中的金属色着色工艺方法。

    The work is a primary study of the coloring process of metal color in manufacturing procedure for polyolefine film .

  8. 熔制混合稀土与过渡金属离子组合着色玻璃

    Hand-made Glass Products Having Combined Colors of Rare-earth and Transition Metal Ions

  9. 玻璃料或珐琅料是以金属氧化物来着色,并涂抹填入设计图案的各个区域。

    The glass paste , or enamel , is colored with metallic oxide and painted into the contained areas of the design .

  10. 金属材料氧化和着色工艺设计

    Process design of oxydizing and colouring of metals

  11. 金属表面磷化膜着色工艺的研究Ⅱ.着色条件对彩色磷化膜性能的影响

    Studies on Staining of Phosphate Film on Metal Surface ⅱ . Effect of Staining Technology on Character of Coloured Phosphate Film