
  • 网络diamond saw blades
  1. 金刚石圆锯片可以用于切割玻璃和水晶制品。

    Diamond saw blades have been in wide use for cutting glass and crystal .

  2. 金刚石圆锯片的激光焊接

    Laser Welding of Diamond Saw Blades

  3. 利用ANSYS对非等间距结构圆锯片及组合结构金刚石圆锯片进行了动力学模态分析,热力学分析。

    The saw blades with different width segment or combination structure are analyzed by the mode and thermodynamics analysis by ANSYS .

  4. 针对圆锯片基体的适张处理,在考虑切削热影响的情况下,应用ANSYS对新型组合式金刚石圆锯片基体进行应力、变形分析。

    For tensity disposal of saw blade , the cutting heat was considered when analysing the stress and deformation of the new combined diamond saw blade by applying ANSYS .

  5. 介绍了一种金刚石圆锯片的激光焊接系统,该系统采用半自动方式,由约束放电激励CO2激光器、三工位光路转换器、焊接工作台及工装夹具组成。

    In this paper , a system for laser welding . diamond saw-blades is introduced . The system is made of CO_2 laser source excited by confined discharge , a three-position workbench for laser beam transformation , a welding worktable and welding fixtures .

  6. φ1600mm金刚石圆锯片的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis to 01600 Diamond Saw Blade

  7. 从分析锯切对金刚石圆锯片胎体性能的要求出发,根据金属材料学的基本理论,确定了提高胎体机械性能的微量元素之后,试验研究了胎体主要成分WC、Fe/Ni、663-Cu;

    According to the cutting requirements for matrix of diamond saw blade and basic principle of metal material , the experiment on the effect of the basic elements of matrix on its comprehensive performance was conducted after the added reinforcing elements were determined .

  8. 金刚石圆锯片磨损过程的研究

    Study of wear process for cutting granite with diamond saw blade

  9. 切割花岗石的大直径金刚石圆锯片的研制

    Development of large Diameter Diamond Circular Saw Blade for Granite Cutting

  10. 薄型金刚石圆锯片结构设计探讨

    Discussion on structural design of the thin type circular diamond sawblade

  11. 小直径金刚石圆锯片若干问题的探讨

    A Study of Circular Diamond Saw Blade in Small Diameter

  12. 激光切缝图形对金刚石圆锯片噪声的影响

    The influence of laser-cutting patterns for the noise of diamond saw blades

  13. 高速锯切用超薄金刚石圆锯片的优化设计

    Optimum Design of Ultra-thin Diamond Saw-blade for High-speed Circular Sawing

  14. 阻尼夹层消音金刚石圆锯片的锯切噪声特性

    Characteristics of Diamond Saw Blade With Noise Damping Alloy Interlayer

  15. 金刚石圆锯片基体微变形淬火工艺研究

    On micro deformation quenching of diamond impregnated circular saw matrix

  16. 消音型金刚石圆锯片的研究动态钢琴即兴伴奏的音型与应用研究

    The Research on the Figure of the Piano Accompaniment Improvisation and Practice

  17. 激光焊接金刚石圆锯片工艺研究

    Study of Laser Welding Technology on Diamond Circular Saw Blade

  18. 节块延伸结构金刚石圆锯片的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on diamond saw blade with extending segments

  19. 激光焊金刚石圆锯片的无损检测

    Non-Damage Measurement of Laser Weld Diamond Circular Saw Blade

  20. 人造金刚石圆锯片优化设计研究

    Research of optimization design on diamond circular saw

  21. 激光强化大直径金刚石圆锯片

    Laser-enhanced big - diameter round diamond saw slice

  22. 建筑行业的飞速发展使干切式的特殊结构金刚石圆锯片有着广阔的市场前景。

    With the development of architecture , cutting diamond saw blade have broad market prospect .

  23. 因此,减薄锯片的厚度成为金刚石圆锯片主要发展趋势之一。

    So decreasing the thickness became to a trend of development for diamond circular saw-blades .

  24. 降噪减振结构金刚石圆锯片的有限元模态分析模型

    Finite Element Mode Analysis Model of Diamond Circular Saw Blade with Noise and Vibration Reducing Structure

  25. 金刚石圆锯片节块几何形状对磨损机理的影响

    Effect of the Geometry Shape of Diamond Saw Segment on the Wear Mechanism of the Same

  26. 金刚石圆锯片用铁基与钴基结合剂之比较

    Comparison between Iron Base and Cobalt Base Metallic Bonds for the Use of Circular Diamond Saw Blade

  27. 新型高效金刚石圆锯片激光焊接系统的开发组合式金刚石圆锯片创新及优化设计

    Development of a new type of diamond sawblade laser welding system Innovation and optimum design of combined diamond saw blade

  28. 为节约石材及减少石材加工对环境的污染,金刚石圆锯片一直以超薄型为主要发展方向。

    Inorder to save the stone resources and reduce the pollution , ultra-thin diamond sawblade is its main direction of development .

  29. 金刚石圆锯片在石材加工、建筑等行业中应用最为广泛的工具之一。

    Diamond saw blades are one of the most extensively used tools in industries , such as rock processing and architecture .

  30. 使用薄型金刚石圆锯片的意义在于减小切缝宽度,从而降低石材资源浪费。

    The significance of using thin type circular diamond sawblade is to reduce cutting width , thus lessening stone resources waste .