
  • 网络Cutting speed;cut speed
  1. 使用基于PLC编程语言进行功能设计,并以切割速度调整为例说明其在应用上的可行性。

    The paper processes the function design based on PLC programme , and explains the feasibility in practice application taking cutting speed adjustment for example .

  2. 在3种预合金粉锯片中,Cu基预合余粉锯片切割速度最快,Ni基预合金粉锯片切割速度最慢,但是它切割寿命最长,Fe基预合金粉锯片切割寿命最短。

    In three component pre-alloyed powder saw blade , Cu matrix saw blade 's cutting speed is fastest , Ni matrix is the most slow but cutting life is longest , Fe matrix cutting life is shortest .

  3. 结果:TURP期出血多、易发生经尿道电切综合征(TURS),但切割速度快,可做到精细切割;

    Results The advantages of TURP was incision quick and accurate , but TURP was easy to bleed and occur TURS .

  4. 生产力是切割速度成本,不是每小时成本。

    Productivity is cutting speed cost and not per hour cost .

  5. 尤其是切割速度和进料速度比较高。

    Especially for cutting the material in high speed and feed rate .

  6. 切割速度对根茬破坏影响最大,速度越高,根茬严重破损率越低。

    When the velocity is higher , the serious damage ratio is lower .

  7. 粒度对表面光洁度和整体切割速度具有重大影响。

    Granularity has great influences on the surface finish and integral cutting speed .

  8. 该理论公式可用来预测切割速度。

    These correlations are then used to predict the cutting speed in laser cutting .

  9. 切割速度是与所需切割的材料厚度及材质的硬度相关联的。

    Cutting speed is related to the thickness and hardness of materials to be cut .

  10. 尺寸精准,切割速度高。

    Exact size and high cutting speed .

  11. 结果表明,该网络模型具有很好的拟合能力与泛化能力,能够用于磨料水射流切割速度的预测。

    The results showed that the network model has good fitting ability and generalization ability .

  12. 卓越的切割速度和切割能力;

    Superior cutting speed and cutting capacity ;

  13. 刀具直径大,切割速度高,加工面质量好;

    Large diameter of milling knives , high speed milling , good quality milling profile surface .

  14. 以切割速度和表面粗糙度作为输出向量构建电火花线切割加工工艺仿真模型。

    And select the processing speed , surface roughness as output vectors to establish WEDM processing model .

  15. 陶瓷刀具在前三个特性上符合要求,即使在很高的切割速度也没有问题。

    Ceramic tools are suitable with regard to the first three properties een at high cutting speeds .

  16. 其基本的方法就是:通过改变激光的功率,切割速度以及切割方向,研究切缝宽度和深度受切割参数影响的情况。

    The impacts of laser power , scanning speed and scanning direction on the cutting quality is studied .

  17. 具有切割速度快、切口窄、变形小、节省材料、成本低等优点。

    It features high cutting speed , narrow gap , low distortion , materials saving and low cost .

  18. 重点研究对切割速度的调整以及实现方法。

    It will be the focus of this article to discuss the adjustment of cutting speed and its implementation method .

  19. 切割速度自动跟踪:玻璃带速度发生变化,不需要改变切割角度。

    Automatic tracking the cutting speed : do not need to change the cutting angle if the glass ribbon speed changed .

  20. 通过该模型对一定加工条件下的切割速度和表面粗糙度进行预测,从中找出加工规律。

    By the model forecasting the processing speed and surface roughness under some processing requirement , find out the processing law .

  21. 联合收获机在启动时,低割装置的切割速度比较慢,此时的切割质量比较差。

    Cutting speed of lower cutting installation is very low when machine ran at first , so cutting quality is poor this time .

  22. 当工作气体含氧量为20%时,切割速度急剧增加,大大优于气割。

    In the case of air containing oxygen of 20 % , cutting speed increases rapidly and is much better than gas cutting .

  23. 材料越厚,材质越硬其切割速度就越慢,反之就越快。

    The thicker the material , the harder the material is , the slower the cutting speed is , whereas it is quicker .

  24. 砂料越细(是指粒度大),切割速度越慢,表面越光滑。

    The finer the sand is ( refers to big granularity ), the slower the cutting speed is and the smoother the surface is .

  25. 在切割速度一定的情况下,激光切割路径的优化与否将直接影响每层的切割加工时间。

    If the cutting speed is not changed , the optimization of laser cutting paths will directly influence the cutting time of each layer .

  26. 当切割速度小于燃烧反应速度时,光信号主频与切割面波纹频率一致。

    Only when the cutting speed is slower than that of combustion reaction , the dominant frequency relates to the waviness frequency of cut front .

  27. 一是根据工件厚度的变化来调整等离子体弧切割速度,即改变单位体积上工件所吸收的功率。

    The first step is to change cutting speed according to the thickness of work piece , which means to change the absorbed heat of unit .

  28. 结果表明,系统可以迅速寻找到最佳切割速度,达到无切割缺陷而且该工艺条件下切割面近下缘粗糙度最小。

    The results show that the optimal cutting speed for free defect and the best roughness of the bottom edge could be found automatically and quickly .

  29. 往复式割草机割刀平均速度为1.6~2.2米/秒,设计曲柄主轴转速为738转/分,动刀的平均切割速度为1.87米/秒。

    The average speed of reciprocating reaper on knife is 1.6 ~ 2.2m / s , the rotational speed of crank main shaft was designed as 738r / s.

  30. 具有阻抗匹配和振幅检测等多项功能,电声转换效率高,发热少,切割速度快。

    Because it has many functions such as Impedance matching and amplitude detecting , the system has high electroacoustic transformation efficiency , low heat and rapid cutting ability .