
  • 网络Rainforest Alliance;RA-Rainforest Alliance
  1. 玛氏将与雨林联盟(rainforestalliance)进行大量合作,该组织致力于鼓励农民保护其种植环境。

    Mars will work largely with the Rainforest Alliance , which encourages farmers to preserve their environment .

  2. 其它“认证咖啡”是那些有机种植咖啡和由雨林联盟(rainforestalliance)认证的咖啡豆,该计划旨在保护环境。

    Other " certified coffees " are those grown organically and Rainforest Alliance accredited beans , a scheme which protects the environment .

  3. 吉百利的可可豆由公平贸易认证,而卡夫与雨林联盟(RainforestAlliance)也有类似的安排。雨林联盟是一家推广可持续农业活动和改善农业工作条件的组织。

    While Cadbury cocoa is certified by Fairtrade , Kraft has a similar arrangement with the Rainforest Alliance , an organisation that campaigns for sustainable farming practices and improved farm working conditions .

  4. 卡夫还承诺,到2012年,旗下Cted'Or和Marabou巧克力中的所有可可豆,都将由雨林联盟认证。

    It has pledged that all cocoa in its Cte d'Or and Marabou chocolates will be Rainforest Alliance-certified by 2012 .

  5. 这是通过公平贸易基金会和雨林联盟等组织让重要的社会和环境问题进入公共领域的积极的一步。

    This was a positive step that brought important social and environmental issues into the public domain through the Fairtrade Foundation and the Rainforest Alliance , for example .

  6. 然而,近几年,该公司同像雨林联盟这样的激进分子组织在促进社会责任和提升可持续发展能力上作出了巨大的努力。

    In recent years , however , the firm has made huge efforts to promote social responsibility and sustainability , working with activist groups such as the Rainforest Alliance .