
  • 网络British association for the advancement of science;Baas
  1. 10年之后,ScottRussell在英国科学促进协会年会上报道这一现象,从此揭开了人类对自然界中大量存在的非线性系统研究的序幕。

    After 10 years , Scott Russell reported this phenomenon in the meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science . Since then , a large number of nonlinear systems existing in natural world have been studied .

  2. 英国科学促进协会正在剑桥大学,召开第三届大会。

    The British Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its third meeting at the University of Cambridge .

  3. 英国科学促进协会主席罗兰·杰克逊(RolandJackson)说,为了解答难题,科学家需要重视公众对科技的看法。

    To solve the problem , scientists need to appreciate how the public thinks about science and technology .

  4. 也不应该像英国科学促进协会的会员们那样拿着电极做些恶心的实验。

    or conducting messy experiments with electrical piles like the members of the British Association .