
yǔ shēng
  • sound of rain
  1. 静谧的听着雨声

    Hear nothing but the sound of rain

  2. 这些天来的凌晨一至两点总能欣赏到天籁般的雨声。

    So these days around one to two in the morning there is this wonderful sound of rain .

  3. 雨声淅沥。

    The rain went pitter-patter .

  4. 我发誓,除了雨声,你什么都听不到。

    I swear you couldn 't hear anything but the rain .

  5. 倾听雨声,滴答降落大地

    To listen to the falling rain , pattering on the grounds

  6. 我们听到滴答滴答的雨声。

    We heard the drip , drip , drip of the rain .

  7. 我们坐在熊熊炉火旁,听着外面雨声。

    We sat by the roaring fire listening to the rain outside .

  8. 哦,听那雨声,噼哩啪啦。

    Oh , listen to the falling rain & pitter-patter .

  9. 听到,噩梦充述着撕裂的雨声。

    Heard references to a full tear off a nightmare .

  10. 两人便默默地躺在床上听那雨声雷声。

    They would quietly in bed listen to rain thunder .

  11. 枕着屋外大雨声入睡。

    Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside .

  12. 别抱怨了,听听这雨声。

    Stop complaining and just listen to the rain fall .

  13. 躺在床上听屋外的雨声。

    Lying in bed listening to the rain outside .

  14. 他关上门,以便不受雨声干扰。

    He closed the door to shut out the sound of the rain .

  15. 雨声甜美。

    Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain .

  16. 我平躺在河岸上,听着流水声和雨声。

    I lay flat on the bank and heard the river and the rain .

  17. 只有雨声:滴——滴——滴。

    Only the drip drip drip of rain .

  18. 留得残荷听雨声。

    Withered lotus listening to drops of rain .

  19. 窗外雨声停滞,我却在键盘上敲击。

    The rain stopped outside the window , but I was still tapping the keyboard .

  20. 哦,鼾声、雨声,还有妈妈那闻起来像面包的头发。

    The snoring , the rain , and Mama 's hair that smells like bread .

  21. 偶尔还有风声、雨声、以及远处火车轰鸣声。

    Occasionally there is wind , rain , and the distant roar of the train .

  22. 不过清亮过雨声或小溪的。

    Better than rain or rippling brook .

  23. 此刻的心情,是响彻于山谷的潺潺雨声。

    The mood at this moment , is the voices of rain that resounds through valley .

  24. 俄亥俄州杰克逊的人们被雨声惊醒,但很快地又进入了梦乡。

    The people of Jackson , Ohio awoke to the sound then went back to sleep .

  25. 雨声继续着。

    The rain continued to fall .

  26. 只是对于那些万千愁绪的人,雨声反而是多愁善感的催化剂。

    Only for those thousands of melancholy people , the rain is a sentimental but a catalyst .

  27. 没有笑,没有话语.只有雨声:滴滴滴。

    No more smile , no more words , but the incessant dripping , dripping , dripping .

  28. 突然,老怀特先生抬起头说,“听听雨声!”

    Suddenly Old Mr White looked up . " Listen to the rain ! " he said .

  29. 聆听雨声。

    Listen to the rain .

  30. 我怀想着故乡的雷声和雨声。

    I remember fondly the sounds of my birthplace & the sounds of thunder and of rain .