
  • 网络Annunciator;signal;announciator;semaphores
  1. 综合电子调节器喘振信号器的仿真与虚拟设计研究

    Simulation and Virtual Design of Surge Announciator for EEC

  2. 当我们把船调头的时候,信号器又不停地发出哔哔声。

    When we turned the boat about , the signal began to bleep again constantly .

  3. 飞机压力信号器膜盒破裂原因分析

    Rupture Analysis of Hydraulic Signal Meter Film Box for the Airplane

  4. (给人警告、信息等的)信号器或信号物

    Any device or object placed to give people a warning , information , etc

  5. 信号器既是发射器也是接收器。

    Beacons serve both as transmitters and receivers .

  6. 第二项是电子信号器。

    The second is an electronic beacon .

  7. 矿用隔爆兼本安型声光语音信号器的生产不会给环境带来污染。

    Flameproof and Intrinsically Safe sound and light production device will not voice signals to the environment pollution .

  8. 更近一点例子是,“日光反射信号器”一直通过类似的方式传递军事信号。

    More recently , so-called " heliographs " have been used to relay military signals in a similar way .

  9. 它也有放大器的电源,并且它也许有过载信号器放大器作为选择。

    It also has a power supply for the amplifiers and it may have an accelerometer amplifier as an option .

  10. 如果滑雪者被雪崩掩埋,信号器就可用来找出其大概位置。

    If a skier gets buried in an avalanche , the beacon is used to locate his or her general position .

  11. 为了保证机组安全运行,顶盖内设有液位信号器,来监视顶盖内积水的水位。

    To ensure the safe operation of the unit , the top cover is equipped with liquid level alarm to supervise the cumulate water level in the top cover .

  12. 该系统包括PC/386微机,自制的信号输入器及24针打印机。

    The system includes microcomputer PC / 386 , self-made signal input device and 24 pin printer .

  13. PC工控系统集成&PC通用控制系统与信号调节器模块系列

    Industrial Control System Integration

  14. 降低CPM信号解调器复杂度的研究

    Research into the reducing the complexity of CPM demodulator

  15. 油气管道TPD预警系统信号调理器的设计

    Design of Signal Conditioner Based on Oil-gas Pipeline TPD Preventive Detecting System

  16. 一种基带GMSK信号相关器及其输出概率分布

    A Baseband GMSK Signal Correlator and Its Output Probability Distribution

  17. 硬件方面采用PCI总线工控机、数据采集卡、信号调理器。

    The hardware uses a industry control computer based on PCI bus , a signal converter and DAQ ( Date acquisition card to develop ) .

  18. 这可通过互联网上随处有售的WiFi以及手机信号干扰器实现。

    This can be done with WiFi and cellphone jammers that are widely available for sale on the internet .

  19. 在此基础上,用增广状态方法又提出了多传感器信息融合Wiener信号估值器及反卷积估值器。

    Based on this , by the augmented state method , the multisensor distributed information fusion Wiener signal estimators and Wiener signal deconvolution estimators are also presented .

  20. 论文最后论述了可编程逻辑器件(PLD,全称ProgrammableLogicDevices)的硬件开发,并论述了基于PLD的CDMA接收信号相关器的实现,给出了相关器仿真和综合的部分结果。

    Lastly , the development of PLD ( programmable logic devices ) is dealt and one correlator of received CDMA signals based on PLD is developed . Some simulated results and synthesized results are given .

  21. 通过在阵列波导嵌入一定传递函数的振幅型滤波片(模片),设计了AWG型光信号加减器;

    By setting a amplitude filter ( module ) with certain transmission function in arrayed waveguides , we design optic signal add / minus .

  22. 2.4GHz数字信号双工器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Duplexer of Digital Signals at 2.4 GHz

  23. 它们不仅可给出全局最优Kalman估值器(滤波器、预报器和平滑器)、白噪声估值器和信号估值器,而且可明显减少计算负担,便于实时应用。

    Not only they can give the globally optimal Kalman estimators ( filter , predictor , and smoother ) , white noise estimators , and signal estimators , but also the computational burden can be reduced obviously . They are adapted for real time applications .

  24. 仿真结果表明,实现的HDB3基带信号调解器,系统简单、可靠,通过此系统能够方便地将原始信息流转换成HDB3基带信号。

    The experimental result shows that the HDB3 baseband signal the encoder and the decoder systems are simple and reliable , through which can transfer original information into HDB3 baseband signal conveniently .

  25. 液压AGC系统主要由信号调节器、伺服放大器、电液伺服阀、液压缸、轧机辊系和传感器等组成,其中的液压器件具有高度非线性特点,其系统必然也具有高度的非线性。

    Hydraulic AGC system is been made of main dynamic element , which include signal conditioner 、 servo amplifier 、 hydraulic servo valve 、 fluid cylinder 、 mill roll and primary detector , etc. These elements have high nonlinear feature , the system have inevitably high nonlinear .

  26. 多点信号平均器能从噪声背景中复现重复信号的波形,本文介绍了DXP-240多点信号平均器的原理与特点。

    Multipoint Signal Averager is applicable to the recovery of waveforms of repetitive signals from noise backgrounds , This paper described the principles and features of the Model DXP-240 multipoint signal averager .

  27. 用于光纤放大器的泵浦与信号复用器的研究

    Investigation of Multiplexer for Pumping and Signal in Optical Fiber Amplifiers

  28. 交通信号声讯器及模糊技术的应用

    An Application of the Fuzzy Technology in a Traffic Sound Signal

  29. 经实验证明,该信号调理器能够很好的实现信号调理。

    Practical tests demonstrated the conditioner can realize signal conditioning well .

  30. 启动手机信号干扰器干扰器已启动

    Hit the cell phone jammer . Jammer active .