• saw
  • cut with a saw;saw
  • 用薄钢片制成有尖齿可以来回拉动割开木头或金属的器具:木~。钢~。电~。拉~。

  • 用锯把东西拉(lā)开:~树。~木头。~末。


(拉开木料等的工具) saw:

  • 电锯

    electric saw;

  • 钢锯


  • 手锯


  • 圆锯

    circular saw


(用锯拉) cut with a saw; saw:

  • 锯木头

    saw wood

  1. 请给我锯一块长两英寸、宽一英寸的小板好吗?

    Would you saw me a piece of board two inches by one ?

  2. 屋子里仅有的工具是一把锤子和一把锯。

    The only tools in the house are a hammer and a saw .

  3. 工人又锯又锤,干了整整一天。

    The workmen sawed and hammered all day .

  4. 她把木板锯成两截。

    She sawed the plank in half .

  5. 他不小心锯断了电缆。

    He accidentally sawed through a cable .

  6. 他锯断牢房的窗栅栏逃走了。

    He escaped by sawing through the bars of his cell

  7. 你能听到锯子锯进骨头里的声音。

    You can hear the saw as it cuts through the bones .

  8. 木料被锯成大块的薄板。

    The wood was cut into large sheets of veneer

  9. 他正站在梯子顶上锯他那颗苹果树的树冠。

    He was up a ladder sawing off the tops of his apple trees

  10. 这些箱子应该用粗锯木料来做。

    The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber

  11. 我在锯木厂找了份工作。

    I got a job at the sawmill

  12. 你的父亲正在锯木头。

    Your father is sawing wood .

  13. 树上的一根大枝条被锯了下来。

    A limb was sawed off from a tree .

  14. 电锯轻而易举地就把原木锯成薄板了。

    The power saw sliced the logs like a knife through butter .

  15. 锯子锯进格罗斯的左胸腔,通过肝脏下方。

    The saw had gone across gross 's left rib cage through the underside of his liver .

  16. 你能为我锯棵树吗?

    Would you like to saw a tree for me ?

  17. 我们把木头锯成了木板。

    We sawed the log into planks .

  18. 四个在锯,三个在磨,二个在凿,还有一个在铰

    Tommy : Four of them are sawing , three are chiseling and one is reaming .

  19. 他刚要锯冰面的时候,那个巨大的声音喝止他说:“现在,我第三次警告你,这下面没有鱼!”

    Before he can even start cutting , the huge voice interrupts . " I have warned you three times now . There are no fish ! "

  20. 一个酒鬼想在冰上垂钓,因此,他整理好钓鱼用具后,便四处去寻找钓鱼场所。最终,他发现了一大块冰,就跑到冰的中心开始锯洞。

    A drunk decides to go ice fishing , so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice . He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole .

  21. c,股骨中段横形或小斜形锯断模拟稳定型骨折;

    ( c ), saw an across or slope crack to simulate the stable fracture ;

  22. 形成了基于PC机Windows系统的锯切参数优选系统。

    The system of optimize cutting parameters based on Windows system was built .

  23. PVC塑窗型材锯铣中心设计研究

    Research on designing PVC profile machining center for sawing and milling

  24. 金刚石框架锯锯切研究(X)-金刚石框架锯锯机与加工工艺

    Study on the frame sawing with diamond blades ( X ) - machinery and technique

  25. 纸盒模切板CAM系统中自动锯槽机的机械设计

    The Mechanism Design of the Automatic Making Channel Machine in the CAM System of Making Carton Mould

  26. DSP技术适时性好,控制精度高,采用DSP技术,可以提高锯切定尺精度。

    With DSP technology , the increase of cut-to-length precision can be obtained as it offers well-timed and high control accuracy .

  27. 基于PLC和HMI触摸屏技术的平推锯控制系统

    A Control System for Horizontal Driving Sawing Machine Based On PLC And HMI Touch Panel Technology

  28. GD型花岗岩锯切润滑冷却液的物理化学作用

    Physical and Chemical Actions of Granite Sawing Coolant

  29. 研究结果表明:1.固结SiC丝锯,经弯曲实验测试,复合镀层延展性和对基体的附着力均满足要求。

    Bending test proves that the ductility of the composite coating and the adhesion to the matrix of the fixed-SiC wire satisfy the requirement .

  30. 锯木屑和草炭基质及GA3和IBA植物生长调节剂对兰州百合鳞片扦插繁殖的影响

    Effects of Sawdust , Peat , GA_3 and IBA on Scale Cutting Propagation in Lilium davidii var. unicolor