
  1. 在有关储户从印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICI)掀起提款浪潮的报道中,印度储备银行(ReserveBankofIndia)开始介入此事并向储户保证,印度工业信贷投资银行财务状况良好。

    The Reserve Bank of India stepped in to reassure depositors that ICICI was financially sound amid reports of a wave of cash withdrawals from the bank .

  2. 日本三菱UFJ证券(MitsubishiUFJSecurities)计划与印度工业信贷投资银行(ICICIBank)成立一家投资银行合资公司,此举表明两国跨境交易正在呈现上升态势。

    Mitsubishi UFJ Securities of Japan plans to establish an investment banking joint venture with India 's ICICI Bank , signalling a rising tide of cross-border deals between the countries .

  3. 最后,应用基于AHP权重的模糊可变模型对信贷投资决策中的风险进行识别并实现预警,更好地为管理者提供可靠的信贷决策建议。

    Finally , using fuzzy variable model based on AHP to identify credit risk in the projects investment and achieve the early warning , so as to provide a reliable credit decisions proposal for management better , to take the credit investment management science .

  4. 90年代中期至今,主要通过银行信贷投资,资本市场投资和汇率出口传导机制实现;

    After 1994 , it is mainly realized by bank credit-investment , capital market-investment and exchange rate-export .

  5. 就在今天,我在达沃斯的第一天,一些人与我接触,共同讨论了向小额信贷投资的问题。

    Just today , my first day at Davos , someone approached me to discuss making an investment in microfinance .

  6. 而消费正是政府鼓励民众去做的,这样才能改变中国经济对出口和信贷投资的依赖。

    And that 's exactly what the government needs them to do in order to wean the economy off its dependency on exports and credit-driven investment .

  7. 国际货币体系的改革,直接关系到国际贸易和国际信贷投资的发展及各国的经济利益,成为当代国际经济关系中的一个重大课题。

    The reformation of international monetary system is of great importance because of its effect on international trade , international investment and the development of world economic .

  8. 但在本周,对这一飞速发展的行业感兴趣的印度及外国投资者,在新德里举行的首届小型信贷投资大会上和约40家小型信贷机构见面。

    However , this week , Indian and foreign investors interested in investing in the fast-growing sector have met about 40 microfinance institutions at an inaugural microfinance investment fair in New Delhi .

  9. 金融体制改革决定了商业银行的经营目标是实现企业价值最大化,合理的信贷投资结构是提高银行价值的根本保证。

    According to the requirement of the finance reform , the management objective of commercial bank is realizing its maximized value , and the reasonable structure of credit investment is an essential pledge .

  10. 80年代以来,我国企业的技术进步虽明显加快,但问题不少,运用信贷投资进行企业的技术更新改造是一个基本原因。

    Since 1980s the technical progress of Chinese enterprises is clearly quickened but problems follow afterwards , the fundamental reason for these problems is that the technical renovation of enterprises is chiefly supported by credit loan investement .

  11. 惠誉认为更好的融资方案应该包括来自香港的信贷投资以及来自信托投资公司和类似公司——今年的总数将超过18万亿元人民币。

    Fitch believes a better measure of financing - which includes letters of credit loans from Hong Kong and more of the credit from trust companies and similar firms - could exceed 18 trillion yuan this year .

  12. 摩根大通认为这种信贷和投资热潮在未来三个季度会提升GDP的年增长率超过10%。

    JPMorgan thinks that this credit and investment boom could lift GDP growth to an annualised pace of over 10 % in each of the next three quarters .

  13. 马云周三在香港举行的瑞士信贷亚洲投资大会(CreditSuisseAsianInvestmentConference)上发表了主题演讲,这是他脱离阿里巴巴日常管理工作后难得一见的公开露面。

    In a rare public appearance since stepping back from Alibaba 's day-to-day operations , Mr. Ma delivered a keynote speech at the Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference in Hong Kong .

  14. 他补充道:他们将对我们推荐的任何信贷项目投资。

    He added : They will invest in any credit that we recommend .

  15. 正如人们可能预期的那样,欧洲银行对低质信贷的投资反映在估值水平上。

    As one might expect , the exposure of European banks to poor quality credit is reflected in valuations .

  16. 中国利用失控的信贷维持投资引导型经济增长,这种策略正在迅速走向末日。

    The clock is fast running out on China 's tactic of using runaway credit to fuel investment-led growth .

  17. 美国金融危机9月份扩散以来,亚洲各国中央银行已经在信贷市场投资数十亿美元。

    Asia 's central banks have invested billions of dollars in credit markets since the U.S. financial crisis started to spread in September .

  18. 中国需要坚持努力,把信贷和投资冲动这两个魔鬼塞回瓶子里去,并在经济、法律和政治领域开展改革。

    It needs to continue to put the credit and investment genies back in the bottle and pursue economic , legal and political reforms .

  19. 一定要有严格监督银行业、信贷及投资的机制:一定要杜绝投机;

    There must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments ; there must be an end to speculation with other people-s money ;

  20. 由此导致的贷款损失和资产价格下跌,侵蚀着金融机构的资产负债表,并进一步使广泛资产类别的信贷和投资减少。

    The resulting loan losses and declines in asset prices erode the balance sheets at financial institutions , further diminishing credit and investment across a broad range of assets .

  21. 本文以产业结构调整中的金融支持为研究对象,首先从信贷、投资和资本市场的微观角度,阐述了我国产业结构调整中金融支持存在的问题。

    First , elaborated the existent question of the financial support in our country industrial structure adjustment from microscopic angle by the credit , the investment and the capital market .

  22. 同时,信贷相对于投资不具有超外生性的结果表明,随着我国信贷规则的变化,信贷对投资的影响需要重新进行评估。

    Meanwhile , the credit to investment does not show super exogenous , which indicates that with the change of China 's credit policy , the credit effect on investment should be evaluated again .

  23. 观察人士们很容易得出这样的结论:让中国经济在危机期间仍保持运转的信贷与投资热,仅仅是权宜之计;消费、投资与净出口将很快达到一个更可持续的平衡。

    Observers are invited to conclude that the credit and investment boom that kept China ticking over through the crisis was a quick fix ; a more sustainable balance of consumption , investment and net exports is just around the corner .

  24. 过去10年里,北京向该地区输送了超过1000亿美元的贸易信贷和投资。本周,中国一些最大的附庸国却登门讨钱,寻求获得更多资金帮助他们度过不景气时期。

    Over the past decade Beijing has disbursed more than $ 100bn of trade credits and investment to the region and this week some of its biggest clients are coming cap in hand , seeking fresh funds to tide them through lean times .

  25. 文章对近几年来我国在财政、信贷和投资的宏观调控方面的失误进行了实证分析,同时对量入为出的财政原则、中央银行的双项目标控制做法等提出了不同看法。

    Practical analysis is mede on the defects in the macrocontrol of public finance , loansand investment in China , and different views are also expressed to the financial principle of " expenditure according to revenue " and the practices of " dual targets control " .

  26. 对欧盟来说,风险在于,随着保护主义悄悄抬头,破坏单一市场,随着老牌成员国表现出不愿纾困面临剧烈社会危机、银行信贷和投资呈现冻结的新成员国,联盟内部的团结将破裂。

    For the EU , the risk is that solidarity within the Union will crack , as sneaking protectionism undermines the single market and the old member states show reluctance to bail out the new ones that face acute social crises , with a freeze on bank credit and investment .

  27. 对一个依靠信贷驱动型投资维持的经济来说,“债务疲劳症”(DebtFatigue)是有害的。

    Debt fatigue is pernicious for an economy sustained by credit-fuelled investment .

  28. 结果是信贷推动的投资猛增,尤其是在住宅行业。

    The result was a surge in credit-fuelled investment , particularly in residential property .

  29. 该计划将通过出口信贷机构、投资机构和开发银行得到执行。

    It will be delivered through export credit agencies , investment agencies and development banks .

  30. 这个巨人熬过了危机,但拉动其复苏的是激增的信贷和固定投资。

    The giant has survived the shock . But its recovery is driven by a surge in credit and fixed investment .