
  • 网络Information Technology Agreement;ITA
  1. 该协议涵盖了250多类原1996年《信息技术协议》(InformationTechnologyAgreement)未包含的产品。

    The deal covers more than 250 types of product not included in the original 1996 Information Technology Agreement .

  2. 周二在北京宣布的协议,结束了一场将近18个月的僵持。这场僵持曾导致50多个国家旨在修订1996年《信息技术协议》(InformationTechnologyAgreement,ITA)的谈判被冻结。

    The deal unveiled in Beijing on Tuesday ends an almost 18-month stand-off that had frozen negotiations among more than 50 countries to update the 1996 Information Technology Agreement .

  3. 扩充内容之后的信息技术协议将会消除全球销售额大约为1万亿美元的信息技术产品的关税。

    An expanded ITA should eliminate tariffs on about a trillion US Dollars worth of global IT products .

  4. 中国决定加入《信息技术协议》,并就有关事宜开始谈判。

    In addition , China has decided to accede to the Information Technology Agreement and started negotiations on relevant issues .

  5. 中国决定加入信息技术协议,并就有关事宜开始谈判。

    In addition , china has decided to accede to the information and technology agreement and started negotiations on relevant issues .

  6. 会谈成果将加速关于扩大信息技术协议内容的谈判进程,该谈判将于今年晚些时候在日内瓦的世贸组织进行。

    The breakthrough should allow for the " swift conclusion " on talks to expand the Information Technology Agreement at the WTO in Geneva later this year .

  7. 本文的理论贡献是在分析常用的信息技术安全协议的基础上,分析了网络底层的安全协议,提出了椭圆曲线在密钥交换和对RSA进行指数二次加密的解决方案。

    The theoretical contributions of this paper are that the author analyzes the bottom layer of the protocol , pointed out the elliptical curve and secondary encryption in RSA based on common used secure protocols .

  8. 世贸组织《信息技术产品协议》及我国应采取对策

    WTO Agreement on IT Products and China 's Counter-measure

  9. 世贸组织于1997年初达成《信息技术产品协议》,该协议旨在规范信息技术产品多边自由贸易体制。

    In 1997 the WTO members reached an Agreement on Information Technology Products , which aims to standardize the multi-lateral free trade system of info-technology products .

  10. 本周二早些时候,中美两国达成了一项里程碑式的协议,将互相削减多种高科技产品的关税。这为达成近20年来的首项信息技术全球性自由贸易协议铺平了道路。

    The U.S. and China reached a landmark agreement early Tuesday on cutting tariffs for a whole range of high-tech goods , paving the way for the first global agreement on free trade in information technology in nearly 20 years .