
jié suàn
  • settlement;settle accounts;close an account;foot;balance accounts;wind up an account
结算 [jié suàn]
  • [close an account;wind up an account;settle accounts] 会计用语。指把某一时期内的所有收支情况进行总结、核算

结算[jié suàn]
  1. 到年底许多公司按照惯例试着和被雇佣者结算财务,这些问题会变得更为糟糕。

    Such difficulties are likely to get worse towards the end of the year , when companies traditionally try to settle accounts with employees .

  2. 现汇主要是指以支票、汇款、托收等国际结算方式取得并形成的银行存款。

    Be being collected now basically is to point to the bank deposit that be obtained with the means of international settle accounts such as check , remittance , collection and forms .

  3. 核对你的收据与结算单是否相符。

    Check your receipts against the statement .

  4. 公司同25个州进行了一连串迅速的结算。

    The company made a rapid-fire series of settlements with 25 States .

  5. 总借记和总贷记的结算即账户余额。

    The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance .

  6. 当巴克莱银行外包其结算业务后,新公司的价格更为便宜。

    When Barclays Bank contracted out its cleaning , the new company was cheaper .

  7. 可以在网上支付账单。此外,还能查对余额或订货结算单。

    You can pay bills over the Internet . Additionally , you can check your balance or order statements

  8. 这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。

    At this point , the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements , expenses and receipts .

  9. 存在错误的结算单仍有可能发送出去,但告知我们的客户将不会遭受损失。

    Statements with errors could still be going out , but customers who notify us will not be left out of pocket .

  10. 贸易合同规定余额以人民币结算。

    The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB .

  11. 让我们公平地结算这笔损坏赔偿账吧。

    Let 's settle the bill for the damage fair and square .

  12. 1.Balancethebooks结账、结算确定账户处于平衡状态,力求平衡,通过支付到期款来结算账户

    determine that accounts are in balance , bring the two sides into equilibrium , settle an account by paying what is due

  13. 开展门诊费用跨省直接结算试点

    Pilot inter-provincial on-the-spot settlement of outpatient bills through basic medical insurance accounts . ►

  14. Excel在机关事业单位养老保险基金结算中的应用

    Applications of Excel to Fond Balance of Dept. and Enterprise Endowment Insurance

  15. 利用UML开发企业电子结算系统

    Developing Enterprise Electronic Settlement System with UML

  16. 电子商务(ElectronicBusiness简写EB)是运用电子通信作为手段的经济活动,通过这种方式人们可以对带有经济价值的产品和服务进行宣传、购买和结算。

    E-business is one economical activity by means of electronic communications . People can promote , purchase and pay via E-commerce .

  17. 从非接触卡到手机的发展解读美国零售业结算的变迁&兼谈中美RFID发展的差异

    From Card to Mobil : The Change of Retail Accounts in USA & The Difference of RFID Developing between China and USA

  18. 江苏电信PSTN侧综合接口局计费结算系统的建设方案

    The Project Plan of Billing & Counting System for Integrated GW in Jiangsu PSTN Network

  19. CLAIM继承了MML2.x的基本结构,目前的版本2.1包括受理、预约、诊疗行为、结算金额等信息的两个模块和9个数据定义表格。

    It has inherited the basic structure of MML 2 . x and the current version , version 2.1 , contains 2 modules and 9 data definition tables .

  20. 上月,前摩根大通(JPMorgan)银行家布莱思•马斯特斯(BlytheMasters)将一家名叫DigitalAssetHoldings的公司带入公众视野之内,这家公司在开发比特币结算系统。

    Last month , Blythe Masters , the former JPMorgan banker , unveiled a company called Digital Asset Holdings to develop bitcoin-based settlement systems .

  21. 中国加入WTO后,外资银行与国有独资商业银行竞争的重点仍是以国际贸易结算业务为核心的外汇业务,而非人民币业务。

    Third , after China joining WTO , the competition between state-owned banks and foreign-owned banks will still focus on foreign exchange business whose kernel is foreign trade settlement , not on RMB business .

  22. 随着医院信息化建设的逐步推进和深入,医院的信息化建设已经由原来以财务为主线的收费结算系统,向临床管理信息化阶段(CIS)过渡。

    With the gradual propulsion of the construction of information-based society in the hospital , the mode has transited from finance-majored system into CIS .

  23. 交易商必须通过结算所来完成交易并提交保证金,使得AIG式的失败重演的可能性降低。

    The fact that dealers have to pass trades through clearing houses and post margin makes it less likely that the AIG failure will be repeated .

  24. 另外,在GRX方案中,还应注意解决DNS/ENUM、计费和结算、QoS等问题。

    Furthermore , in GRX plan , DNS / ENUM , billing and balance and QoS should be solved .

  25. 设计了考虑输电价格和输电损耗折价,并按MCP结算的区域电力市场月度撮合交易竞价机制,它主要解决了区域电力市场中省级电网间存在跨省输电价格情况下的竞争交易问题。

    This paper presents a new matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism . It solves the problems of transmission price between provincial networks in a regional electricity power market .

  26. 第六章列出了我国ETF发展面临的风险,主要包括跟踪误差、结算、管理与操作、对手方等四方面的风险。

    Chapter VI lists the facing risks of ETF , including four aspects of tracking error , settlement , management and operation , and counterparty .

  27. 以专家系统的理论与方法为指导,利用统一建模语言(UML),探讨了水电安装工程预结算专家信息系统的建模过程与开发方法。

    Based on the theory and method of expert system , the author discusses the modeling processes and developing methods of expert information system for engineering balance of water and electricity installation in advance , by using UML .

  28. 该装置备有RS-485接口,可以很方便地与计算机相连,实现了自动结算及医院集中供氧管路防泄漏安全监测功能。

    This device is equipped with RS-485 port , which enables connection with computers , thereby realizing the functions of automatic settlement and leakage prevention for the hospital 's integrated oxygen supply circuit .

  29. 农副产品批发电子交易结算系统(STA)在系统结构上采用整体设计、多子系统实现的灵活方式。

    Agricultural and sideline products wholesale electronic trading settlement system ( STA ) utilizes the overall design in the system structure , and multi-subsystem operations in a flexible manner .

  30. 区域电力市场中月度撮合交易竞价机制研究(二)考虑输电价格、输电损耗折价和环保因素的类PAB结算机制

    Research on matchmaking tradeoff competition mechanism in regional electricity market , part two & a PAB competition mechanism based on transmission price 、 loss and environmental expenditure