
jié yè
  • Graduation;winding up;complete a course;wind up one's studies
结业 [jié yè]
  • [complete a course;wind up one's studies] 完成学习或训练任务

  • 结业证书

结业[jié yè]
  1. 参加选拔者须提供最近三年内有国内、外在职进修结业证明者。

    The persons who participate in choosing must offer there is domestic , other in-service training to complete a course certifiers in the most recent three years .

  2. 第五十七条合营公司结业后,其各种帐册,由甲方保存。

    After winding up of the joint venture company , its accounting books shall be left in the care of Party A.

  3. 学习4个月之后,他被授予了结业证书。

    After 4 months ' study , he was awarded a certificate .

  4. 他结业时被授予证书。

    He was afforded a certificate upon completion of his course of study .

  5. 总计有12所大学参与EDX,它提供结业证书,并表示计划在明年继续扩大规模,包括增加国际学校。

    In all , 12 universities participate in EdX , which offers certificates for course completion and has said that it plans to continue to expand next year , including adding international schools .

  6. 即使最优秀的结业生,要想成为一个博学的人也要不断地研究。

    Even the outstanding excellent graduate will learn constantly if he likes to be a pundit .

  7. 每年约有15名毕马威雇员开始MBA课程学习,最多可能需要五年时间才能结业。

    About 15 KPMG employees begin the MBA programme each year . It can take as many as five years to complete .

  8. 目前有40到50名毕马威雇员正在参加金融经理(financialmanagers)和金融专业人士(financeprofessionals)mba课程,首批学员即将结业。

    Currently there are between 40 and 50 KPMG employees on the MBA programme for financial managers and finance professionals , with the first group of students close to finishing the programme .

  9. 在攻读学位所需的教学资源中,讲座只是其中一小部分。而且iTunesUniversity不提供学习指导和课程作业,或是至关重要的课程结业证书。

    Lectures are only a small part of any degree and iTunes University does not offer tutorials , course work or the all-important credential at the end of the programme .

  10. 培训结束后,FLA将为所有学员颁发结业证书。

    After the training , all participants will receive a Certificate of Completion awarded by FLA.

  11. 学员修满所有课程后,通过提交论文及考核合格后方可授予“北京大学创业家EMP课程”结业证书。

    After taking all the classes , the learners will be granted a certificate of completion on " Peking University EMP Course " subject to the submission of the paper and qualifications from examination .

  12. 学院会向完成学业的学生颁发结业证书,并且校方会保留学生的成绩单。成绩突出的学生可以得到成绩优秀和优异的评价,与哈佛MBA毕业生的待遇类似。

    Harvard awards a certificate of completion to each graduate and says it will maintain transcripts of the grades . Top performers receive an Honors or High Honors designation , similar to what Harvard MBAs get when they graduate from the school .

  13. 学生们偶尔可以通过MOOC获得成绩和大学学分,但在大多数情况下,他们最终会收到一张结业证书。

    Occasionally , students can earn grades and college credit through MOOCs . Mostly , though , students receive a certificate of completion .

  14. 通过Blog、E-Mail,信息技术环境下的职业培训比传统职业培训更容易为培训结业后的学员进行跟踪服务与信息反馈。

    In this way , training resource can be shared to the maximum extent . 5 . With the help of Blog and E-mail , vocational training under information technology environment is easier to provide follow-up service to and collect feedback information from trainees after the completion of training .

  15. 没有工作,没有薪水。可能会有一张结业证书。

    No job and No pay but a sheet of diploma .

  16. 但吹倒了,大家都是勒布朗的结业典礼技能。

    But what blew away everyone were LeBron 's passing skills .

  17. 法院命令该公司结业。

    The court ordered the company to be wound up .

  18. 为通过考核的学员发放结业证书。

    The school will issue graduation diplomas to each student .

  19. 约翰逊夫妇还会结业续住在那座大房子里吗?

    Will the Jacksons still keep on the big house ?

  20. 例如,有些学校提供一年制有结业证书的培训。

    Some schools , for example , offer one year certificate programs .

  21. 我的外甥可以穿它去参加幼儿园的结业典礼。

    My nephew can wear it to his kindergarten graduation .

  22. 结业论文停止的日期,跟期中测验那一周反复。

    My thesis is due the same week as midterms .

  23. 学员作品将于结业展览中展示。

    The workshop will be concluded by a finale exhibition .

  24. 最后,让他去学法律,他的结业考试也只勉强过关。

    Finally put to study law , he barely passed his final exam .

  25. 1965年生,中国美术学院综合艺术系研修班结业。

    Born in1965 , China academy of art integrated art department training certificate .

  26. 当公司被清算结业时他失去了拥有的一切。

    He lose all he possessed when his company be put into liquidation .

  27. 她获得了物理学结业证。

    She won her licence in Physics in 1893 .

  28. 我们的结业证书可以帮助你找到一份工作!

    Our certificates will help you get a job !

  29. 我的名字叫――结业于咸宁北门公坐中教。

    My name is-Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools .

  30. 哈佛大学的结业典礼是一个特别的时刻。

    A Harvard commencement is a special occasion .