
  • 网络Bonding Layer;binder course;combined course
  1. Cu-Al爆炸焊结合层的透射电镜研究

    TEM study of bonding layer in Cu-Al explosively welded joint

  2. 利用电子探针、XRD、光学显微镜、显微硬度和宏观硬度测试等手段,研究扩散件试样的显微组织、物相结构,分析冶金结合层中合金元素分布和材料内部力学性能变化。

    Technique , such as electronic probe , XRD , optical microscope , micro-hardness and macro hardness test , are applied to investigate the microstructure , phase structure , and analyze the alloy element distribution of metallurgical bonding layer and the material mechanical property changes .

  3. 结果表明:高铬白口铸铁-铸钢镶铸铸件结合层为铁素体带和含有Fe、C、Cr的索氏体带组织构成。

    The results showed that the junction area of the hi-Cr white iron-carbon steel cast-in casting consisted of the ferrite zone and the Fe , C , Cr-containing sorbite zone .

  4. 神经网络结构由两组三层BP网络嵌套而成,分别为输入层、结合层、压缩层、分解层和输出层。

    The neural network consists of two nested three-layers BP networks . They are input layer , combination layer , compression layer , de compression layer and output layer respectively .

  5. 通过SEM等测试手段对比分析涂层腐蚀前后组织形貌,可以看出涂层具有纳米晶、微米晶组织结构,同时涂层与基体形成冶金结合层,涂层与基体之间存在较为明显的过渡层。

    SEM showed that spray coatings possessed nano-structure and micro-structure , and the coating formed a metallurgical binding layer with its base metal , and there was an evident buffer layer between coating and its base metal .

  6. 结果表明,烧结件与基板结合层处σz、τzx、τzy的过大是造成烧结件翘曲变形的主要原因。

    The results show that the σ z ,τ zx ,τ zy between the sintered part and the base plate are the main cause of the sintered warping .

  7. 通过对无铅碱硼硅酸盐釉的氧化物体系的试验研究,分析了釉组分中SiO2,B2O3及金属氧化物对釉的热膨胀性、表面张力及坯釉结合层形成等方面的影响作用。

    This paper studies a oxides system from borosilicate type leadless glaze . After the glaze was analyzed the effect of the contents of SiO_2 , B_2O_3 and other metallic oxides on such performances of thermal expansion , surface tension and interaction between the glaze and the china body .

  8. 实验结果表明:结合层是由窄小的铁素体带和多元共析体+条块状WC组成,界面元素发生扩散及冶金反应并有新相产生,呈典型的冶金结合。

    The experiment results show that the connection zone may be divided into multicomponent eutectoid , tungsten carbide and narrow ferrite and the interface is found to be a metallurgical bond because of the element diffusion , metallurgy reaction and formation of the new compound phase during the cast-in process .

  9. 本研究是采用爆炸焊和真空电子束自钎焊两种工艺制成Nb-1Zr合金和不锈钢的焊接结合层,并对爆炸焊工艺的焊接结合层进行了1000℃~1300℃不同时间的高温真空退火处理。

    Explosive welding and vacuum electron beam self-material brazing were used to prepare the specimen . The explosive welding specimen were also annealed in vacuum at various elevated temperature from 1000 ℃ to 1300 ℃ .

  10. 异种金属爆炸焊结合层的电子显微镜研究

    TEM study of bonding layers in dissimilar alloy explosive bonding joints

  11. T2/QBe2爆炸复合界面结合层内的形变特征

    Deformation behaviors in T2 / QBe2 explosive cladding interface

  12. 硅树脂高温转化陶瓷结合层连接陶瓷材料

    Joining of ceramic materials by ceramic bonding transformed from silicone resin at high temperature

  13. 这种界面冶金结合层并不会引起脆性断裂,具有与基材相同的韧性断口形貌。

    The interface layer of metallurgical bonding will not induce brittle fracture and will share the ductile SEM fractographs of the substrate .

  14. 利用双变量模型描述小波系数层间相关性,并结合层内相关性提出了基于层内和层间相关性的双变量模型小波去噪算法;

    Third aspect is using bivariate distribution model the interscale dependency and the image denoising based on intra-and interscale dependency using bivariate model ;

  15. 随着离子轰击进行,在工件表面可以形成渗层、镀层、渗镀结合层。

    As the ion bombard working on , the surface of the parts has formed deposited layer , penetrated layer and hybrid layer .

  16. 8,12周,材料被骨痂完全包埋,材料与宿主骨之间形成紧密结合层。

    After 8 and 12 weeks , materials were embedded by bone callus , the close conjugated layer was formed between material and host bone .

  17. 而定位格架的表面颜色、钎焊缝质量、外形尺寸、破断力和结合层厚度均达到钎焊技术要求。

    The grids completely meet with the requirements for soldering on surface color , welds quality , overall dimension , rupture stress and joint thickness .

  18. 结果表明:硬质合金-45钢双金属复合耐磨材料结合层硬度过渡均匀,冲击韧性是普通硬质合金的5&6倍。

    The results show that the hardness of combination area of cemented carbide-steel 45 composite is 5 & 6 times beyond that of the general cemented carbide .

  19. 结合层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床成矿地质规律,分析了盆地铀成矿前景。

    Finally , we analyse the prospect of the uranium resources in the Basin according to the geologic rules of uranium deposit formed sandstones in the interbedded oxidation sections .

  20. 本文着重论述了影响双全属结合层质量、裂纹形成的冶金因素及工艺因素,并指出了必须采取的有效工艺措施。

    This paper mainly discusses metallurgical and technical factors influencing the quality of the binding surface and the formation of cracks , and gives effective measures that must be taken .

  21. 铺装时注意找平结合层砂浆反浆,如有污染砖面应马上用水清洗干净。

    During the macadamize process , attention to the flatting combination layer reverse mortar , if there are some polluted tile , please use the water to clean at once .

  22. 通过扫描电镜对镶铸高速钢碳钢双金属耐磨材料的结合层及邻近区域的元素分布、显微组织及性能进行研究,并探讨了镶铸高速钢碳钢双金属耐磨材料的结合机理。

    The connection mechanism of high speed steel carbon cast steel by cast-in process was studied by analyzing the microstructure and the alloying component in the connection zone with scanning electron microscope observation .

  23. 并结合层内爆炸采油产生裂缝的实际情况,分别对以上方法中的各种手段进行分析,从中筛选出评价层内爆炸采油效果的合适方法。

    Combining with the actual situation of producing fractures from exploding in fractures , it also analyzes the above methods , and sieves to choose applicable methods to evaluate the result of exploding in fractures .

  24. 采用先进的三次浇注二次复合的轧辊生产工艺,解决了高铬复合铸铁轧辊结合层及芯部强度低的技术难题;

    A projection of advanced three times pouring two times compounding is used to resolve the technical problem of the low tensile strength in the compound layer and core of high chromium compound cast iron rolls .

  25. 给出了低浓铀燃料元件结合层超声反射回波相位幅度信息理论分析和计算方法,也讨论了不同结合率对回波相位与幅度的作用。

    The theoretical analysis and calculation for the amplitude and phase of ultrasonic echoes from the bonding layers of low enriched fuel elements are introduced . The effect of different bonding rates on the amplitude and phase is also described .

  26. 确保双金属结合层的冶金质量以及防止由于双金属线收缩率相差较大形成较大的铸造应力而产生裂纹。

    The key to controlling their guality is to take effective measures to ensure the metallurgical quality of the binding surface of the twe metals and to prevent casting stress caused by contraction difference of the two metals , which might lead to crack .

  27. 介绍提高8~14μm反射镜质量应注意的因素,认为高质量的红外反射膜系应视不同基底由结合层、反射层、保护层组成。

    Some factors to which should be paid attention in improving the quality of 8 ~ 14 μ m mirror are described . It is considered that a high-quality IR reflection film system should consist of binding , reflection and protection layers according to different substrates .

  28. 在分析角管式锅炉的特点及运行中存在的问题的基础上,根据劣质无烟煤的燃烧特性和燃烧机理,结合层燃炉的设计和运行经验,对角管式锅炉进行了一系列改进。

    Based on an analysis of the features of the corner-tube boiler and problems existing in operation , a series of improvements on the corner-tube boiler were made in accordance with the combustion characteristics of inferior anthracite and the design and operating experience of grate-firing boilers .

  29. NET等技术并结合3层架构,实现了一个基于。

    NET , which uses 3-level architecture and the technique of ASP .

  30. 如何结合网络层、Mac层和物理层进行研究是一个非常有意义的话题,也是未来的一个研究方向。

    How to combine Network layer , Mac layer and Physical layer to exploit spatial diversity is a future topic .