
  • 网络Channel simulator;channel emulator
  1. 国内目前也要求建立低轨小卫星地面演示模型的同时,完成低轨卫星信道模拟器的研制工作。

    Our country is also researching and developing satellite communication channel emulator .

  2. 很多国家在建立了低轨卫星系统的同时,进行了卫星信道模拟器的研究。

    Many countries get to research satellite communication channel emulator while building up low-orbiting satellite communication system .

  3. 基于DSP的短波信道模拟器设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of a DSP-based HF Channel Simulator

  4. 基于DSP的流星信道模拟器设计

    A Design of Meteor Channel Simulator Based on DSP

  5. 总之,该MIMO信道模拟器系统具有很大的灵活性及实用价值。

    To sum up , the designed MIMO channel simulator is quiet flexible and effective .

  6. 为了解有卫星信道模拟器接入的TCP/IP多媒体网络的性能,有必要对网络进行测试。

    In order to understand the performance of TCP / IP multi-media network with the simulator of satellite channel , it is necessary to test the network .

  7. 第四部分主要讨论了数字信道模拟器的接口实现问题,主要解决了串行接口电路和UART的实现。

    It includes the serial interface circuit and UART .

  8. IMT-2000基带实时信道模拟器设计

    Realization of IMT-2000 Base-Band Channel Simulator

  9. 通过一个网络仿真平台,实现Win32下的串行通信,仿真了SLIP协议封装IP包进行传输,可以作为一个信道模拟器用于网络传输试验。

    With a network simulation platform , this paper realized serial communication under Win32 and simulated IP package transmission encapsulated in SLIP protocol . The application can be used for network data transmission experiment as a channel simulation .

  10. 国内多以DSP为核心处理器实现窄带短波信道模拟器,其并行信号处理能力比较差,本文以FPGA为核心处理单元,实现一款可重配置的宽带短波信道模拟器。

    These simulators are based on DSP implementation for narrow-band HF channel in domestic , and the parallel signal processing capabilities is relatively poor . The research goal of this paper is to achieve a reconfigurable wideband HF channel simulator , whose core processing unit is FPGA .

  11. 描述了基于ITU-RM.1225的包括室内、室外到室内/步行和车载等测试环境的IMT-2000信道模拟器设计及仿真实现。

    This paper describes models and algorithms for realizing the reference model proposed in ITU-R M.1225 for each test-operating environment including indoor office , outdoor-to-indoor / pedestrian and vehicular .

  12. 数字信道模拟器关键技术研究

    A Research on Some Key Techniques in the Digital Channel Simulator

  13. 某型雷达信道模拟器设计及关键技术研究

    Design and Key Technology Research of Channel Simulator for a Radar

  14. 实时低轨卫星移动通信信道模拟器设计

    Real Time Simulator of Low Earth Mobile Satellite Communication Channel

  15. 宽带数字微波接力衰落信道模拟器

    A Fading Channel Simulator for Wideband Digital Microwave Relay Equipment

  16. 在理论研究的基础上,建立了水声信道模拟器。

    Based on theory , the underwater acoustic channel simulator is proposed .

  17. ·测试低轨卫星移动通信信道模拟器的硬件性能。

    · Test the specification of the LEO satellite communication channel simulator .

  18. 本课题所做的是一个数字信道模拟器控制台的软件设计。

    The subject is a software design of digital channel simulator console .

  19. 设计并实现了虚拟宽带高频信道模拟器。

    The virtual wideband high frequency channel simulator is designed and realized .

  20. 第三部分主要是对数字信道模拟器的总体设计实现的研究。

    In part three the design and realization of digital channel simulator is introduced .

  21. 短波宽带信道模拟器研究

    Research on Wideband High Frequency Channel Simulator

  22. 卫星信道模拟器能模拟接近真实信道环境的电波传输特性,用于设备研制过程中的测试,将会显著降低研发成本。

    Satellite channel simulator can simulate transmission characteristics of electromagnetic wave close to real channel environment .

  23. 软件法实现的实时高频信道模拟器

    A Software-based Real-time HF Channel Simulator

  24. 最后对该虚拟宽带高频信道模拟器进行了性能测试,实验结果表明该信道模拟器达到了设计指标要求。

    The performance of channel simulator is finally tested and the research achieved the design goal . 4 .

  25. 例如,高斯噪声生成方法的改进,信道模拟器多普勒频率扫描功能的实现。

    For example , improvement of the Gaussian noise generator and implement of the frequency sweep function are given .

  26. 此外,本文还对卫星移动通信信道模拟器进行了分析,并提出了其初步整体设计方案。

    In addition , the paper also analysis mobile satellite communication channel simulator , and gives its initial general design .

  27. 现有短波信道模拟器往往是窄带和非实时仿真的,对于宽带短波通信及实时信号仿真输出的实现有着一定的瓶颈。

    Now most shortwave channel simulators were non-realtime and narrowband , which had a bottleneck in wideband or realtime signal simulation output .

  28. 这些都将为下一步在硬件平台上实现低轨卫星移动通信信道模拟器奠定了基础。

    All these will afford more detailed theoretical basis for further studying and simulating low-orbit satellite mobile channels simulator in the hardware platform .

  29. 第五章给出了信道模拟器的测试方法,对软件和信道模拟器的功能进行了测试。

    In the fifth chapter , channel simulator testing methods have been given . The software and the functions of channel simulator have been tested .

  30. 短波信道模拟器是对短波电台进行测试的重要设备,它能够模拟短波信道的主要特点。

    HF Channel Simulator is an important testing tool of HF communication equipment , which can simulate the main characteristics of HF channel , such as multi-path , Rayleigh fading and Doppler shift .