
  • 网络PINSK;Leo Pinsker;Sanford Pinsker
  1. 电话从明斯克市转到平斯克,又从平斯克转到斯大林格勒。最后接通了莫斯科大会堂,找到了斯大林。

    And the call went from Minsk to Pinsk to Stalingrad , and finally it got through to the great ball in Moscow where Stalin was .

  2. 6.斯拉沃米尔拉维奇波兰士兵拉维奇在德苏侵略波兰之后遭苏联占领军逮捕。随着苏联和德国控制了波兰,拉维奇返回了平斯克,然后于1939年11月19日在当地被苏联秘密警察组织抓获。

    When the Soviet Union and Germany took over Poland , Rawicz returned to Pi ń sk where NKVD arrested him on November 19 , 1939 .