
  • 网络Planar linkage mechanism;Planar linkage;planar link
  1. 复杂平面连杆机构连杆曲线的计算机辅助绘制

    Computer aided graphing to linkage curves of the complex planar linkage mechanisms

  2. 平面连杆机构误差优化综合

    Error Optimal Synthesis of Planar Linkage Mechanisms

  3. 基于C语言的平面连杆机构的运动分析

    Kinematic analysis of planar mechanisms based on C language

  4. 基于Web技术的平面连杆机构CAD系统研究

    Research on Web-based CAD system for planar linkage mechanism

  5. 平面连杆机构摆动力矩平衡研究含P副平面机构的摆动力完全平衡的另一种解法

    On Complete Shaking Moment Balancing of Planar Linkages The Complete shaking Force Balancing of Planar Linking

  6. 基于MATLAB优化工具箱的平面连杆机构的设计

    Optimal Design of Planar Linkage Based on MATLAB Optimization Toolbox

  7. AUTOCAD环境中作图法对平面连杆机构运动分析的探讨

    The Kinematical Analysis of Planar Linkage by Using Drawing Methods in Auto-CAD System

  8. 应用杆组法和CAD技术实现平面连杆机构运动分析与动态模拟

    Applying coupler-groups method and CAD technology to realize the movement analysis and dynamic simulation of planar linkage

  9. 介绍了一种用C语言编制通用平面连杆机构动态模拟软件的方法。

    A method for carry out the general plane linkage 's kinetic simulation on computer by using programing language C is introduced .

  10. SolidWorks在平面连杆机构设计中的应用

    The Application of SolidWorks in Designing Plant Crank Mechanism

  11. 其主要目的是以组成机构的杆组为仿真模块,搭建各种平面连杆机构MATLAB仿真模型,可以对各种低副机构进行动力学仿真和分析。

    The main idea of the paper is to build MATLAB dynamic simulation model of all kinds of lower pair mechanism by cell of basic bar groups .

  12. 虚拟样机技术在气动连杆机构设计中的应用研究SolidWorks在平面连杆机构动态模拟中的应用

    Virtual Prototyping in Design of Pneumatic Linkage Application of SolidWorks in the Dynamic Analogue of the Plane Linkage Mechanism

  13. 平面连杆机构KED分析的样条模型法

    The spline model method of ked analysis in planar linkage

  14. 采用变长梁单元的柔性平面连杆机构的KED分析

    A Kineto-Elastodynamic Analysis of Planar Linkage Mechanism Using Variable-Length Finite Beam Elements

  15. 平面连杆机构KED分析的新方法

    New method for ked analysis of Planar Linkages

  16. 将图解原理与解析法有机地结合起来,给出了一种同时按行程速比系数K和许用传动角[γ]设计平面连杆机构的解析法。

    A method to design the planar linkage mechanism according to the coefficient of travel speed variation K and the allowable drive angle [ γ ] was established based on a combination of diagrammatic method and analysis method .

  17. 计算机模拟连杆机构设计平面连杆机构KED分析的样条模型法

    Computer simulation for four-bar linkage design the spline model method of ked analysis in planar linkage

  18. 针对要求实现连杆运动位置数目大于机构的精确点数目的平面连杆机构的综合问题,提出了利用BP神经网络的综合方法。

    An approach using BP neural network is presented to synthesize the dimensions of a planar mechanisms , especially for the case in which the number of the prescribed positions is larger than the maximum a linkage can generates precisely .

  19. 本文提出了平面连杆机构运动弹性动力学(KED)分析的新模型&等厚锥形梁元。

    A new model of kineto-elasto dynamics analysis of plan linkage ( equal thick taper-beam element ) is presented in this paper .

  20. 采用统一的FFT算法,对数值图谱法进一步完善,用数值图谱法研究了常用平面连杆机构的尺度综合,并给出了实际尺寸参数求解公式;

    Numerical atlases method is further improved by using unified FFT arithmetic . The dimensional synthesis of planar linkage mechanism is studied by using numerical atlases method , and the formulae of determining the real dimensions of the linkages are given .

  21. RPR-RRP平面连杆机构等效转动惯量及其神经网络模型

    Equivalent moment of inertia for RPR-RRP planar linkage and it 's model of neural network

  22. 以运动约束原理为基础,讨论平面连杆机构轨迹发生器高阶综合的一种新方法,并给出全铰链三支座Stephenson型六杆机构的综合实例。

    Based upon the kinematic constraint theory , this paper studies a new higher-order synthesis method of the path generator for plane linkages , and gives synthesis examples of lhe Stephenson 's six-bar mechanism for the generation of path .

  23. 提出优选机构独立回路组的新准则及其算法,介绍平面连杆机构运动分析的通用程序KAPL。

    In this paper , a new criterion and its algorithm for optimizing independent loops of mechanism have been suggested , and KAPL a general program of kinematic analysis of planar linkage has been introduced .

  24. 确定高级平面连杆机构中构件位置的数值方法

    Numerical method for determining the position of high class planar linkage

  25. 平面连杆机构分析与设计的复矢量法

    Analysis and Design of Planar Linkage Based on the Complex Vector

  26. 平面连杆机构死点位置分析

    Analysis on Dead - center Positions of the Plane Link Mechanism

  27. 平面连杆机构轨迹综合的自相关法

    The Autocorrelation Transform Method of Path Synthesis of Planar Linkage Mechanism

  28. 平面连杆机构完全力平衡中的质量流

    The Mass Flow in Fully Force - balancing of Planar Linkages

  29. 急回运动平面连杆机构的解析设计及优化设计

    Analytical and Optimum Design Method for the Quick - Return Mechanisms

  30. 再现运动规律的平面连杆机构优化设计

    Reappearing the optimized designing plane connecting rod mechanism of moving patter