
  • 网络Basaltic Magma
  1. 主要元素、稀土微量元素和Sr、Nd同位素的特征表明:绿钙闪石巨晶是碱性玄武岩浆在地幔条件下的结晶产物;

    Their major element , REE and Sr and Nd isotope geochemical features indicate that the hastingsite megacrysts are the product of crystallization of alkali basaltic magma in the mantle .

  2. 它是大陆地幔低度部分熔融产生的碱性玄武岩浆,通过深部AFC混合,尤其是浅部结晶分异机制形成的。

    They are formed from alkali basaltic magma that slightly melted out of continental mantle by AFC mixing in depth , especially by the fractional crystallization in shallow horizon .

  3. 并据此提出了铁质来源与磁铁矿的成矿作用的新观点,指出Fe质源自于形成岩体的富钠高铁的玄武岩浆;

    Based on above facts , a new viewpoint concerned with origin of iron materials and mineralization of magnetite is established .

  4. V-Ti磁铁矿矿床的形成于高Ti玄武岩浆有关,主要受控于岩浆的分离结晶作用;

    The V-Ti-magnetite deposits are associated with the high-Ti basaltic magmas and related to fractional crystallization .

  5. 在内带发育幔源型碱性玄武岩浆演化系列的基性&中酸性侵入岩,伴生有矽卡岩型Cu、Fe、S、Au矿床。

    In the inner belt , there are mantle derived basic to intermediate acid intrusive rocks resulting from the evolution of alkaline basaltic magmas , in which there occur skarn Cu , Fe , S and Au deposits .

  6. 本文通过计算不同构造环境的原生玄武岩岩浆密度,首次提出了两种原生玄武岩浆密度类型:岛弧玄武岩浆(AB)密度类型(Ⅰ);

    The paper has calculated magma density of basaltic rocks from various tectonic settings . It firstly suggested that two types of magma density : ⅰ density type of primary basaltic magmas in Arc Regions ;

  7. 冲绳海槽碱性玄武岩浆的起源及演化

    Origin and evolution of the alkali basaltic magma in the Okinawa Trough

  8. 玄武岩浆活动是喷溢型而不是喷发型。

    The eruption of the basalt magma was flooding rather than explosive .

  9. 首先是玄武岩浆从中间喷发,构成火山。

    Basaltic lava first erupted from the center and built up the volcano .

  10. 该阶段的碱性玄武岩浆可能来源于软流圈。

    The alkalic basaltic magma of this stage may be derived from asthenosphere .

  11. 峨眉山玄武岩浆与贵州高砷煤成因研究

    A research on origin between Emei Mountain Basalt Magma and high-As coal in Guizhou

  12. 湘南前寒武纪地壳性质与早中生代玄武岩浆底侵作用

    Nature of the Precambrian crust and underplating of early Mesozoic Basaltic Magmas in South Hunan Province

  13. 浙江沿海晚中生代拉斑玄武岩浆侵位深度的讨论

    On the Depth of Emplacement of Late Mesozoic Tholeiitic Magma from Coastal Area of Zhejiang Province

  14. 贵州早二叠世海相碳酸盐岩稳定同位素组成与玄武岩浆喷发热事件的关系

    Relationship between the stable isotopic compositions of MARINE-CARBONATE of the early Permian period and hot event in Guizhou

  15. 低钛玄武岩浆受到陆壳物质的明显混染,高钛玄武岩浆也受到混染,但混染程度弱于低钛玄武岩浆。

    Low-Ti basalt magma was obviously contaminated by continent crust , in a larger extent than high-Ti basalt magma .

  16. 分离结晶作用和部分熔融作用,是控制玄武岩浆化学成分变异的两种主要方式。

    Both fractional crystallization and partial melting are important processes that control the variation of chemical composition of basaltic magma .

  17. 成矿物质源于碱性玄武岩浆,基性次火山岩浆多次脉动式入侵是矿床形成的必要条件。

    The metallogenic material was from deep alkalic basaltic magma , and the pulsatory invasion was the necessary metallogenic condition of the ore deposit .

  18. 蓝宝石是碱性玄武岩浆早期结晶的产物,而且与单斜辉石、长石、石榴石和锆石巨晶共生。

    The sapphires are the product of early crystallization of alkali basalt magma and intergroom with clinopyroxene , feldspar , garnet and zircon megacrysts .

  19. 回归分析表明,尽管携带幔源包体的玄武岩浆上升速度较快,但并不是绝热上升。

    Regression analysis shows that although the basalts which bear mantle xenoliths move up so fast , they are not adiabatic but have heat diffusion .

  20. 边缘海洋壳是玄武岩浆侵入并吞蚀破碎的大陆边缘地壳后形成的不同于大洋壳的新型洋壳。

    The marginal sea crust is another kind of oceanic crust , which was formed after the basalt magma engulfed and devoured the tattered continental margin crust .

  21. 熔浆来源于慢源,可能是玄武岩浆分异的、富挥发分富钠质的“派生岩浆”。

    The magma is originated from the mantle and maybe the " derivative magma " rich in volatile and sodium , formed by the differentiation of basalt magma .

  22. 碱性玄武岩及二辉橄榄岩捕虏体中的流体组成表明中国东部上地幔源区存在不均一性,碱性玄武岩浆在形成演化上存在地区差异性。

    The fluid compositions of alkali basalts and Iherzolite xenoliths show high nonhomogeneity in the upper mantle source region and difference in alkali basaltic magma evolution in different districts .

  23. 古近纪(老第三纪)伸展活动期,断裂带在上地幔的伸展剪切及同时的软流圈上涌、岩石圈拆沉是该阶段玄武岩浆活动的主要原因。

    At the stage of Eogene extensional activity , extensional shearing at upper mantle and asthenosphere upwelling and lithosphere delamination were the main causes of the basaltic magma activity .

  24. 玄武岩同位素的比值不仅受玄武岩浆地幔源区本身的特征制约,还可能受地幔岩部分熔融程度的制约。

    The isotopic ratios in the basalt are restricted not only by the characteristics of the mantle providing primary magma of basalt , but also by partial melting degree of the mantle .

  25. 这两者之间的相互作用导致了流体外核的形成、玄武岩浆的产生、洋壳的形成、以及内核和地幔之间的差异旋转运动。

    The interplay between the two leads to the formations of fluid outer core , basalt magmas , ( oceanic ) crust , and differential rotation between the inner core and mantle .

  26. 因此,绿片岩原岩为大陆拉斑玄武岩,其形成的构造背景为大陆裂谷。原生岩浆是高镁拉斑玄武岩浆。

    Consequently , the greenschists in the central Fujian province are considered to be derived from the continental tholeiite formed in a continental rift tectonic setting . Its primary magma is high MgO tholeiite .

  27. 玄武岩浆从地幔深处挟带上来的超镁铁质捕虏体含有地幔流体的直接证据,它们对于阐明地幔深部地质作用(部分熔融作用、地幔交代作用)的机制十分重要。

    Ultramafic xenoliths , entrained by basaltic magmas from mantle depth , contain direct evidence of mantle fluids which are of crucial importance in interpreting the mechanism of geological processes ( partial melting , mantle metasomatism ) in mantle depth .

  28. 通过研究认为:新生代玄武岩浆为上地住源岩部分熔融的产物,接近原始玄武岩浆;

    Based on detail study , it is suggested that the Cenozoic basaltic magmas were produced by the partial melting of the source rocks in the upper mantle , and that their compositions are close to the primary basaltic magma .

  29. 华力西期幔源玄武岩浆喷发,除本身带来部分深源矿质,并对矿源层改造、萃取矿质,形成第一期火山热液贫矿化。

    The poor ore mineralization of volcanic hydrothermal solution for the first stage was formed during the Variscan , the eruption of basalt magma brought part mineral matters from deep source and extracting minerals by the reformation of its source bed .

  30. 本文对发现于冲绳海槽玄武岩基质中的中酸性到酸性残余熔体进行了详细研究,它们提供了幔源玄武岩浆结晶分异形成酸性岩浆的直接证据。

    We present a detailed study of intermediate to acidic residual melts found in partially crystallized matrix of basalt lava from Okinawa Trough , which provides direct evidence for derivation of acidic magmas by crystal fractionation of mantle-derived basaltic parental magmas .