
  • 网络LEE Kang-Sheng;LEE Kang Sheng;Kang-sheng Lee
  1. 费雯丽(VivienLeigh)用的时间比李康生吃高丽菜的时间少得多,但传达出同样的绝望之感。

    In a tiny fraction of the time it takes for Mr. Lee to finish off that cabbage , Vivien Leigh conveys the same desperation .

  2. 但是李康生的角色就没有这样的魄力了,看到他眼泪汪汪的自怜,很难不让人感到一阵轻蔑。

    Because Mr. Lee 's character has none of her gumption , it 's hard not to feel a twinge of contempt for his lachrymose self-pity .

  3. 在最长的一段独白中,李康生双眼含泪,念着一首南宋词,极好地概括了这部影片的宿命感:

    In the longest monologue , Mr. Lee , tears welling in his eyes , recites a Southern Song dynasty poem that distills the film 's fatalistic mood :

  4. 在片中,如前所述,李康生饰演的角色渐渐丧失了一切希望,他带着孩子和一个女性伴侣(由三位女演员饰演)在台北泥泞的边缘地带漫游。

    In the story , such as it is , Mr. Lee 's character slowly loses all hope as he drags his children and a female partner ( played by three actresses ) around the muddy fringes of Taipei .

  5. 从吃高丽菜的那一幕开始,影片的势头慢慢放缓,最后以一个12分钟的镜头结束。在这个镜头里,李康生和他那个忧心忡忡的伴侣望着天空,一滴眼泪从她没有表情的脸上流下来。

    Beginning with the cabbage scene , the momentum grinds to a halt . It concludes with a static 12-minute shot of Mr. Lee and his distraught partner gazing off into space as a single tear trickles down her expressionless face .

  6. 这个没有名字的角色由经常在蔡明亮片中出任主角的李康生饰演,他住在台北郊区,在车水马龙路口高举广告招牌维生,风雨无阻,赚着只能维持最低生活水准的工资,他和自己的两个孩子住在一处肮脏、废弃的公寓。

    Living on the outskirts of Taipei , where he earns a subsistence wage holding up real estate placards at a crowded intersection in the wind and rain , the unnamed character ( Lee Kang-sheng , the director 's regular leading man ) arrives at the dingy , abandoned apartment where he squats with his two children .