- maternal plant
The total genetic effect ( G ) is partitioned into seed direct genetic effect ( G0 ), cytoplasm genetic effect ( C ), and maternal plant genetic effect ( Gm ) .
The main results were as follows : The results of conditional genetic variance components showed that the new expression of quantitative genes in endosperm , cytoplasm and maternal plant for protein content of rice was detected at all different filling stages of rice .
Maternal genetic effect ( Gm ) can also be partitioned into maternal additive ( Am ) and maternal dominance ( Dm ) genetic components .
Five parent lines and their F_1 , F_2 were used to analyze seed effects , cytoplasmic effects and maternal gene effects on seed weight of soybean by the mixed genetic model .
The grain plumpness for these materials was analysed with additive-dominance genetic models of plant and endosperm genotypes .
Amylose content was controlled by seed genetic effects and maternal genetic effects , but was mainly controlled by seed dominance genetic effects .
The unconditional variance analysis showed that FSS and DSS were controlled by embryo , cytoplasmic and maternal effects in the whole growth period .
The net genetic effects due to cytoplasmic and maternal plant on FSS and DSS were larger than those of embryo effects at most of the growth periods .
The performance of amino acid contents were simultaneously controlled by the genetic effects from the diploid embryo nuclear genes , cytoplasmic genes and maternal plant nuclear genes .
The differences of expression at different environments for triploid endosperm nuclear genes , cytoplasmic genes and diploid maternal plant nuclear genes were found for the performance of TR.
Embryo additive effects at 8 / 2 and 9 / 13 , cytoplasm effects at 8 / 9 , maternal plant dominance effects at 8 / 2 could ultimately affect the performance of DSS .
Triploid endosperm and diploid maternal plant genetic effects were the major effects at the early filling stage , and diploid maternal plant genetic effects were at the middle filling stage and direct dominance effect and maternal dominance effect were at late filling stage and mature period .
The phytate content in rice grain had significant variance of genotype , which was controlled by genetic system of maternal plant and seed , which among them , seed direct dominance variance is the most important effect , next is maternal dominance effect and maternal additive effect .