
  • maternal plant
  1. 基因型效应(G)可以分解为种子直接遗传效应(G0)、细胞质遗传效应(G)和母体植株遗传效应(Gm)。

    The total genetic effect ( G ) is partitioned into seed direct genetic effect ( G0 ), cytoplasm genetic effect ( C ), and maternal plant genetic effect ( Gm ) .

  2. 各阶段GMP净遗传增量的变化与其观测值的变化基本一致。分析结果表明,胚乳、细胞质和母体植株等遗传体系中控制稻米蛋白质含量性状的基因在4个发育时期均有新的表达;

    The main results were as follows : The results of conditional genetic variance components showed that the new expression of quantitative genes in endosperm , cytoplasm and maternal plant for protein content of rice was detected at all different filling stages of rice .

  3. 母体植株遗传效应(Gm)则可被分解为母体加性(Am)、母体显性(Dm)遗传分量。

    Maternal genetic effect ( Gm ) can also be partitioned into maternal additive ( Am ) and maternal dominance ( Dm ) genetic components .

  4. 以亲本、F1、F2三个世代为材料,采用混合模型方法,分析大豆百粒重的种子效应、细胞质效应和母体植株效应。

    Five parent lines and their F_1 , F_2 were used to analyze seed effects , cytoplasmic effects and maternal gene effects on seed weight of soybean by the mixed genetic model .

  5. 测定其谷粒充实度并进行母体植株基因型和胚乳基因型联合加性&显性遗传模型分析。

    The grain plumpness for these materials was analysed with additive-dominance genetic models of plant and endosperm genotypes .

  6. 直链淀粉含量同时受到种子遗传效应和母体植株遗传效应的控制,但以种子显性遗传效应为主。

    Amylose content was controlled by seed genetic effects and maternal genetic effects , but was mainly controlled by seed dominance genetic effects .

  7. 非条件方差分析表明在整个生育期中,胚遗传效应、细胞质遗传效应和母体植株遗传效应对大豆鲜籽粒大小和干籽粒大小有影响。

    The unconditional variance analysis showed that FSS and DSS were controlled by embryo , cytoplasmic and maternal effects in the whole growth period .

  8. 在多数生育阶段中,细胞质和母体植株的净遗传效应高于胚净遗传效应。

    The net genetic effects due to cytoplasmic and maternal plant on FSS and DSS were larger than those of embryo effects at most of the growth periods .

  9. 油菜氨基酸性状同时受制于二倍体胚核基因、细胞质和二倍体母体植株核基因的遗传效应。

    The performance of amino acid contents were simultaneously controlled by the genetic effects from the diploid embryo nuclear genes , cytoplasmic genes and maternal plant nuclear genes .

  10. 控制稻米透明度性状表现的三倍体胚乳核基因、细胞质基因和二倍体母体植株核基因效应在不同环境下存在着表达水平上的差异。

    The differences of expression at different environments for triploid endosperm nuclear genes , cytoplasmic genes and diploid maternal plant nuclear genes were found for the performance of TR.

  11. 8/2和9/13的胚加性效应、8/9的细胞质效应、8/2的母体植株显性效应对干籽粒大小的最终表现有影响。

    Embryo additive effects at 8 / 2 and 9 / 13 , cytoplasm effects at 8 / 9 , maternal plant dominance effects at 8 / 2 could ultimately affect the performance of DSS .

  12. 其中灌浆始期以三倍体种子和二倍体母体植株效应为主,灌浆中期以母体植株遗传效应为主,灌浆后期和成熟期以种子直接显性效应和母体植株显性效应为主。

    Triploid endosperm and diploid maternal plant genetic effects were the major effects at the early filling stage , and diploid maternal plant genetic effects were at the middle filling stage and direct dominance effect and maternal dominance effect were at late filling stage and mature period .

  13. 水稻植酸含量存在显著的基因型差异,受母体植株及种子中遗传体系的共同控制,其中种子直接显性遗传效应占主导地位,其次是母体显性和加性效应。

    The phytate content in rice grain had significant variance of genotype , which was controlled by genetic system of maternal plant and seed , which among them , seed direct dominance variance is the most important effect , next is maternal dominance effect and maternal additive effect .