
mǔ shù
  • mother (or parent, maternal, seed) tree
  1. 我们使用同位素示踪法来追踪碳的走向,从一棵受伤的母树

    So we 've used isotope tracing to trace carbon moving from an injured mother tree

  2. 在一片森林中,一棵母树可以和其它几百棵树建立联系。

    In a single forest , a mother tree can be connected to hundreds of other trees .

  3. 果园里的那些母树都长得十分茂盛。

    All those mother trees in the garden are exuberant .

  4. 400mg/kg有利于杨梅叶蚊母树平均单株生物量、平均地下生物量的形成。

    Its average individual biomass and average underground biomass were speeded up at the concentration of 400mg / kg .

  5. 相反,嫩枝插穗中ABA含量要低于硬枝插穗中ABA的含量,并且随着母树年龄的增加而增加。

    On the other hand , the content of ABA in shoot cuttings is lower than that in hardwood cuttings , and increase with raising the age of seed tree .

  6. 试验采用随机区组设计,对采穗母树设遮光和喷施叶面肥处理,穗条选取未木质化、半木质化、木质化三种,长度分为3~5cm,5~8cm,15cm以上。

    Using block randomization design , we select three kinds of cuttings for non-lignification 、 semi-lignification and lignification , and the length is 3 ~ 5cm 、 5 ~ 8cm and over 15cm respectively by shading and spraying foliar fertilizer with stock maternal tree ;

  7. 母树通过更大的菌根网络来覆盖住自己孩子们所在的区域。

    Mother trees colonize their kin with bigger mycorrhizal networks .

  8. 通过使用同位素示踪剂进行检测,我们发现那些母树

    And using our isotope tracers , we have found that mother trees

  9. 它便会降落在距离母树较远的地方。

    So that they will land some distance away from the parent tree .

  10. 保护好它们就是保护好了森林的基因库、保护好了母树和菌根网络。

    These are the repositories of genes and mother trees and mycorrhizal networks .

  11. 我们把它们称作中心树,或者更亲切地称之为母树。

    We call those hub trees , or more fondly , mother trees ,

  12. 母树和菌根网络,还有树干和基因,

    the mother trees and networks , and the wood , the genes ,

  13. 当母树受伤或即将枯死的时候,

    When mother trees are injured or dying ,

  14. 新疆落叶松种子园嫁接母树结实规律研究

    A Study on Seed-producing Law Plantation of Grafting Seed Trees in Xinjiang Larch Seed

  15. 修剪促进红松无性系种子园母树开花效应研究

    Pruning effects on blooming quantity of seed trees in clonal seed orchard of Pinus koraiensis

  16. 杉木种子园母树生长与土壤养分相关的研究

    Relationship between Growth of Mother Trees of Seed Orchard of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Soil Nutrient

  17. 随着母树年龄的增加,四倍体刺槐硬枝和嫩枝扦插生根能力下降。

    Rooting ability of hardwood and softwood cuttings decreased with the age of the parental plant .

  18. 国家一级珍稀植物水杉母树资源调查及其保护

    Resource Survey and Its Protection for Mother Tree of Metasequoia Glyptostroboides of First-class National Rare Plant

  19. 这些树芽成长缓慢,由「母树」的根系提供养分。

    These sprouts grow slowly , nourished by the root system of the " mother " tree .

  20. 不同母树基因型的胚性愈伤组织诱导率有差异,但差异不显著。

    No significant difference was found among genotypes ( mother trees ) on embryonic callus induction rates .

  21. 那些就表示幼苗,这些幼苗在这个网络中已经和它们的母树建立了联系。

    those are the young seedlings that have established within the network of the old mother trees .

  22. 不同母树种子重量分异具有极显著差异(P<0.01);

    But highly significant differences ( P < 0.01 ) in the seed weight among different maternal plant .

  23. 因此我们又设计了一个实验,我们把母树和它们的孩子、以及一些陌生的幼苗种在一起。

    So we set about an experiment , and we grew mother trees with kin and stranger 's seedlings .

  24. 进食地密度随着离母树距离的增加而降低,距母树的距离与传播种子的数量没有相关关系。

    Feeding roost density decreased with increasing distance from the parent , but no correlation between distance and seed deposition .

  25. 千万别砍这棵结了松籽的大松树,它是林场的母树。

    You must not cut this pine for pine nuts . it is the mother tree of the forestry center .

  26. 2002年至2004年,无性系母树间异交同步指数平均为61.24%、61.81%和55.99%。

    The means of outcrossing synchronous index were 61.24 % , 61.81 % and 55.99 % from 2004 to 2002 .

  27. 在播种苗床上看,发芽特性和变异个体的出现因母树不同而有变异,但没有发现地域性差异。

    In view of nursery bed , the germination property and variation individuals varied with seed bearer but without regional differences .

  28. 无性系母树的雌球花主要分布于树冠顶部;雄球花分布遍及整个树冠,但是,不同无性系有差异,可划分为上部型、中部型、下部型和均匀分布型。

    The correlation coefficient was -0.992 . The female cones of clonal seed trees were mainly distributed the top of the crowns .

  29. 为了提高采集球果的生产效率,保证作业安全,减少对母树的损坏,研制了RBT14型林木球果采集机。

    In order to improve collecting efficiency and security and to reduce damage to the trees , RBT14-cone collecting machine was developed .

  30. 在石坊之下,从数块巨石之下,生长出一株茶树,传说这就是铁观音母树。

    In Shihfang under the rock from several blocks , the growth of a tea , this is the legend Distylium Tieguanyin .