
  • 网络Relational Operator;comparison;relational calculus
  1. 传递闭包是一种重要的关系运算。

    Transitive closure is a kind of important relational operation .

  2. 对不相容的关系运算进行了探讨,并讨论了实现的方法。

    This paper discusses some operations on incompatible relations its implementation are also given .

  3. 分布式空间对象关系运算的研究

    Research on Distributed Spatial Object Relation Computation

  4. 在建立这两种模型的同时,本文也分别重新定义了各自模型的集合运算和关系运算。

    At the time of establishing two data models , we have redefined the set operators and relation operators accordingly .

  5. 空间数据引擎指提供存储、查询、检索空间地理数据,以及对空间地理数据进行空间关系运算和空间分析的数据库技术。

    Spatial Database Engine is a database technology which provides spatial data storage , spatial data query , as well as spatial analysis .

  6. 14种关系运算条件、多值字段和改变数据类型、长度参数表的设计显著地改善了数据库的实用性。

    The application of data base is improved by the operational condition of fourteen relations , mult-value fields , function tables for changing type and length of data .

  7. 模型中,对于语义服务的匹配简化为数值关键字关系运算。从而提高了服务发现效率。

    Then , a matching algorithm based on value keywords and annotated service characteristics is presented for the implementation of a scalable , efficient and reliable service discovery .

  8. 本文讨论一类主要基于比较关系运算的非数值计算的并行算法,其中包括并行排序、归并、选择、搜索以及并行图论算法。

    In this paper , we discuss the class of comparison-based parallel algorithms for non-numerical computations including parallel sorting , merging , selection , searching algorithms and parallel graph algorithms .

  9. 通过运用模糊集合理论和模糊关系运算理论建立了工程项目报价决策新的定量模型。

    In this paper , a new quantitative model for quoted price and decision-making on project has been built by means of Operations of Fuzzy Relations and a fuzzy set theory .

  10. 论述了数据库机中关系运算的哈希位阵列消除重复元组(消重)的硬算法,对其进行了改进,并且对其性能进行分析,从而为该算法在数据库机的应用研究奠定基础。

    This paper discusses the algorithm of hash bit array for duplication-remove in the relational operations of the DataBase Machine , develops this algorithm and analyses its performance , thus it makes a base for this theory in application research of DataBase Machine .

  11. 关系代数运算与SQL查询的对应关系

    Corresponding relation of the relational algebra calculus and SQL query

  12. 证明了在所定义的序关系及运算下P为局部有限的分配格,给出了该格上链分解及Mobius函数;

    P is proved to be a local finite distributive lattice .

  13. 复合模糊命题的弱逻辑关系及其运算方法

    The Feeble Logic of the Compound Fuzzy Proposition and Its Algorithm

  14. 数据结构是研究非数值计算机问题的程序设计中计算机操作对象以及操作对象之间的关系和运算操作等。

    Data Structure researches operation objects and their relationships in non-numerical programming .

  15. 基于方向关系组合运算表的定性推理

    Qualitative Reasoning Based on Composition Operation Table of Directional Relation

  16. 本文主要论述了二元关系对运算的一些守恒性质。

    This paper discusses some conservation 's properties of operation to binary relation .

  17. 结果证明时态关系代数运算与传统关系代数运算是相容的。

    The conclusion is that the algebra operations of temporal relation and traditional relation are similituded .

  18. 通过对二元关系核运算性质的研究,定义出任何一个二元关系的商集。

    Through study on Rernel operation nature of duality relation , the definition of quotient set for every duality relation was presented .

  19. 给出了基于模糊综合评判的标书选择问题的数学模型,以及模糊关系合成运算的具体算法。

    The mathematics model of bid documents evaluation problem based Fuzzy Integrated Evaluation and the Fuzzy Relation Synthetic is presented in details .

  20. 给出了用于构建关键网元设备OADM/OXC的基本原子器件,并讨论了模型运算关系和运算结果。

    Atomic components necessary to build the key network elements ( i.e.OADM / OXC ) are given , the result is presented also .

  21. 由模糊向量关系合成运算得出评价向量,按最大隶属原则确定故障原因。

    The evaluation vector was obtained with the synthetic operation of the fuzzy vector , cause of the fault was ascertained by the rules of most subjection .

  22. 讨论了几种区间数的序关系及其运算性质,在此基础上建立了一对对称型区间线性规划问题的对偶理论,并给出了算例诠释有关论证。

    On the basis of the order relation , established the duality theory for a pair of symmetrical interval linear programming , and several an example to explain the theory .

  23. 首先,定义了知识网对用户需求的满意度关系及其运算,建立了知识网多重集运算表达式优化的模型;

    The satisfaction degre relationships and operations between the K-M and the users ' requirement are defined , and the optimal model of KM multiple set operation expression is constructed .

  24. 该模型利用模糊关系矩阵运算,根据室外的温度、湿度和空调温度的设定值,得出室内的温度和湿度。

    According to the values of outdoor temperature , humidity and temperature setting of air conditioner , the indoor temperature and humidity can be obtained by this model . A fuzzy relation matrices model is adopted to get the relevant model .

  25. 模糊关系矩阵合成运算中t范数的不完备性

    The non-completeness of t-norm on composition of fuzzy relation matrix

  26. 部分相容关系的集合运算及其在数据库查询语言中的应用

    The Boolean operations of partial compatible relation and their application in subschema query language

  27. 对关系代数除法运算的探讨

    Probing into Division Operation of Relational Algebra

  28. 二元关系的闭包运算在网络、语法分析以及开关电路中的故障检测和诊断等领域有着重要的作用。

    Closure operation of binary relation plays an important role in network , parsing and detection and diagnosis of malfunction in switch circuit .

  29. 函数粗集理论中,初始函数等价类如何给出以及函数粗集定义中的严格的包含关系及交运算限制了其在实际问题中的应用。

    In function rough set theory , it is a problem how to construct orginal function equivalence classes . Moreover , the strict inclusion relation and the operation of intersection restrict its application in many real-life problems .

  30. 采用模糊综合评估方法,构造了地下空间资源质量评估指标的隶属函数,并确定了隶属度,建立了权重向量与模糊关系矩阵复合运算的模糊综合评估模型。

    Based on fuzzy synthesis evaluation , the membership function of each index for underground space resource quality evaluation was constructed , and the degree of membership was determined . A fuzzy evaluation model for compound calculation between weighted vectors and fuzzy relation matrix was established .