
xiān nèn
  • fresh and tender;crisp;delicacy
鲜嫩 [xiān nèn]
  • [crisp;fresh and tender] 新鲜而娇嫩

  • 鲜嫩的莴苣

鲜嫩[xiān nèn]
  1. 我好想念妈妈做的鱼,真的很鲜嫩啊!

    I miss the fish , it 's quite fresh and tender .

  2. 人们一边说笑,一边品尝着这些鲜嫩的瓜果梨桃。

    People were chatting over fresh and tender fruits .

  3. 一个钟头前做好的凉拌蔬菜仍然鲜嫩可口。

    The salad greens , prepared an hour ago , had retained their crispness .

  4. 多数蔬菜和水果在解冻以后,就不再像新鲜时那样鲜嫩了。

    Most fruit and vegetables after thawing , are not as crisp as when they were fresh .

  5. 这种腌制菜色泽鲜嫩、香味透人、咸淡适口、清香宜人

    This pickled vegetables fresh color , flavor through , brackish palatability and pleasant fragrance .

  6. 以一片片荚果放飞曾经鲜嫩如淤血似的种子。

    And letting go of the seeds once blue-blooded like gore .

  7. 要使这些花鲜嫩,得下一场大雨。

    We need a good rain to freshen the flowers .

  8. 特色:鲜嫩,表皮油亮,肉呈白色。

    Features : The skin is shiny and the meat is tender .

  9. 分别将大麦和胡萝卜块沸煮至鲜嫩。

    Boil separately until tender the barley and diced carrot .

  10. 低洼地和湿地提供鲜嫩而且多汁的植物。

    Lowlands and wetlands provide tender and juicy vegetation .

  11. 鹅肉的肉丝鲜嫩、营养价值高,容易被吸收。

    The goose fresh pork , high nutritional value , easy to absorb .

  12. 食客品尝到鲜嫩多汁的樱桃西红柿里面填满了坚果的芝麻酱。

    Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce .

  13. 绽放在生命之春或收获之月的鲜嫩的爱之花。

    Young love in the spring of life or by the harvest moon .

  14. 他们的烧鸡被烤至恰到好处的焦脆而下面的肉却十分鲜嫩。

    Their roast chicken is caramelised to a nice crisp with tender meat .

  15. 广东菜很注重菜的鲜嫩。

    Cantonese food pays more attention to the freshness and tenderness of the dishes .

  16. 花朵尚处于鲜嫩,饱满状态。

    The flowers are still crisp and turgid .

  17. 主菜的牛柳配上土豆则是色香味俱佳,肉质鲜嫩,肉汁入味。

    The beef fillet was fresh and tender and the gravy tasted rather delicious .

  18. 植物鲜嫩组织电阻的构成

    Electrical Resistance Components in Tender Plant Tissues

  19. 豆腐是一种以黄豆为原料制作而成的鲜嫩可口的食品。

    Tofu is a sort of fresh and tender food which is produced with soybean .

  20. 搭配鲜嫩植物

    that we combine with the succulents -

  21. 那块牛排鲜嫩多汁。

    The steaks were tender and juicy .

  22. 用来煮火锅的肉必须是动物身上鲜嫩易嚼的部分。

    The meat for this dish must be from the tendereat parts of the animal .

  23. 进去只为无矫饰的经典鸡饭,他们的滑鸡鲜嫩多汁,爽滑弹牙。

    Their steamed chicken is tender , juicy , and springy with a smooth texture .

  24. 塔利亚文托肉店的烤猪肉脆皮晶莹酥脆,恰到好处地盖住了鲜嫩多汁的瘦肉;

    At Macelleria Tagliavento , the skin , glazed and crispy , covers perfectly moist flesh ;

  25. 笋质量好,健壮、鲜嫩、大小长短一致;

    Shoot quality is nice , healthy , fresh and tender , and of similar size .

  26. 一边想着如何用最容易而又最迅速的方法得到这顿鲜嫩的美餐。

    He wondered how he could get his tender meal in the easiest and quickest way .

  27. 新鲜的介辣和酱油给鲜嫩的生鱼片提供给你嫩滑口感的对比。

    Fresh wasabi and soy sauce provide a nice contrast to the smoothness of the fish .

  28. 特点:色泽酱红,肉质鲜嫩,味麻辣而香。

    Characteristics : color , red sauce , meat is tender , taste spicy and fragrant .

  29. 英国羊肉因肉质细腻而享有盛誉,这都归功于充沛的降水和鲜嫩的绿草。

    British mutton enjoys a reputation for its delicacy caused by abundant rainfall and green tender grass .

  30. 日出后的草原千里通明,这时最便于发现蘑菇。天山蘑菇又大又肥厚,鲜嫩无比。

    When the sun lights all the grassland it is the best time to look for mushrooms .