
  • 网络mud density;mud weight;EMW
  1. 显裂缝不发育与钻井泥浆密度高是导致很多井在须三段显示不好的重要原因。

    Undeveloped fractures and high mud weight are the main causes of poor oil / gas shows in T_3x_3 in many wells .

  2. MonteCarlo方法设计的泥浆密度测试系统

    Design of Mud Density Meter Using Monte Carlo Method

  3. 利用层速度钻前预测安全泥浆密度窗口研究

    Prediction of safe mud density window by interval velocity before drilling

  4. 控制油井盐层段流变缩径的泥浆密度的计算方法

    Calculation method of mud density to control borehole closure rate

  5. 考虑井壁岩石损伤时保持井眼稳定的泥浆密度

    Mud density for wellbore stability when formation rock is damaged

  6. 安全泥浆密度窗口的确立及应用

    Determination and Application of the Safe Mud Density Window

  7. 实际的泥浆密度将取决于当时的井下情况。

    6.5 The actual mud density required will depend upan existing hole conditions .

  8. 两向水平应力不等条件下泥浆密度的确定

    Defining Mud Density Under Conditions of Unequal Horizontal Stresses

  9. 泥浆密度对裂缝性油藏力学损害机理室内模拟试验研究

    In-doors simulated experimental study on mechanical damage mechanism of mud density on fractured reservoir

  10. 结论在条件允许的情况下,应尽量降低泥浆密度,使力学损害降至最低。

    Conclusion Mud density should be reduced as much as possible to minimize mechanical damage .

  11. 泥浆密度测量用传感器研究

    Study on Sensors for Mud Density

  12. 结果随着泥浆密度的增加,裂缝张开的最大距离和张开的区域减小,当泥浆密度达到临界值时,节理完全闭合,继续增大泥浆密度,裂缝张开的最大距离和张开的区域也增大。

    Result Maximum distance of fracture propagation and area are enlarging with the increase of mud density .

  13. 目的观察不同泥浆密度条件下井下天然裂缝的开闭状态、张开度及泥浆侵入裂缝的过程和深度。

    Purpose To observe opening status and mud invasion process of downhole natural fractures under various mud densities .

  14. 最后说明了采用上述传感器测量泥浆密度的实际效果。

    In the end , the article presents the practical effect of adopting this sensor to measure the density of mud .

  15. 在电测或长时间停钻检修设备时,将泥浆密度提高到循环时的当量泥浆密度范围。

    4.13 When logging or general overhaul for long time , mud density must be raised to E.C.D. for stable of hole .

  16. γ射线密度测量系统是基于γ射线透射原理的非接触在线实时泥浆密度计,系统的响应特性与灵敏度是影响测量准确性的主要因数。

    γ - ray density meter is a kind of non-touch , real-time and on-line measure instrument , and the system response characteristic and sensitivity is the most important guideline for it .

  17. 通过对模型的求解,可以得到不同井眼类型、泥浆密度、悬浮长度以及不同下套管方案下的套管受力,为大位移井下套管作业提供了力学参考。

    By solving the mechanical model , the casing bearing forces can be obtained under the conditions of different hole types , mud density , casing suspension length and casing running ways .

  18. 基于所构建的三个地层压力的测井计算模型,给出了防止研究工区碳酸盐岩地层井壁失稳的安全泥浆密度窗口。

    Based on three-constructed formation pressure of the carbonate logging calculation models , the secure window of mud density is given to guard against well collapse for the carbonate formation of research region .

  19. 影响井壁稳定性的因素主要有地层材料性质、井眼几何特征、地应力和入口泥浆密度等。

    There are four factors , the formation stresses , the nature of formation , the geometry of well and the drilling mud density , which have major influence on the borehole stability .

  20. 同时,根据所建立的模型和工区基础参数的研究结果设计出了定向井安全泥浆密度计算方法。

    At the same time , on the basis of the established model and findings of basic parameters in the work area , this thesis designed the program of safe mud calculation for the work area .

  21. 用测井资料可以确定地应力的大小和方向,从而确定地层破裂压力和坍塌压力,并给出合理的泥浆密度,解决井眼力学失稳问题。

    Using logging information can make the size and direction of In-situ stress , and then determine fracture pressure and breakout pressure so can provide the suitable mud density to solve the mechanics instability of borehole .

  22. 在分析钻井复杂地质环境的基础上,针对钻井技术难题,利用了先进的方法提高地层压力预测的精度,确定合理的泥浆密度,实现平衡压力钻井。

    On the basis of analyzing the complicated drilling geologic environment and the drilling technical difficulties , the accuracy of predicting formation pressure was enhanced by applying the advanced methods , thus deciding rational mud density to realize balanced pressure drilling ;

  23. 根据石油钻井录井仪系统中泥浆密度传感器的技术指标和国内现有差压式传感器的技术水平,阐述了泥浆密度传感器的设计选型及分析试验等工作。

    Based on the technical specifications of mud density sensors in the system of oil drilling logging instrument and technical level of differential pressure sensor available at home , the selection for design type and analytical test work for mud density sensors are expounded .

  24. 第五,在LAOSBM应用中经常出现与水基泥浆相同密度的情况下,水基泥浆不会钻井事故,而LAOSBM会引起井壁坍塌和循环漏失等井下复杂情况。

    Fifth : LAO SBM often face the problem of density , as it could induce wellbore collapse and circulation leak , while WBM at the same density could not .

  25. 对泥浆的密度与团相含量、粘度与流变特性、滤水特性及防涌防漏的主要技术性能和作用机理进行了探讨;

    The densities , contents of solids , viscosities , rheological and filtrating properties of the various kinds of drilling fluid are discussed . The main technical function and mechanism of the drilling fluid in prevention of percolating and flowing out of water are also studied .

  26. 地下墙护壁泥浆临界相对密度的显式解&坍体底面未及地下水面

    The Clear Solution of the Critical Specific Gravity of Slurry Propping the Trench of Diaphragm Wall - The Bottom of Slump Mass Does not Cross the Groundwater Level

  27. 新型泥浆池差压式密度计的设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of a New-type Differential Pressure Densimeter for Slurry Density Measurement

  28. 传统的泥浆池差压式密度计可靠性差,精度不高。

    Reliability is poor and precision is not high while using traditional differential pressure densimeter .

  29. 泥浆颗粒分布、密度、含水率、孔隙比均呈现出分层特性;

    The particle size distributions , density , water content and void ratio all show layered characteristics .

  30. 研究了工作面注浆及漏浆远距离监测系统,给出了监测系统结构框图,并对泥浆流量计和泥浆密度计测量原理进行了较详细的讨论。

    Remote monitoring system of mud grouting and leaking in working face was studied , and structure diagram of the monitoring system was also given , the principle of flow meter and densimeter of mud , and single chip microcomputer system were discussed .