
  • 网络mud pit;Mud Pool;mud tank;reserve pit
  1. 选手与搭档一起必须爬过60英尺的泥浆池。

    Here , partners must crawl tighter through a60-foot-long mud pit .

  2. 泥浆池液面下降很快。

    6The pit level has lowered quickly .

  3. 火山活动产生了温泉和沸腾的泥浆池。

    Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools .

  4. 向泥浆池中加入需要量的钻井水。

    3.4 Fill tanks with required amount of drilling water .

  5. 新型泥浆池差压式密度计的设计与实现

    Designing and Realization of a New-type Differential Pressure Densimeter for Slurry Density Measurement

  6. 传统的泥浆池差压式密度计可靠性差,精度不高。

    Reliability is poor and precision is not high while using traditional differential pressure densimeter .

  7. 机油油量报警传感器泥浆池液面报警传感器

    Oil level warning sensor pit-alert sensor

  8. 烟气脱硫吸收塔底部浆液池内流场特性的数值模拟泥浆池液面报警传感器

    Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in the Slurry Pond of a Flue-Gas Desulfurization Tower pit-alert sensor

  9. 泥浆池液面报警传感器配浆前要认真清洗循环管线和配浆池。

    Pit-alert sensor 1.11 Before making mud , clean all the circulation pipe-line and mud pits .

  10. 由于坟墓上的土是刚刚挖过的,所以坟墓变成了一个泥浆池。

    As the earth there had only recently been dug , the grave became a kind of muddy pool .

  11. 温泉、间歇泉、沸泥浆池以及喷气孔是最容易开发的资源

    " Hot springs , geysers , pools of Boiling mud , and fumaroles are the most easily exploited sources . "

  12. 测量泥浆池中泥浆体积的变化对于安全钻井,控制井涌、井漏具有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important to measure the volume change of mud in mud pit for the safe drilling , the control of well blowout and the lost of circulation .

  13. 本文认为泥浆出口管流量、泥浆池液面的增加是判断天然气窜入水基泥浆中将要发生井涌的最可置信的前兆。

    The article considers that the increase of both flow quantity at the mud exhaust pipe and fluid level in the mud pit is the most creditable omen that indicates the natural gas has intruded into water-base mud and the kick will happen .

  14. 废浆搅拌机把切割坯体时产生的废料进行回收并且把废料再次打成泥浆,打好的泥浆返回储浆池再次利用。

    Waste slurry mixer to cut the green body for recycling of waste generated and re-labeled the waste mud , the mud returns to lay the slurry storage tank for reuse .