
ní bǎn yán
  • Argillaceous slate;schist
  1. 卡迪砂岩是岩屑砂岩,由燧石,石英、石英岩、硅化泥板岩和其它岩石碎屑颗粒所组成。

    The cardium sandstone is lithic , being composed of grains of chert , quartz , quartzite , silicified argillite , and other rock fragments .

  2. 地下水对泥板岩强度软化的损伤力学分析

    Analysis on strength softening of argillite under groundwater by damage mechanics

  3. 本文叙述了某含铀泥板岩矿石几种酸浸出的方法,并着重研究了矿石中主要耗酸矿物&方沸石在浸出过程中被酸分解的特性。

    In this Paper the various methods for acid leaching of uranium from a uraniferous argillaceous slate ore are described .

  4. 石灰岩建造常为黑色、灰黑色碎屑石灰岩、燧石层、粉砂质泥板岩和礁灰岩组成,常夹递变层理。

    The latter consisting of dark gray clastic limestone , chert beds , siliceous mudstone and massive reef and usually with graded bedding .

  5. ④钻遇下部井段泥板岩地层时,应对增斜钻具发生屈曲的临界钻压和疲劳破坏系数进行校核。

    When argillite formations at the lower part of intervals are drilled , critical bit weight and endurance failure factor of buckle formed by building assembly should be checked .

  6. 某水电站泥板岩变形是该坝区地下洞室群和高边坡研究的主要问题,探讨泥板岩粘弹性本构模型有重要意义。

    The shale deformation of a given dam is the main issue of the study on underground openings and high slope , so it is important to discuss the viscoelastical constitutive model of the shale .

  7. 针对18层泥板岩处于龙滩水电站坝址进水口高边坡中这一特殊情况,深入探讨水-岩相互作用使其劣化的损伤机理。

    For the special geologic condition of 18 layers of argillite located in highwall slope of the intake in Longtan Hydropower Station Project , a study on the damage mechanism of the water-rock interaction is carried out .

  8. 提出泥质板岩的粘聚力与摩擦系数随角度变化的经验Mohr-Coulomb强度准则。

    Proposed anisotropic empirical Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion with cohesion and the friction coefficient changing with loading directions .

  9. 泥质板岩的抗压强度与围压和加载方向有关。

    The compressive strength of argillite varied with the difference of confining pressures and loading directions .

  10. 发现泥质板岩的变形存在明显的弹塑性耦合现象。

    Studied the deformation and strength properties of argillite , and found the obvious existence of elastoplastic coupling deformation .

  11. 在此基础上,设计并完成具有明显层理状结构的泥质板岩的三轴循环加卸载试验。

    On this basis , triaxial cyclic loading and unloading tests of argillite with obviously bedded structures are designed and completed .

  12. 分析发现,泥质板岩的结构以变晶结构为主,包含了由石英晶体形成的颗粒状矿物集合体和由高岭石、白云母和斜绿泥石形成的片状矿物集合体,但以片状集合体为主。

    Analysis showed that the main type of structure in argillite was crystalloblastic texture , which contains granular mineral aggregates made of quartz crystal , and schistose mineral aggregates made of the crystals of kaolinite , muscovite and clinochlore .

  13. 加载初期,泥质板岩以塑性变形为主,随着加载和总应变的增大,塑性应变在总应变中所占的比重逐渐降低,而弹性应变和弹塑性耦合应变的比重却在增大。

    At the beginning of loading , the main deformation was plastic . With the increasing of load and total strain , the proportion of plastic strain in total strain gradually decreased , while the proportions of elastic strain and elastoplastic coupling strain increased .

  14. 上段以黑灰色(风化后为浅灰色)含硅炭板岩和泥灰质含炭板岩为主。

    The upper member of the Lujiaping Formation is mainly dark slate , light gray-green ( after weathering ) sericitized slate , and silt slate .