
  1. 中国文化的人文本体和终极价值,其核心就是探究天下万物和人从何而来,往何而去的问题。

    The nucleus of humane noumenon and ultimate value of China culture is to look into the problems about all things on earth and where human beings come from and go to .

  2. 没有人确切知道旗子从何而来。

    No one knows for sure where flags came from .

  3. 哲学和企业都要以各自不同的方式来搞清楚人的满足感从何而来,因而也都必须搞清楚人为什么而活。

    In their different ways , philosophy and business have to work out what satisfies people – and therefore how they tick .

  4. 中美其他民族都用玛雅人的日历。玛雅人运用象形文字书写体系。如今,似乎无人知晓玛雅人从何而来,又如何销声匿迹的。

    had deep astronomy knowledge.Their calendar was used by other peoples of Central America.Maya applied hieroglyphic writing system.Now it seems that the Maya came from nowhere and disappeared nowhere .