
  • 【体】concept of talent
  1. 面对来自加入WTO与《医疗事故处理条例》出台后的新挑战,医院要树立新的经营观念、人才观念和新的管理观念,以应对挑战谋划新发展,与时俱进。

    Facing to the new challenges of entering WTO and the release of < Regulation on handling medical accidents > , hospitals should have new operation idea , new talent idea and new management idea to respond the challenges and to plan new development , to advance with the times .

  2. 现代人才观念新探

    A New Probe in to Modern Qualified Personnel Concept

  3. 对地勘单位创新人才观念的思考

    Thoughts on Innovating the Sense of Talented Person s in Geological Prospecting Units

  4. 人才观念对高校教师队伍建设具有长远影响;

    The concepts of qualified personnel exert far-reaching influence on the establishment of teachers'ranks .

  5. 大学生的人才观念琐议

    About College Students ' Outlook of the Talent

  6. 领导者的人才观念与人才培育

    Sense and Cultivation of Talents by Leadership

  7. 适应市场经济要求,转变人才观念

    Elementary Talk about Meeting the Demand of the Market Economy and Changing the Talent Views

  8. 是涉及到价值观念、人才观念、教育质量观念等思想观念方面的大变革;

    They call for sweeping changes in our understanding of values , talent and quality of education .

  9. 家庭德育要树立能力和道德并重的人才观念,培养大学生的独立意识。

    Family moral education will set up concept of ability and moral and train students ' independent consciousness .

  10. 在树立科学人才观念方面坚持三个观点:即辩证的观点、全面的观点、发展的观点。

    Dialectical , all-round and developmental view must be persisted on when setting up scientific conception of talents .

  11. 形成的原因是人才观念没有转变和单一的办学结构。第二大困境是建立多元化办学结构难,形成的原因是不合理的传统教育评价和办学资源匮乏。

    It is because of the traditional concept of personal ability and the single structure for vocational schools .

  12. 理念层面建设主要指把以人为本的观念、人才观念以及发展的管理观念作为团队的核心思想。

    As to the conception construction , it mainly refers to taking the person as the core developing idea .

  13. 社会主义市场经济赋予人才观念以新的内涵,是人才战略的主观基础。

    Socialism market economy entrusts to the talent views new contents that is subjective idea base of the talent strategy .

  14. 要从转变人才观念、多渠道选拔人才和创造留住人才的条件等角度,调整中小企业的人才策略,并持续完善人才机制。

    Talent Strategy and Talent Mechanism should change from the concept , multi-channel selection of personnel and retaining talent by creating conditions .

  15. 党校培训民营企业经营管理者是党管干部原则向党管人才观念拓展的具体体现。

    The training of private business managers in Party schools represents the change of concept from Party managing the cadres to Party managing the talents .

  16. 要转变传统的人才观念,在全社会形成使用人才重素质、重实际能力的良好风气。

    Traditional concepts of talent need to change , and a healthy public environment should be fostered that values character and real ability when employing people .

  17. 全面改革社会用人制度,转变传统的人才观念,将有力地促进从“应试教育”向素质教育的转变。

    Effecting sweeping changes in the system and in the traditional concept of talent will provide a forceful impetus for converting examination-oriented education toward character education .

  18. 科学的人才观念是充分吸收了古今中外人类人才问题研究的理论成果而形成的。

    Scientific talent 's view is taking shape on the basis of theory achievement on the human talent 's question at all times and in all lands .

  19. 人才观念、人才质量、引才标准及价码等是引进人才及人才建设工作的核心内容。

    The concepts of qualified personnel , the quality of them , the standard of recommended talents and their treatment are the key points in recommendation work and the work of establishment .

  20. 对于巴菲特来说,王传福的魅力和价值何在?本书将从他的经营方式、管理理念、人才观念、商业模式等方面做深入分析解读。

    For Buffett , Wang 's charm and value ? Book from his mode of operation , management philosophy , personnel concepts , business models and so do in-depth analysis of reading .

  21. 这些论述不仅对世官制是强有力的冲击,同时也为我国古代人才观念的转变以及人才选拔走向制度化作了理论上的准备。

    Their ideas not only posed a great impact on the hereditary officialism but also served as theoretical basis for the change of ideas about the talented and normalization of the talented selection .

  22. 随着社会的发展,地方人才观念发生异化,人才建设也存在着各种问题,其中最基本的问题是人才观念的问题。

    With the development of the society , local dissimilation of ideas on talent , talent construction there are all sorts of problems , one of the most basic problem is the issue of talent concept .

  23. 简要介绍了在知识经济时代企业领导者应具有的市场观念、创新观念、新竞争观念、文化观念、人才观念和信息观念。

    This paper briefly introduces the concepts an enterprise leader should have in knowledge economy era such as market concept , innovation concept , new competition concept , culture concept , talents concept and information concept .

  24. 湖南报业必须针对自身的状况,迅速转变人才观念,改革人才体制,加强后备人才基地建设;

    In the light of its own actual conditions , Hunan 's newspaper industry must rapidly transform its ideas towards professional personnel , reform its professional personnel system and strengthen the construction of its reserve force bases ;

  25. 本文从指挥自动化人才观念、人才素质、人才知识结构、人才培训途径等方面进行了论述,探索具有我军鲜明特色的人才培养之路。

    In this paper , the author has discussed the conception , quality , knowledge structure and training way of the Commanding - automation officers , in order to explore a training way with our army 's characteristics .

  26. 本文深入地考察了科学教育与人文教育融合的内在关联意义,提出既要培养具有人文关怀的科学精神,又要培养具有科学意识的人文精神的人才观念。

    This paper deeply makes a research of the internal relative significance of this integration and brings forward the idea that we should not only cultivate science spirit with humanistic concern but also cultivate humanistic spirit with science consciousness .

  27. 而具体的要求是要以科学发展观为指导思想,进行行政管理理念的创新。包括:法制观念创新、行政观念创新、人才观念创新、服务观念创新、政绩观念创新。

    So we need to have the innovative ideas for the administration based on the scientific development concept , which includes : the innovation of legal system concept , administrative concept , talent , service concept and performance concept .

  28. 因此,西部高校应尽快转变人才观念,增强人力资本意识,进行非正式约束创新、正式约束强化和实施机制的完善。

    Therefore , Colleges & Universities in Western Regions should renew drastically the views of persons with talent , strengthen the consciousness of manpower capital , innovate the informal restrictions , consolidate the formal restrictions and perfect the carrying systems .

  29. 另一方面,清末实业教育的发展又在一定程度上冲击了中国旧教育体系,有助于人们改变教育观念、人才观念和价值观念,加快了中国教育近代化进程。

    Meanwhile , its development , to a certain extent , made attempts on Chinese traditional education system and helped people to change their concept of education , talents and values . It also sped up modernization of Chinese education .

  30. 在育人环节上,公司在人力资源管理方面存在重使用、轻开发现象,并从培训和职业生涯规划两方面进行了分析。在使用环节上,人员配置、人才观念等都存在不合理的方面。

    In training the person , the people 's usage is as emphasis , but the people 's training is neglected in the human resource , and carried on the analysis from the training and occupation career planning both side .