
  1. 竹盐的消炎、抗菌能力可以说是其他食品辅料无法比拟的;竹盐能快速、彻底地铲除人体毒素,纯净血液,净化全身;

    Bamboo salt inflammation , antibacterial ability is incomparable accessories and other food , Bamboo salt can quickly , completely eradicating body toxin , pure blood , purification .

  2. 鸵鸟油胶囊帮助人体清除毒素,从而消除老年斑。

    Emu Oil capsules will help clear these up by aiding you body in flushing out these toxins .

  3. 有没有人进行过一项全面综合性的研究、并在这一方法实施前后分别检测衡量人体的毒素负担?

    ' Has anyone done a comprehensive study and measured the body 's toxic burden before and after this approach ?

  4. 好水,好空气和含有足够的膳食纤维的健康饮食都可以帮助降低人体的毒素的产生。这些对保持健康非常重要。

    Good water , good air , and a healthy diet containing adequate dietary fiber are all important in lowering the body 's exposure to toxic waste and supporting lifelong wellness .

  5. 从报告来看,泥土并没有多少营养价值,不过倒是有可能帮助人体抵抗毒素、病原体以及寄生虫的侵害。

    These included who was eating dirt and under what circumstances . Seems that dirt doesnt offer much in the way of nutrition but it may protect against toxins , pathogens and parasites .

  6. “有没有人进行过一项全面综合性的研究、并在这一方法实施前后分别检测衡量人体的毒素负担?没有。”他说:“那我们需要类似这样的研究吗?需要。”

    Has anyone done a comprehensive study and measured the body 's toxic burden before and after this approach ? No , ' he says . ' Do we need something like that ? Yes . '

  7. 看起来,泥土似乎提供不了太多营养物质——但它也许能保护人体,免受毒素、病菌,寄生虫的伤害。

    Seems that dirt doesn 't offer much in the way of nutrition - but it may protect against toxins , pathogens and parasites .

  8. 肝癌高发区人体摄入黄曲霉毒素B1转化为M1的观察

    Observations on metabolic conversion of afb_1 to afm_1 by human subjects in hyperendemic areas of liver carcinoma

  9. 乳酸杆菌对人体肠道黄曲霉毒素排泄的影响

    Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Altered Faecal Aflatoxin Excretion in Population

  10. 当然,它们都会使人致命,但是动物毒液是通过叮咬注入人体的,而毒素是被人咽下或吸入的。

    Sure , they 'll both kill you , but venom is injected through a bite or sting , while poison has to be swallowed or inhaled .

  11. 藻华暴发不仅会破坏水体的正常生态系统,还会产生危害人体健康的藻毒素。

    The outbreak of algal blooms will not only destroy the normal ecosystem of water bodies , it also can produce algal toxins that hazard the health of human body .