
  • 网络CULTURE STONE;Cultured stone;Art Stone
  1. 厚实的文化石与通透的玻璃窗搭配。

    Culture stone with thick glass windows with a transparent .

  2. 文化石在装饰中的应用

    The Usage of Culture Stone in the Adornment

  3. 大量提供各种天然板石、文化石、古典岩、机制卵石等。

    Supply natural slate , cultural stone , classical stone , Machine-made Cobble Stone Etc.

  4. 星子县鑫盛石材厂经销的板岩、文化石品种齐全、价格合理。

    Xingzi Xinsheng Stone Factory distribution slate , culture stone variety , reasonable prices .

  5. 墙面不做过多的造型和铺贴过多的文化石,既简单又省钱。

    The wall shape and not too much too much culture Paving stone , is simple and economical .

  6. 文化石系列产品广泛应用于各类建筑、景观、园林,不同系列产品表达了建筑本身多元化的风格需求。

    Series of art stones are widely used in all kinds of buildings , landscapes and gardens , different series of products express diversified requirements on styles of buildings themselves .

  7. 一种无规则、粗糙的文化石,有着清晰的纹理,他搭配在任何地方都会使你的住宅更富有品位,富于个性。

    A type has no rule , coarse culture stone , there is clear lamination , richer grade of your house that he will make to collocate , imbued with individual characters .

  8. 河北本色石材有限公司是集矿山开采、天然板材加工、各种文化石研制、生产及进出口业务于一体的综合型石材企业。

    Hebei Natural Stone Co. , LTD is a synthetical stone company which is specialized in mining , processing natural slates , producing , importing and exporting various kinds of cultural stones .

  9. 适用范围:各种有光泽和无光泽的大理石地面及台面,也可用于天然石、文化石等。使用方法:操作简易-用干净白洁垫配合专用机械即可。低压喷雾器喷涂效果更加。

    Scope of application : All kinds of floor and bench surface made up of marbles with and without luster , as well as the natural stone and cultural stone made surfaces .

  10. 公司主营板岩系列产品,主要产品有:板岩规格板、文化石、网贴、马赛克、蘑菇石、鹅卵石等。

    Our company are majors in various kinds of slate * The major products are slate slab , cultural stone , net paste , stone mosaic , mushroom stone , cobble stone and so on .

  11. 如果想要营造现代感觉,可以采用纹理粗糙的文化石镶嵌,吸音效果不错,还能与电器的金属感形成一种强烈的质感对比;

    If you want to create a modern sense of the culture can be used rough stone mosaic texture , sound-absorbing good results , but also with the electrical metal to form a strong sense of texture contrast ;

  12. 通过对传世文献的考察,我们知道三苗的活动范围与屈家岭文化-石家河文化圈基本吻合。

    Through a study of the literature , we believe that the documented area of Sanmiao was consistent with that of the Qujialing Culture-Shijiahe Culture .

  13. 浅谈中国玉文化和观赏石文化的几点比较

    The comparison between the jade culture and the ornamental stone culture

  14. 宗教文化为漱石提供了取之不尽的文学素材。

    Religion provides Natsume Souseki with inexhaustible literature materials .

  15. 语言是文化的冠石&没有语言,就没有文化;

    Language is the keystone of culture . Without language , culture would not be possible .

  16. 语言是文化的冠石,是文化不可分割的一部分,同时又受到文化的影响。

    Language is the keystone of culture , and a part of culture it 's also influenced by culture .

  17. 作为装饰文化的宝玉石资源,越来越受到人们的青睐。

    The gems and jades resources , as a decorative culture , are more and more in people 's graces .

  18. 海岱龙山文化与岳石文化是一脉相承的,中间除有一段时间上的缺环之外,不存在所谓的“断层”。

    Haidai Longshan Culture and Yueshi Culture came down in one continuous line , without the so-called " fault " .

  19. 赏石文化是人类石文化现象的一个重要分支,中国是东方赏石的发祥地,中国赏石文化有着深远的历史与独特的审美。

    Stone culture is a cultural phenomenon of human stone an important branch of China is the birthplace of the East stone , China has a far-reaching stone cultural history and unique aesthetic .

  20. 网站开辟的栏目有:木材学教学平台、双语教学、教学资源库、木材网络标本馆、木材网络识别系统、木材网络实验室、木文化及木化石等。

    Wood were as follows , wood science teaching , bilingual teaching , teaching resource , wood net specimen room , wood net identifying system , wood net laboratory , wood fossil and wood culture .

  21. 同时,也用石头打造了古朴典雅、文化内涵丰富的石构艺术。

    At the same time , they also make use of the stone to form up plain , elegant , cultural-connotation-rich stone construction art .

  22. 汉水上游地区文化序列是白马石类型遗存&宝山文化,中间还有缺环。

    The sequence in the Han River upstream region culture is Bai Ma Shi remaining type to Baoshan culture , there are still any vacancies middle .

  23. 他形容国际化是认识不同文化的踏脚石,但他补充说:国际化不只等于了解别人,而是接受别人。

    He described internationalization as the stepping stone to the understanding of cultures , but added , internationalization means not just understanding others but also accepting others .

  24. 虢国墓地发掘的这批玉器为研究两周史、文化史、宝玉石史等诸方面提供了难得而庞大的标准器群。

    The jade articles unearthed from the graveyard of the Guo State provided rare and complete standard set of artifacts for studying the histories of two Zhou period , culture and development of jade ( stone ), etc.