
  • 网络journalist
  1. 早报的文字记者也来了。

    The press from TV station and Qingdao morning daily comes .

  2. 英语专业的学生没有必要去当老师或者写手,他们也可以成为很好的文字记者或者编辑。

    English majors do not have to resign themselves to becoming a teacher or a writer . Instead , they can often make fabulous journalists or editors .

  3. 更多的文字和摄影记者在等候着,采访一结束,斯努皮又连忙赶路到138英里外的格兰德岛。

    More reporters and cameramen awaited them , but as soon as she 'd been interviewed , Snoopy was back on the road for a138-mile trip to Grand Island .

  4. 文字和摄影记者在截止日期前提交带照片的注册申请表,将会收到一张奥运会身份和注册卡。

    Written press and photographers , who submit acceptable application forms for accreditation , including a photograph , prior to the deadline , will receive an Olympic Identity and Accreditation Card .