
  1. 乡土文化在吉林省有着深厚的历史积淀。

    Local culture has a deep historical accumulation in Jilin Province .

  2. 萨满文化在吉林省现代旅游活动中的传承与发展

    The Shaman Culture and Development in Jilin Province Modern Tourism Activity 's Inheritance

  3. 从文化建设看吉林省人才中心的机制转换

    The Structure System Change of Jilin Province Talents Exchange and Development Center According to Culture Construction

  4. 渗透式文化整合模式在吉林石化公司重组项目中应用

    The Research of Application of Infiltration Mode of Cultural Integration on Jilin Petrochemical Company 's Reorganization Project

  5. 查新文化作为一种先进的管理思想,有着其他管理方式所不具备的文化手段。吉林省1999&2004年医药卫生科技查新项目分析

    Novelty search culture is one kind of advanced management thoughts ; Analysis on the development of medical scientific research based on novelty retrieval projects in Jilin province 1999-2004