
  • 网络Shanghai Television;SHANGHAI TV WEEKLY
  1. 上海电视塔用TMD进行结构风振控制的风洞试验研究

    The Tunnel Test Research on Wind-Vibration Control of Shanghai TV Tower by Using TMD

  2. 本文针对上海电视塔设计了试验模型和TMD控制器。

    In this paper , a test model of Shanghai TV tower and a TMD ( Tuned Mass Damper ) are designed and the tunnel test is made .

  3. 3L教学模式是上海电视大学经过不懈的探索所构建的一种适合现代远程教育的教学模式。

    Specifically designed for modern distance education , " 3L " teaching model is established through the unremitting efforts of Shanghai TV University .

  4. 上海电视大学现代远程开放教育人才培养模式的改革和构建

    The Use of Open and Distance Learning in Shanghai Television University

  5. 媒介生态学视角下上海电视娱乐资讯节目研究

    The Study of Shanghai TV Infotainment Programs Based on Media Ecology

  6. 论上海电视传媒竞争战略选择

    On the Strategic Competitive Option of Shanghai 's TV Media

  7. 上海电视塔模型实时位移测量

    The vibration property measurement of the Shanghai TV Tower Model in real time

  8. 上海电视台上视大厦设计回顾

    Review on the Design for Shanghai TV Mansion

  9. 上海电视塔风载试验研究

    Wind load on Shanghai Television Tower

  10. 昨天我去了上海电视大学的杨浦分校。

    Yesterday I went to the Yang Pu branch of the Shanghai TV University - Learning World .

  11. 对上海电视台英语谈话节目跨文化敏感度的调查

    Investigating the Intercultural Sensitivity of Culture Matters : An English Language Discussion Program on International Channel Shanghai

  12. 那两支大学辩论队定于今晚在一个上海电视台举行电视直播较量。

    The two university debate teams are scheduled for a televised face-off this evening at one of the shanghai TV studios .

  13. 市场的社会建构与行动者的逻辑对上海电视剧市场的研究

    Social Construction of the Market and the Logics of Actors : A Study on the Market of TV Drama Series in Shanghai

  14. 本文介绍了清华大学研制的红外光点位移测试系统的原理及将该系统用于上海电视塔模型位移测试的情况和精度分析。

    In this paper the principle of the Motion Analysis System with Infrared Light Spots which is made by Tsinghua University is presented .

  15. 去年7月20日,根据上海电视台的报道,福喜旗下工厂销售重新包装的过期鸡牛肉。

    On July 20 last year , a Shanghai television station reported that an OSI-operated factory was selling repackaged expired chicken and beef .

  16. 一位值班经理表示,上海电视台曝光之后的几天,业务量大幅减少,但现在已经恢复到接近正常水平。

    A team leader on duty said business trailed off for a few days following the Shanghai TV report before returning to nearly normal .

  17. 然后我计划在春节的时候回家,但我被邀请参加上海电视台的新年晚会演出。

    Then I planned on returning home during Chinese New Year , but I was asked to perform for Shanghai TV 's New Year Performance .

  18. 上海电视节是国内电视节或类似电视交流活动、电视交易市场发展的一个范例,应该说这个范例在一定程度上是较为成熟并具有代表意义的。

    STVF is an example for domestic TV festival , TV exchange activities and exchange market . To some extent , STVF is mature and representative .

  19. 因为我现在在一家美国公司工作,你知道我英语差,但我每天都要用英语。我今年夏天开始在上海电视大学学英语。

    Since I am now working in an American company where I have to use English every day , I began studying English in SHTVU this summer .

  20. 根据周一上海电视台的报道,2015年,上海市外来常住人口出现15年来的首次负增长。

    In 2015 , the number of migrant residents living in Shanghai dropped for the first time in the past 15 years , Shanghai Television reported Monday .

  21. 2009年五月,六六再次以电视连续剧《王贵与安娜》被第十五届上海电视节提名为白玉兰奖最佳编剧之一。

    For the success of Wanggui and Anna , Liuliu was once again nominated as one of the best playwrights in the Fifteenth Shanghai International TV Festival in2009 .

  22. 为了让你知道中国现在到底有多热&上海电视台在烈日下的大理石上烤了一片五花肉。

    To give you an idea how hot China is right now & Shanghai Television grilled a piece of raw pork belly on a marble floor under the sun .

  23. 为了让你知道中国现在到底有多热——上海电视台在烈日下的大理石上烤了一片五花肉。

    To give you an idea how hot China is right now -- Shanghai Television grilled a piece of raw pork belly on a marble floor under the sun .

  24. 以国家环保局于1988年颁布的《电磁辐射防护规定》为依据,进行了上海电视台的电磁辐射环境影响评价及新建电视台的电磁辐射环境影响预评价。

    Based on the NEPA " Protection Regulation of Electromagnetic Radiation " issued in 1988 , the environmental impact assessment of both TV transmitting Station and proposed station has done .

  25. 或许他说的不错。一位值班经理表示,上海电视台曝光之后的几天,业务量大幅减少,但现在已经恢复到接近正常水平。

    They may have been right . A team leader on duty said business trailed off for a few days following the Shanghai TV report before returning to nearly normal .

  26. 那么,要拍出一部成功的卡通电影的必要条件是什么呢?最近这个问题在国际上海电视节中被很多业内专家探讨。

    So , what are the most essential elements in making a successful animated film ? Well , some industry experts discussed this issue at the recent International Shanghai Television Festival .

  27. 正基于此,本研究以上海电视媒介为例,聚焦于快速分化中的社会利益群体的社会认同及其电视媒介在其中发挥的重要作用,由此为社会认同的重构进行尝试性的探索。

    This study will focus on the social identity of the rapidly differentiating social interest groups to explore how the television media play an important role in the reconstruction of social identity .

  28. 本文用几何绕射理论分析了高层建筑对上海电视台八频道发射天线辐射场型的影响;

    The Theory of geometrical diffraction is used to analyze the effect of municipal high building structure on the radiation pattern of the 8th channel transmitting antenna of the Shanghai TV Station .

  29. 从上海电视台改制后的运营方式切入,选取《深度105》和《日本大地震直播》以及部分热播节目作具体分析。

    Cutting into the operation of the Shanghai TV after the restructing , selecting the " depth of 105 " and " the Japan earthquake in live ", and part of the hit show for the specific analysis .

  30. 以北京电视台体育频道、上海电视台体育频道与广东电视台体育频道的中超联赛转播内容为研究依据,对各台的中超联赛转播现状进行了梳理。

    TV sports channel in Beijing , Shanghai and Guangdong TV Sports Channel TV sports channel broadcast the contents of the Super League for the study based on the broadcast of the Super League status of Taiwan has combed .