
  1. 永远将顾客实用价值列为第一优先考虑&是我们永远不变的承诺。

    We promise forever that considering consumers'benefit as the most important matter .

  2. 留下美好的“印象”,是我们不变的承诺!

    Pressing a perfect impression is our constant pursuit !

  3. 为客户提供优质的服务是我们不变的承诺!

    The keeping promise of us is provding the best service for our customers !

  4. 高质量是我们对顾客不变的承诺;

    High quality is our unchangeable promise ;

  5. 人是会变的,守不住一个不变的承诺,守不住一颗善变的心。

    People are bound to , and restrain a constant commitment to restrain a fickle heart .

  6. 自我的不断要求并持续供应高品质的压铸产品是我们对客户永远不变的承诺。

    Self discipline and continual supply of high quality die casting products are our permanent commitment to our customers .

  7. “优质的产品,满意的服务”是我们的经营理念,“诚信经营,真诚服务”是我们不变的承诺。

    " Quality products , satisfactory service " is our business philosophy ," honesty , sincere service " is our constant commitment to .

  8. 不管我们的竞争者怎样做,派若搬将始终坚持一个不变的承诺:“质量,服务,创新”,这是我们在这个市场一直处于领先的根本。

    No matter what our competitors do , Pyroban will never compromise in our promise : Quality , Service , and Creativity , which is the base to keep our leader position in the market .

  9. “更快地发觉商业的潜力”是慧聪网水工业频道对业内企业不变的目标和承诺。

    " Realize Business Potentials Faster !" is HC360 Water 's goal and promise to enterprises of water industry .