
  1. 有流言说她是一个不正经的姑娘。

    Gossip had it that she was a bad girl .

  2. 五年来她的兄弟杰姆一直都在干不正经的事。

    Her brother Jim has been on the dodge these five years .

  3. 你每天都这么说老不正经

    You say that every day , you old devil .

  4. 上周参加俱乐部活动时,你一脸的不正经。

    You came to last week 's meeting with your game face on .

  5. 我喜欢有将来(有前途)的男人和有过去(不正经)的女人。

    I like men who have a future and women who have a past .

  6. 我不要替他工作,我听说他很不正经。

    I wouldn 't work for him . I 've heard he 's really slimy .

  7. 不正经,但我是个有点外向的人,而且很喜爱电影。

    Not serious , but I was ( a ) kind of an out-going person , and I really liked the movies .

  8. 她年轻时很有魅力,但现在她涂了太多的化妆品,看上去有些不正经。

    She was very glamorous when she was younger , but now she wears too much makd-up and is starting to look sluttish .

  9. 她母亲告诉她不许她穿着紧身裙、化很浓的妆出去,因为这样会使她看上去不正经。

    Her mother told her she wasn 't allowed to go out wearing a tight skirt and lots of make-up because it made her look cheap .

  10. 若是在往时,她会大笑出声,然后回个短信过去,说他有多么的不正经。

    If at formerly , she will the cachinnation make a noise , then return to a message past , say that he has what iniquity through .

  11. 英国作家、辞典编纂家约翰逊(1709-84)曾经遭一个女人责难,说他的辞典收录了些「不正经」字。

    Samuel Johnson , English writer and lexicographer ( 1709-84 ), was once taken to task by a woman for recording " improper " words in his dictionary .

  12. 虽然又常被视为不正经的研究,但是在研究过程中,却可以疏解不少压力。

    Although my research continued to be regarded as not serious , nevertheless , in the process of research this actually took a lot of the pressure off me .

  13. 这两个老不正经的人迅速离开向柠檬水摊位那边去了,别的老头又来到柜台边。我希望你正经一点,不要老是嬉皮笑脸。

    The old blades charged off toward the lemonade booth and others took their places at the counter . I wish you would stop grinning like a Cheshire cat and try to be serious .

  14. 我的反应是“这就是我的工作。”但是这让我很伤心,因为这让我感觉我的工作不正经、不公平和可耻。

    And I 'd be , like , " This is my job . " But it hurt , because it made me fear that I was somehow doing something un-joblike and unfair , shameful .

  15. 既然你已经安顿下来了,为什么不开始正经地学点东西呢?

    Now you 're settled , why don 't you take up some serious study ?

  16. 比赛结果使双方皆大欢喜。每一个人都不谈正经事,皆大欢喜。

    Everyone of the two sides is happy at the result of the match . Everyone gratefully steered clear of serious talk .

  17. 也不用仇恨去回击仇恨,既不故作正经也不夸夸其谈。

    Or , being hated , don 't give away to hating , And yet don 't look too good , nor talk too wise ;

  18. 来说点不那么”正经“的:我高兴地见到了过去暗恋过的男生们。他们还是看起来那么帅;他们现在拥有令人有趣的工作,似乎对生活也很快乐。

    On a less lofty note , I was happy to see that all the boys on whom I once had unrequited crushes were still looking handsome , had interesting jobs , and seemed happy with their lives .

  19. 但是要发现每一个人脸上那种老不更变的正经老实样子,却不可能。

    Yet the permanent moral expression of each face it was impossible to discover .

  20. 我不喜欢那些不正经人物的样子,他们总在酒吧外游荡。

    I didn 't like the look of those seedy characters who were hanging around outside the bar .

  21. 我不喜欢你,因为我认为你不正经!

    I do not like you , because I think that you are perverse !

  22. 他不好好学习,总是到处鬼混,太不正经

    He 's not into his grades , and he 's always goofing around , and he 's not serious .