
  1. 你追求女孩子不觉得自己有点老了吗?

    Aren 't you getting a bit old for chasing girls ?

  2. 或许他们只喜欢追求女孩子的过程。

    B : Maybe they just like the chase .

  3. 老是追求女孩子,与众多姑娘有一腿。

    He is always chasing girls and have lots of love affairs with them .

  4. 他不专心于读书而荒废时间去追求女孩子。

    Instead of devoting himself to his studies , he wastes his time running after girls .

  5. 他已经追求那个女孩子很多年了。

    He has been chasing after that girl for years .

  6. 她不是丹尼尔追求的那种女孩子。

    She is not the type of girl that Daniel goes for .

  7. 故事隐含了伯格曼大学时代的生活,在大学里,伯格曼和其他年轻人一起追求一个漂亮女孩子。

    The story revolved around Bergman 's years at a university , in which he among other men competed for the heart of a beautiful girl .