
zhuī xún
  • pursue;search;seek;track down
追寻 [zhuī xún]
  • [pursue;search;track down] 追踪查寻

  • 茫茫人海,踪迹难追寻

追寻[zhuī xún]
  1. EscapeSchool的研究发现,那些离职去追寻梦想的人们反映,他们的满足感更强、感觉自己的生活更有目标。

    Research by the Escape School found people who left jobs to pursue dreams reported higher levels of fulfilment and purpose .

  2. 鉴于MBA学生纷纷追寻创业梦想,期望通过创新获得丰厚利润和辉煌成就,美国各地的商学院都在增设与创业相关的课程。

    Across the U.S. , business schools are ramping up entrepreneurship programming , as students pursue dreams of lucrative innovation , and startup glory .

  3. 她走遍天下,追寻她的梦想。

    She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams .

  4. 她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父母的下落。

    She had spent years trying to track down her parents

  5. 他的老板正在追寻他的动机。

    His boss is bottoming his motives .

  6. 警方一直在追寻死者的妹妹,但他们不知道她住在哪里。

    The police have been trying to chase up the dead man 's sister , but they have no idea where she lives .

  7. “你要追寻的就是名声,”加州大学戴维斯分校基因组学研究者泰特斯·布朗说道。

    The thing you are searching for reputation says Titus Brown , a genomics researcher at the University of California , Davis . "

  8. 你的生活已经很忙了,要做家庭作业、做运动、交朋友、追寻梦想。

    Your lives are busy enough doing homework , playing sports , making friends , seeking after your dreams .

  9. 我对她追寻梦想的看法?

    What I think about her pursuing her dreams ?

  10. 从现在开始,我要去追寻我的摄影梦。

    I 'm going to live my dream as a photographer from now on !

  11. 追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。

    The thrill of the chase , the blood pumping through your veins1 , just the two of us against the rest of the world .

  12. WorkFoundation上周发表的一份报告称,即便是一代人之前,追寻工作的意义也显得比较古怪。

    A report from the Work Foundation published last week argues that looking for meaning at work would have seemed outlandish even a generation ago .

  13. Bran的故事线引导着他去到长城以北追寻三眼乌鸦给他的真相。

    Bran 's storyline is leading him north of the Wall as he searches for the truth the Three-Eyed Raven can give him .

  14. 日方官员表示,日本的技术有助于追寻PM2.5污染源,还能预测它的扩散情况。

    Japan has the technology to help trace the origins of PM2.5 and to predict its disbursement , say Japanese officials .

  15. 此举有助于谷歌实现让世界上的偏远角落享有卫星互联网服务的目标,同时也让SpaceX获得了新一轮的注资,使它的创始人可以继续追寻登上火星的梦想。

    The move will help Google achieve its aim of bringing satellite Internet to remote corners of the world while giving SpaceX a round of fresh capital for its founder to pursue dreams of going to Mars .

  16. andM.Rothschild首次将希尔伯特空间理论用于证券资本市场研究,本文追寻这一思路,用数学条件表述证券市场特征,引入随机变量希尔伯特空间,给出著名CAPM模型的形式化推导。

    And M.Rothschild first applied Hilbert space approach studying capital securities market in 1983.This paper expresses mathematic form of securities behavior , derives stochastic vector Hilbert space and proves asset pricing model ( CAPM ) under Hilbert space approach .

  17. 近日,宝洁旗下的高端护肤品牌SK-II推出了一则新广告,以纪录片的叙事风格试图洗去“剩女”一词的负面含义,并且帮助中国的未婚女性在事业中重拾自信,勇敢追寻真爱。

    A new documentary-style commercial from SK-II , a high-end skincare brand owned by Procter And Gamble , aims to remove the stigma from this term - and empower the country 's unmarried women to find pride in their careers and devotion to finding real love .

  18. 反抗传统的女性角色,追寻多元的女性自我

    Resistance Against Traditional Female Roles and Pursuit of Multiple Female Self

  19. “追寻本体是哲学存在的根据”。

    The pursuit of noumenon is the basis for philosophical being .

  20. 现在我们不再追寻那些令人毛骨悚然的研究方向。

    Now without pursuing those sorts of spooky lines of enquiry .

  21. 商业主导圣诞节的气氛,但无法满足一心追寻永恒的朝圣者。

    Commercial Christmas atmosphere can never satisfy those pilgrims seeking eternity .

  22. 以光影追寻光明&沈浮早期电影的精神走向及其文化含义

    The Spirit and Culture Meaning of Shen Fu 's Forepart Movies

  23. 我从家里逃出来,追寻我对蓝领的渴望。

    I ran away from home to pursue my biue-coiiar aspirations .

  24. 在美洲地区,对幸福的追寻并不新鲜。

    The search for happiness is not new in the Americas .

  25. 葛文达的一生都在受难与追寻中度过。

    For his whole life , Govinda had been suffering and seeking .

  26. 逃避与追寻都是西方文学的传统主题。

    Escape and quest are traditional themes in Western literature .

  27. 第二章:追寻一个普通读者的阅读过程,寻找对诗集的戏剧性的体验。在此基础上,第二部分对美国优秀环境管理计划的内容进行了分析。

    The second chapter is the analysis of Project XL .

  28. 追寻那些有意义的事,而不是有利益的事。

    Pursue what is meaningful , not what is expedient .

  29. 追寻主体性&哲学教学的根本旨趣

    Seeking the Main Body Character & the principal goal in philosophy teaching

  30. 人们认为她死了,死在了追寻复仇的道路上。

    She is presumed dead , slain during her pursuit of vengeance .