
  1. 山西发掘出不计其数的坟墓和新石器遗址。

    Shanxi has an extremely large number of excavated tombs and neolithic sites .

  2. 安徽淮河流域全新世环境演变对新石器遗址分布的影响

    Distribution of Neolithic Sites and Environmental Change in Huaihe River Basin , Anhui Province

  3. 全新世海侵对长江口沿海平原新石器遗址分布的影响

    Distribution of the Neolithic sites in the Changjiang coastal plains : Holocene transgression impact

  4. 广州新石器遗址公园&广州第一村规划设计

    Planning and Design of the Neolithic Relics Park & " The First Village of Guangzhou "

  5. 南京地区新石器遗址主要是分布在秦淮河与金川河沿岸。

    The relics of the New Stone Age are mainly distributed along the Qinhuai River and Jinchuan River .

  6. 江汉-洞庭湖区新石器遗址分布与河湖演变的联系性

    Analysis on relationships between the distributions of Neolithic cultural sites and the changes of rivers and lakes in JIANGHAN-DONGTING area

  7. 事实上,除大量考古出土的炭化稻谷(米)外,在华东和华南的新石器遗址中还出土有少量小而轻的炭化稻谷(米),时间约距今4000至6000年前。

    In fact , among the mass excavated rice grain , a small part of them were extremely small and light they distributed in various Neolithic sites of the east and south China about 4000-6000 years BP .

  8. 山东省平邑县新石器时代遗址调查

    Survey of the Neolithic Site in Pingyi County Shandong Province

  9. 中国南方新石器时代遗址哺乳动物群初探

    A preliminary study of mammalian fauna in the Neolithic sites of South China

  10. 浐河流域新石器时代遗址人地关系特征因素研究

    Study of the Man-land Relationship Feature Elements of the Neolithic Sites in the Chan River

  11. 试论陕西关中地区新石器时代遗址的地理环境与人类生产活动的关系

    Relationship between Geographic Environment and Productive Activities of Neolithic Remains in Guanzhong Area , Shanxi Province

  12. 目的对东莞市南城蚝岗新石器时代遗址出土的一具人体遗骸进行人类学鉴定和保存。

    Objective To identify and preserve the bone relics at Neolithic age unearthed in Donguang city .

  13. 克诺索斯新石器时代遗址

    Neolithic Site at Knossos

  14. 太湖地区部分新石器时代遗址水稻硅酸体形状特征初探

    Morphological Characters of Plant Opals from Motor Cells of Rice in the Neolithic Age of the Taihu Region

  15. 甘肃省民乐县新石器时期遗址的古代炭化小麦考察初报

    A Preliminary Report of Investigation on the Ancient Carbonized Wheats of Neolithic Cave at Minle County of Gansu Province

  16. 河姆渡遗址是我国东南沿海极为重要的新石器时代遗址,出土的众多文物充分反映了河姆渡文化中独具特色的水文化。

    Hemudu Sites is an important site in the Neolithic Age with plenty of cultural relics that fully reflects the particular feature of water culture in the Hemudu Culture .

  17. 青碓遗址是浙中及附近地区继上山遗址后发现的第十处早期新石器时代遗址,也是衢州地区最早的新石器时代遗址。

    The Qingdiu site was the10th early Neolithic Site found in mid Zhejiang and adjacent areas after Shangshan Site , which was also the earliest Neolithic site in Quzhou area .

  18. 在我国,六千年前的新石器时代遗址中,已有不少陶埙、陶哨、骨笛、石磬等乐器出土。

    In the Chinese ruins of the Neolithic age over 6,000 years ago , musical instruments like pottery xun , pottery whistle , bone flute , stone qing , and tuo drum were excavated .

  19. 如果居佛不是奥兹的家乡,那麽,居佛附近的文许高,就是阿第及河河谷,也有一些新石器时代遗址的迹象,都是可能地点。

    If Juval was not his home , signs of Neolithic occupation at other locations in the immediately adjacent Vinschgau ( Val Venosta ), the valley of the River Etsch ( Adige ), offer other possibilities .

  20. 用特征因素表述了新石器时代遗址的人地关系,建立了遗址人地关系的计算机交互系统,关联分析了遗址特征因素之间的相互作用关系。

    The man-land relationship of Neolithic sites is expatiated by these elements . The computer interactive system of the man-land relationship information has been established . The interrelation analyses of the site feature elements have also been discussed .

  21. 淮河流域分布的大量的新石器时代遗址充分证明,早在新石器时代,淮河流域的先民们,就已经在这块土地上繁衍、.生息。

    Distribution of a large number of Neolithic sites in the Huai River Basin has fully proved that as early as the Neolithic Age , the ancestors of the Huai River Basin , has been in the land multiply , live .

  22. 若以长江为纽带来观察,这三处时代大体相当的新石器时代遗址,基本上是沿江分布于中、下游沿岸的狭长平原地区,它们大致具有相同的自然地理环境。

    If viewed through the Yangtze River , these three Neolithic sites which are nearly the same , are all long and narrow plain regions that are along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River . They have the same geography environment .

  23. 在2004年的一篇PNAS论文中,麦戈文和一个由中国、德国和美国学者组成的团队对一些有9000年历史的陶罐进行过分析,它们来自河南省一个名叫贾湖的新石器时代村落遗址。

    Mr. McGovern and a team of scholars from China , Germany and the United States wrote a 2004 paper for PNAS that analyzed 9000-year-old pottery jars found in a neolithic village site in Henan Province called Jiahu .

  24. 奥克尼郡的新石器时代中心遗址

    The Heart of Neolithic Orkney

  25. 新石器时期西山遗址古陶器表面陶彩的分析及其与烧结温度的关系

    Analysis of coating on painted pottery of new stone age of Xi Shan ruin and relation with sintering temperature

  26. 下魏洛遗址是近年来在关中西部地区发掘的一处规模较大、遗存较为丰富的新石器时代晚期遗址。

    Xiaweiluo site is a large Late Neolithic site with lots of reminds found in the western part of GuanZhong regions recently .

  27. 湖北旧石器至战国时期人类遗址分布与环境的关系奥克尼郡的新石器时代中心遗址

    Relationship of Archaeological Sites Distribution and Environment from the Paleolithic Age to the Warring States Time in Hubei Province ; The Heart of Neolithic Orkney

  28. 尼罗河谷地的新石器时代文化遗址中发现了大量石刀、石簇、石斧、石镰等等。

    A lot of stone knives , clusters , axes , sickles have been unearthed in the cultural relics of Neolithic age in the Nile River valley .

  29. 从史前的动植物化石、新石器时代的遗址,到有史以来的历代古迹、墓葬和遗存,几乎可以勾画出自生命的起源、人类的诞生以及进入文明时代的一个清晰线索和图景。

    The fossils of prehistoric animals and plants , vestiges of the new stone age , antiquities and remains of different historical periods , all help to draw a distinct clue and picture of the origin of life , the beginning of human beings and the developing stages of civilization .

  30. 连云港新石器时代人类聚居遗址分布与海岸线变迁关系的剖析

    The distribution of Neolithic archaeological ruins around Lianyungang Area and their relation to coast line changes