
  • 网络mass music;Popular Music
  1. 采用社会调查和统计分析等方法,对中国东部沿海9个城市的不同年龄、性别、文化程度、职业和参加与不参加大众音乐体育锻炼的人群,进行了历时一年的调研。

    This study begins from September 2002 . Through the method of social investigation and statistics , this paper makes one year 's investigation on mass music sports for people with different age , gender , educational background and occupation from 9 cities along coast areas .

  2. 从音乐社会学的视角来看,任何时代、任何社会都会有自己的大众音乐生活。结果认为,大众音乐体育具有健心和健身的双重价值,深受群众的青睐;

    The result shows that mass music sports have double value of mental and physical , it is popular among the people .

  3. 他提倡平民音乐教育,积极开展大众音乐的普及教育工作。

    He also advocated an active music education and publicizing for common people .

  4. 武汉音乐学院大众音乐传播学的教学与研究

    Teaching and Study of Mass Communication of Music in Wuhan Conservatory of Music

  5. 本文力图透视革命音乐的本质和它在历史发展中的作用和意义,用以充实大众音乐文化内涵的全面思考。

    It enrich the whole consideration of the connotation of the masses musical culture .

  6. 多年来球队的习惯必须改变,现在球员必须放弃大众音乐。

    For years now the players must have been thoroughly sick of all the music-hall publicity .

  7. 试析新时期大众音乐中女性意识的形成与社会环境

    Social Milieu and Growth of Feminist Awareness as Reflected in the Music for the Masses during the Last Two Decades

  8. 笔者首先通过梳理新时期大众音乐的女性意识现象,探究了女性意识形成所依赖的社会历史文化环境。

    At first , the article explores its study on the social , historical and cultural backgrounds which the feminal consciousness grows upon .

  9. 例如,培养出来的师资弹唱能力不强,不能完全满足中小学音乐教育和大众音乐教育的需要。

    Trained teachers are of different quality , can not fully meet the needs of the primary and secondary music education and the public music education .

  10. 通过本研究帮助人们了解近代中国学校音乐教育与大众音乐生活的关系,以及在社会变革过程中音乐文化权威在不同阶层中的转换。

    Through this study to help people understand the relationship between the modern Chinese school music education and public music life , the change of music cultural authority at different class at the process of social change .

  11. 梦龙的音乐融入了摇滚乐的经典元素,除了吉他与鼓的重金属合音、励志歌词等摇滚乐标志性元素外,他们还成功将独立乐队时的民谣元素植根于现下的大众音乐作品中。

    Besides typical elements of rock music , such as the heavy sound of guitar and drums and self-empowering lyrics , Imagine Dragons have successfully incorporated their folk influences from their indie music roots into their mainstream songs .

  12. 我喜欢曲调欢快而且令人振奋的大众流行音乐。

    I like cheerful , uplifting middle-of-the-road pop .

  13. 它的出现满足了当前大众化音乐教育的需要,在培养学生综合素质、应用能力方面,有着传统小课所不可企及的优势。

    It has advantages beyond the traditional small class .

  14. 研究中国流行歌曲改编的合唱作品,将会促进合唱艺术的发展,提高大众的音乐素质。

    Study of China popular songs adapted for chorus works will promote the development of chorus art , and will improve masses ' music quality .

  15. 再加上政局的动荡和物质的匮乏,使得普通大众对音乐的追求几乎成了一种奢求。

    In addition , the volatile political situation and the lack of material , making the general public for the pursuit of music has become almost a luxury .

  16. 在收音机和留声机发明之前,大众欣赏音乐的唯一途径是观看现场演出。

    Prior to the invention of the radio and the phonograph , the only means whereby music could be brought to a big audience was actually having it performed live .

  17. 本文主要研究电子时代音乐传播的手段、方式、方法以及在这种传播形态下呈现出的音乐特性,并且从审美的角度来剖析大众的音乐审美取向及音乐的功能与价值等问题。

    This major study of electronic means of communication era music , forms , methods and forms of communication that have emerged in the music character , and aesthetic perspective from the musical aesthetic orientation and analyze the mass function and value of music .

  18. 美国饶舌乐(RAP)是仅次于摇滚乐的最受大众欢迎的音乐形式,它与美国黑人的文化生活有着不可分割的联系。

    RAP is the most popular musical form that is second only to Rock'n Roll in the USA , whose origin and development are closely related to the cultural life of the Blacks .

  19. 毋庸置疑,大众对民间音乐的兴趣减退了。

    Example : Ubdoubtedly , public interest in folk music has declined .

  20. 通俗乐代表了受大众喜爱的音乐风格,像木匠兄妹的音乐即吸引广大的群众。

    Pop music represents popular styles like the music of Karen Carpenter that have wide appeal .

  21. 通俗乐代表了受大众喜爱的音乐风格,像卡朋特兄妹的音乐即吸引广大的群众。

    Pop music represents popular styles - like the music of Karen Carpenter - that have wide appeal .

  22. 中国艺术研究院音乐研究所所长田青表示,龚琳娜的作品是传统民族音乐领域的突破,并给予大众了解这种音乐类型的机会。

    Tian Qing , director of Research Institute of Music of the Chinese Academy of Arts , calls Gong ` s works " a breakthrough in the field of traditional Chinese folk music " and " a chance for the public to get to know this music genre " .

  23. 此次演唱会并非将大众筹资应用于音乐产业的首次尝试:2003年创办的美国ArtistShare网站已经有六首在粉丝资金支持下制作的歌曲赢得了格莱美奖(Grammy),还有21首歌曲获得提名。

    The idea for using it in the music industry isn 't new : In the U.S. ArtistShare , which launched in 2003 , so far has fan-funded recordings that have earned six Grammy awards and 21 nominations .

  24. 西安市大众健身活动中音乐选配的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Incidental Music in Public Exercise in Xi ′ an City ; Research on the Current Situation of Chinese Sports Aerobics Music of Matching and Countermeasures

  25. 乐团之成立目的是希望推广敲击乐予香港学界及音乐爱好者,藉著敲击乐独有之强劲节奏及丰富音色,令新一代的普罗大众能享受合奏音乐所带给他们的喜悦。

    The percussion group aims to promote percussive music to students and music lovers in Hong Kong , by the means of unique strong rhythm and rich timbre of percussion ensemble music .

  26. 他说流媒体音乐的增长以及塑胶唱片销量40%的增长表明了大众购买及消费音乐的兴趣依然稳固,音乐行业这两种完全不同的领域将会持续扩张。

    He said the growth of streaming , coupled with a 40 per cent jump in sales of vinyl albums , shows interest in buying and consuming music continues to be robust , with two very distinct segments of the industry expanding substantially .

  27. 并且,代表大众文化的社区成员势必通过音乐实践推动大众音乐的发展。

    And , on behalf of members of the community of popular culture through music practice is bound to promote the development of pop music .