
  1. 从接受美学看朗读的对象感培养接受美学与主体性阅读教学研究

    Research on Receptive Aesthetics and Subjective Reading Teaching

  2. 深入研究了视频认证水印系统,提出一种针对视频对象感兴趣区域的半脆弱视频认证方案。

    The author researches the watermarking systems for video authentication deeply and proposes a novel watermarking scheme for video authentication to protect the region of interest .

  3. 这个句型能够表现出你对你谈话的对象感兴趣,这会让对方觉得你很有礼貌。

    Andrew 's Note : It 's polite to show an interest in people to whom you talk , and this is a good way to do it .

  4. OpenGL在自然对象真实感图形生成中的应用

    Methods of building the realistic graphics of natural objects with fractal feature using OpenGL

  5. 探讨了OpenGL在以山脉地形为代表的自然对象真实感图形生成过程中的基本用法。

    Then , how OpenGL was applied to display and render the realistic graphics of the mountain terrain was investigated .

  6. 实验表明,在动态光照条件下,该方法在增强对象真实感的同时,能够获得较为理想的场景渲染实时性。

    The arithmetic performance is analyzed , and scene realistic and real-time rendering with dynamic light are obtained by successive experiments .

  7. 你认为谈话对象会感兴趣的一些事物,比如汽车、电影明星等。

    General matters on subjects that you know that interests the person you are talking to , eg cars , film stars etc.

  8. 为了把环境贴图应用于VR系统中,实现场景对象的真实感绘制,首先从分析球面调和函数入手,提出了漫反射环境纹理图的快速计算方法。

    To realize the realistic rendering of the scene in applying environment mapping to VR systems , an approach to fast calculating diffuse environment maps was proposed starting from the analysis of spherical harmonics .

  9. 研究对象对于饱食感或饥饿感没有报告有任何显著的不同。

    Subjects did not report any significant differences in sensations of fullness or hunger .

  10. 犯罪青少年对不同对象的内疚感依次为父母、朋友、陌生人,关系不好的人。

    The adolescent offenders feel guilt towards parents , friends , the strangers and non-relationship person .

  11. 本文的主要研究对象是体感游戏空间中玩家的肢体动作与空间认知的关系。

    This paper studies on the relationship between users ' body actions and spatial cognition in somatic games .

  12. 如果你不知道你约会的对象对什么感兴趣,让他们告诉你。

    If you don 't know anything about something your date is into , have them TELL you all about it .

  13. 为了表现出对象的空间感,浮雕使用绘画中透视法来表现三维空间。

    To show that the object , the dimensional feeling of relief use paintings of perspective to represent the three dimensional space .

  14. 另外,用户可能只对可见的对象或查询结果感兴趣。

    Moreover users may only interest in visible objects or querying result .

  15. 据此可以逻辑地推定艺术的绝对标准:每个个体的任何独特情感(确证感),都通过不可重复的对象形象(形式感),而为每个其他个体所同感(同情感)。

    It follows that there is an absolute artistic criterion which means that the unique feelings of every individual is empathized by every other individual through images that can 't be duplicated .

  16. 本文将基于图像的建模与绘制技术应用到虚拟环境中对象的表现中,以提高虚拟环境的构建和渲染效率,增强对象表现的真实感。

    This dissertation imports image-based modeling and rendering technology into object representation , aiming to improve the construction and rendering efficiency , and to enhance the virtual environment realism .