
duì xiā
  • prawn;penaeid;Penaeus orientalis;peneid, penaeid;peneid
对虾 [duì xiā]
  • [peneid,penaeid;prawn] 对虾科的虾。节肢动物,长十五至二十厘米。甲壳薄而透明,肉味鲜美,是我国的特产,过去市场上常成对出售,故称对虾

对虾[duì xiā]
  1. 中国对虾营养研究&B族维生素(B1,B6)对对虾蛋白酶和淀粉酶活力的影响

    The effects of vitamin b_1 and vitamin b_6 on the digestive enzyme activities of Penaeus orientalis

  2. 浙江沿海中国对虾标志放流试验

    Test on the Tagged Release of Penaeus orientalis off Zhejiang

  3. 这些对虾是如何从挪威跑到超市货架上来的呢?

    How do those prawns find their way from Norway to the supermarket shelf ?

  4. 我们要不要买些小虾和对虾

    Shall we get some shrimp and prawns ?

  5. 昨天午餐我们吃了一盘对虾。

    Yesterday we ate prawn dish for lunch .

  6. 斑节对虾对磷酸酯化维生素C的需求量研究

    Quantification of vitamin c ( stay-c ) requirements of juvenile shrimp , Penaeus monodon

  7. 不同剂型维生素C对中国对虾的营养研究

    Studies on the nutrition of various forms of vitamin C for prawn Penaeus chinensis

  8. 不同对虾种间共用微卫星DNA引物的研究

    Common Microsatellite Primers for Molecular Markers in Different Shrimp Species

  9. 中国对虾微卫星DNA的筛选

    Isolating microsatellite DNA of Chinese shrimp Penaeus chinensis

  10. 随着碱度、pH的升高,中国对虾幼虾的存活率下降。

    The survival rate of shrimp larvae fell with the increase of alkalinity and pH.

  11. 对虾一种无包涵体杆状病毒病原的PCR检测

    Detection of a nonoccluded baculovirus in penaeid shrimp by PCR

  12. 用简并寡核苷酸探针筛选对虾白斑综合征病毒DNA多聚酶基因片段

    Screening of DNA Polymerase Gene from White Spot Syndrome Virus ( WSSV ) by Using Degenerated Oligonucleotides

  13. 检测中国对虾非包涵体型杆状病毒的PCR方法的建立

    Development of polymerase chain reaction assay for detection of Penaeus chinensis non-occluded baculovirus

  14. HPLC法测定鳗鱼、猪肉和对虾中的痢特灵残留

    Rapid Determination of Furazolidone Residue in Eel , Prawn and Pork by HPLC

  15. 日本对虾肌肉中SOD分离条件的探索

    Optimization of purification conditions of SOD in muscle tissue of Penaeus japonicus

  16. 应用PCR和RT-PCR技术对4种对虾病毒的检测

    The detection of four shrimp viruses using PCR and RT-PCR

  17. 微卫星三重PCR基因扫描技术在中国明对虾家系标识中的应用

    Parentage identification of Chinese shrimp ( Fenneropenaeus chinensis ) using microsatellite-based triplex PCR Genescan technology

  18. 结果表明:(1)凡纳滨对虾在金卤灯照明的条件下生长最快(P

    The results are as follow . ( 1 ) The specific growth rates of shrimp was the highest under IOD by MHL ( P

  19. 结果表明,利用筛选得到的微卫星引物产生的DNA指纹图谱,能够有效地区分斑节对虾7个家系。

    The result showed that 7 families could be distinguished effectively with the DNA fingerprinting maps of the several microsatellite loci .

  20. 对虾抗病性状遗传标记的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of genetic markers affiliated with disease resistant trait in shrimp

  21. 本文研究了温度、固液比、时间、pH值等因素对近缘新对虾虾头内源蛋白酶酶解反应的影响,并用二次旋转正交实验确定了反应的最佳条件。

    In this paper , the reaction conditions of enzymic hydrolysis by endogenous protease in the prawn head were studied .

  22. 多重PCR检测对虾白斑综合症病毒和传染性皮下组织坏死病毒

    Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus and Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus of Shrimps by Mutiplex PCR

  23. 用DNA斑点杂交法检测对虾及其饵料和环境生物携带白斑综合症病毒状况的调查

    Investigation and study on carrying status of White Spot Syndrome Virus ( WSSV ) in shrimps and other aquatic animals by dot-blot hybridization

  24. 对虾样品中Pb、Cd的微波消解与常规消解分析方法比较研究

    The comparative research on analysis for Pb 、 Cd in shrimp samples with microwave digestion and general digestion

  25. 中国对虾遗传多样性的RAPD分析&朝鲜半岛西海岸群体的DNA多态性

    Genetic diversity analysis on PENEUS chinensis by rapd ── the DNA polymorphism of western coastal population of Korean Peninsular

  26. 成熟中国对虾(PENAEUSCHINENSIS)卵巢中卵黄蛋白的纯化

    Purification of Vitellin in Mature Ovary of Prawn , Penaeus chinensis

  27. 本文采用定量PCR技术,研究对虾白斑杆状病毒人工注射感染后,早期的增殖规律以及感染致死对虾的病毒累积。

    Quantitative PCR was applied to study the proliferation at early infection stage and accumulation of WSBV in died infected prawns .

  28. 中国对虾(PENAEUSCHINENSIS)成熟卵形态结构的初步观察

    The Morphological Structure of the Mature Egg of Penaeus chinensis

  29. 中国对虾(Penaeuschinensis)脂肪酸转化能力的研究

    Study on Conversion Ability of Penaeus chinensis for Fatty Acid

  30. 中国对虾(Penaeuschinensis)精子ATP酶活力与生殖关系的探讨

    Studies of the relationship between ATPase and reproduction in spermatozoa of Penaeus chinensis