
  1. 我们对金牌获得者极为敬佩。

    We have a great admiration for the gold medalists .

  2. 上周,英国资深媒体人皮尔斯•摩根(PiersMorgan)拥抱了一种丑陋的新思潮,他评论称自己只对金牌得主感兴趣。

    This week , Piers Morgan , a British journalist , embraced an ugly new ethos , when he commented that he was interested only in gold medal winners .

  3. 国际奥委会对金牌的要求是至少要有6克的金。

    The IOC minimum requirement for a gold medal is 6g of the pure yellow metal .

  4. 对金牌获得者的奖励是之前奥运会上承诺给予运动员的奖励的五倍。

    The cash prize for gold is five times theamount promised to athletes in past Olympic meets .

  5. 一些中国评论员也号召自己的同胞放弃对金牌的痴迷。

    Some Chinese observers also appealed to their compatriots to give up the obsession with gold medals .

  6. 利用灰色关联度分析,讨论了运动项目对金牌总数影响的程度。

    The extent that sports items influence total games gold quantity is discussed by grey incidence degree analysis .

  7. 鉴于中国对金牌的关注(长期熏陶之下,中国运动员们视银牌或铜牌为失败),一些观察人士表示,中国取胜几乎已经是确凿无疑。

    Given China 's focus on gold ( athletes are trained to consider silver or bronze a defeat ), some observers suggest a local triumph is almost assured .

  8. 摘要根据第28届奥运会田径比赛和第10届田径世锦赛比赛资料,运用数理统计和逻辑分析的方法对金牌归属进行分析,找出目前世界田径运动的格局变化。

    This study uses mathematical statistics and logic analysis to analyses the gold medal ownership according to the documents of the28th Olympic Games and the10th world track and field championships , and finds the current pattern change of world track and field sports .

  9. 特别地,中国让美国人大跌眼镜–而且会在接下来几周中在对奥运金牌的追逐中更加如此。

    China in particular spooks America-and may do so even more over the next few weeks of Olympic medal-gathering .

  10. LiveTV服务仅对XboxLive金牌会员开放,目前会费为每年60美元,另外用户还需向有线电视商付费。

    The service is available with a gold Xbox Live membership , now at $ 60 a year , plus fees to cable providers .

  11. 中国竞技体育的未来发展要考虑全体中国人民对奖牌和金牌的心理需要。大国要主动适应竞技体育全球化变化以谋取自身的国家政治、文化和经济利益。

    Powers take the initiative to adapt to global changes in competitive sports in order to seek their own political , cultural and economic interests .

  12. 很多藏家和球迷都参加了拍卖,预计到曼联会对世界杯金牌志在必得。认为曼联对斯泰尔斯有道义上的责任。

    Many collectors and fans at the auction had expected the club to bid hard for the world cup medal , arguing that the club had a moral duty to Stiles , its own history and its fans to do so .

  13. 8年前,在盐湖城冬季奥运会之前,人们对米勒赢得多面金牌抱以厚望。

    Eight years ago , before the Salt Lake City Winter Games , there were high hopes that he would win multiple gold medals .

  14. 对奥运会足球金牌的期盼成了巴西全民的执念——足球不仅是巴西人最喜欢的运动,也是该国能展现顶级竞技水平的少数奥运项目之一。

    The wait for the Olympic title has become a national obsession - football is not only Brazil 's most popular sport but also one of the few Olympic events at which it competes at the top level .

  15. 但是某些中国人开始公开质疑中国的奥运胜利之路:官方对奖牌的态度也就是只对金牌的重视,各式各样的金牌榜就是最好的证明。

    But some Chinese are openly questioning China 's route to Olympic triumph : unfettered investment by a gold-fixated government that controls the careers of athletes .