
  • 网络Contredanse;contra dance;contredance
  1. 舞毒蛾核型多角体病毒亚致死剂量对舞毒蛾幼虫的影响

    Effects of sublethal doses of NPV on larvae of gypsy moth

  2. 电磁辐射对舞毒蛾卵孵化率的影响

    Influence of electromagnetic radiation on the hatchability of gypsy moth

  3. 表演为双人对舞的形式,参加者人数有限。

    Usually the dancers are in pairs , and the number is limited .

  4. 低剂量甲氧虫酰肼对舞毒蛾生长发育的影响

    Effect of low dosages of methoxyfenozide on the development of Lymantria dispar Linnaeus

  5. 好的好的。就是一种男女的对唱的,对舞的这样的一种形式。

    Great . It 's a kind of male-female duet , and they dance together .

  6. 接下来的一对没法停止前进,也绊倒在前一对舞侣的身上。

    The next couple , unable to check its progress , came toppling over the obstacle .

  7. 转基因741杨对舞毒蛾不同龄期幼虫的抗性研究

    Study on the insect resistance of transgenic hybrid poplar 741 to various instar larvae of gipsy moth

  8. 转基因白桦抗性等级划分及其对幼虫中肠的影响转基因白桦对舞毒蛾的抗性研究

    Class Division of Resistance to Lymantria dispar for Transgene Betula platyphylla and Its Effect on Larvae Midgut

  9. 对舞毒蛾采用药环或毒绳以及药液喷雾防治效果显著。

    Of the gypsy moth virus with drug ring or rope and the liquid spraying effect is remarkable .

  10. 刺槐种子凝集素对舞毒蛾幼虫营养代谢影响的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Seed Lectins from Robinia pseudoacacia on Metabolism of Lymantria dispar Larvae

  11. 其表演以双人对舞为主、跳蹲与旋转的技艺;

    The performance , also done by pairs of dancers , presents the skill of squatting jump and spinning .

  12. 然后他们分组表演双人对舞、“扑蝴蝶”、“渔翁钓鱼”以及扮演民间小戏等。

    At last , they perform in groups " catching butterflies ", " fishing " and small local operas .

  13. 维吾尔族“双人高跷”,则把民间对舞融入其中,令人耳目一新。

    The " two-person gaoqiao " of the Uygur nationality blend their local dance in it , which is fresh and new .

  14. 你说这像跳舞对决一样的吗像对舞一样

    Oh , you mean this is like a dance battle , sort of thing ? Like a dance off ? Sure .

  15. 用这3个因子与舞毒蛾危害程度建立多元线形回归模型,该模型可对舞毒蛾危害程度进行风险评估。

    Using the three key factors a multiphase linear regression model was made for risk analysis of the harm extent of the gypsy moth .

  16. 于是有一个舞伴就急忙去请德丽莎,因为没有她就组不成四对舞,但那年轻姑娘却已经不见了。

    One of the cavaliers then hastened to invite Teresa , without whom it was impossible for the quadrille to be formed , but the young girl had disappeared .

  17. 花鼓也称花鼓戏,是一种多由男女二人对唱对舞的民间歌舞艺术形式,也有多人共同演出的。

    The colored drum dance , also called flower-drum opera , is a folk singing and dancing performance acted by a male and a female , or by many people in some places .

  18. 测定生长于不同光照下的兴安落叶松幼苗针叶内防御蛋白活性、酚酸和单宁的含量;结合对舞毒蛾的生物测定,首次系统探讨了光照强度对兴安落叶松组成抗虫性的影响。

    In order to demonstrate the effects of different light intensities on the constitutive resistances of the dahurian larch , we determined the defense protein activity , contents of phenolic acids and condensed tannin .

  19. 只见数只仙鹤站立行云之间,对舞煽情,宛如一群出色的舞蹈家般挥洒自如。

    Host seen standing only a few clouds between the sensational dance , like a group of outstanding dancers like aplomb . Usually the dancers are in pairs , and the number is limited .

  20. 美中不足的是,由于是我校第一次举办舞会,虽然事先进行了交谊舞教学,但由于大家的底子浅,面子薄,许多同学还是对舞群“身不能至,心向往之”。

    The only aspect that left a bit to be desired was the fact that most students don 't know much about ballroom dancing , even though many wanted to brave the occasion or have a go at it .

  21. 结果表明:4个转双抗虫基因的741杨株系对舞毒蛾和美国白蛾均有明显抗虫效果,主要表现为对低龄幼虫的毒杀作用和对高龄幼虫生长发育的抑制作用。

    The results showed that four transgenic hybrid poplar clones all had insect-resistant effect on Gypsy moth and American white moth , which mainly indicated the killing effect on lower instar larvae and inhibition from development on higher instar larvae .

  22. 研究了12个影响舞毒蛾危害程度的林分因子,对这些林分因子对舞毒蛾危害程度进行逐步回归分析,从中筛选出主林层郁闭度、土壤瘠薄程度和林地面积3个关键因子。

    Stand description factors affecting the harm extent of the Gypsy moth ( Ocneria dispar ) was studied , through stepwise regression analysis from which three significant ones were selected : crown density , infertile extent of soil and forest area .

  23. 维吾尔族“双人高跷”,则把民间对舞融入其中,令人耳目一新。西北地区回族、撒拉族、维吾尔族民间婚俗舞蹈比较研究(连载)

    The " Two-Person Gaoqiao " of the Uygur nationality blend their local dance in it , which is fresh and new . The Comparison Study on the Folk Dance in Wedding Ceremony among the Minority Nationality of Salar , Hui and Uygur ;

  24. 图茨先生举起相同的一张纸,让他看到:布林伯博士及夫人也恭请图茨先生于本月十七日星期三晚间光临一个早晚会,开始时间是七时半,届时将跳四对舞。

    Mr Toots also showed him , by holding up a companion sheet of paper , that Doctor and Mrs Blimber requested the pleasure of Mr Toots 's company at an early party on Wednesday Evening the Seventeenth Instant , when the hour was half-past seven o'clock , and when the object was Quadrilles .