
  • 网络Metal Detector
  1. 对不起,先生,请走过金属检测器。

    Excuse me , sir . Please walk through the metal detector .

  2. 热金属检测器在线材生产中的应用

    Application of Hot Metal Detector in Wire Rod Production

  3. 金属检测器能够发现食品中的金属颗粒。

    Metal detectors en-able metallic particles in food be found .

  4. 配有一台金属检测器来防止喂入带有金属件的粉料。

    A metal detector avoids the possible feeding of powders containing metallic parts .

  5. 高精度高可靠度金属检测器

    High Precision and High Reliability Metal Detection Equipment

  6. 请走过金属检测器。

    Please walk through the metal detector .

  7. 金属检测器研制

    Research in Metal Explorer

  8. 光学检测拓展了在流态食品中根据其形状和颜色检测异物的范围。金属检测器能够发现食品中的金属颗粒。

    Optical inspection techniques extend the range of detectable foreign objects according to shape and color in free-flowing materials .

  9. 结论:在商业机场内,通过金属检测器有超过一半的骨科内置物能被检测出。

    Conclusions : More than half of all orthopaedic implants may be detected by metal detectors used at commercial airports .

  10. 本文介绍了一种金属检测器的结构、原理,它特别适合应用于胶带输煤系统中。

    The principle and structure of a metal detector is proposed in this paper , which is especially suitable for applications in coal transporting systems based-on rubber conveyer belt .

  11. 磁性金属物检测器的研究

    Studies on the Detector of Magnetic Metals

  12. 于是,这种新的压电材料适于制作高频陶瓷滤波器超声换能器,金属探伤检测器,以及声表面波器件等。

    This new piezoelectric material suitable for high frequency ceramic filters , ultrasonic transducers , metal flaw detectors and SAW de -