
  1. 基于LabView的数据采集系统在金属结合剂金刚石砂轮电火花整形上的应用

    Application of data acquisition system based on lab view to EDM dressing of metal-bonded diamond grinding wheel

  2. 理论分析了声光调Q脉冲激光修锐金属结合剂金刚石砂轮的机理,试验研究了单脉冲激光烧蚀凹坑和脉冲激光修锐的情况,总结出激光、工艺参数对修锐效果的影响特点和规律。

    This experiment deals with surface craters ablated by single pulse laser and pulse laser dressing , theoretically analyses the dressing mechanism of diamond wheels by acousto-optic Q-switched pulse laser and summarizes the dressing features and disciplines of dressing effects influenced by laser and technology parameters .

  3. 多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮研究综述

    Review of the Research on Porous Metal - Bonded Diamond Wheel

  4. 陶瓷磨削中新型多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮磨损特征研究

    Wear characteristics of porous metal-bonded diamond grinding wheels during the grinding of ceramics

  5. 金属结合剂金刚石砂轮修整新方法

    New Method of Metal Bonding diamond Grinding Wheel Dressing

  6. 制备出多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮。

    The porous metal-bonded diamond wheel was manufactured .

  7. 声光调QNd:YAG脉冲激光修锐金属结合剂金刚石砂轮

    Laser dressing of metal bonded diamond wheel by means of acousto-optic Q-switched pulsed nd : yag laser

  8. 细粒度的金属结合剂金刚石砂轮随着孔隙率的增大,磨削温度降低;

    The grinding temperatures of fine grain diamond grinding wheel decreased with the increase of its porosity .

  9. 金属结合剂金刚石砂轮具有良好的磨削性能,在初次使用和磨损后必须对其修锐。

    Acousto-optic Q-switched Nd : YAG pulsed laser is employed to dress metal bonded diamond wheels in orthogonal .

  10. 虽然金属结合剂金刚石砂轮具有优良的磨削性能,但是砂轮的修整问题却始终难以解决。

    Though it has good grinding performance , the dressing of metal bonded diamond wheel is very difficult to overcome .

  11. 金属结合剂金刚石砂轮广泛应用于硬脆材料的精密和超精密磨削加工。

    Metal bonded diamond wheel is widely used in the field of precision and super precision grinding with hard and brittle material .

  12. 简单介绍了铸铁结合剂金刚石砂轮电火花整形的原理,对电火花整形的影响因素进行了分析,为以后金属结合剂金刚石砂轮的电火花整形实验提供了一些经验。

    The principle of electron discharge machining ( EDM ) dressing based on metal-bonded diamond grinding wheel was introduced and the influential factors to it were analyzed .

  13. 金属结合剂金刚石砂轮,尤其是金属结合剂金刚石微粉砂轮,很难采用磨削法修整。

    It is very difficult to apply silicon carbide wheels or abrasive stick to the dressing of metal bonded diamond wheel , especially metal bonded fine grain diamond wheels .

  14. 金属结合剂金刚石砂轮的修整研究(Ⅰ)&用立体照片对测量磨粒的突出高度及磨粒突出高度对磨削性能的影响

    Studies on Truing and Dressing of Diamond Wheels & Measurement of Protrusion Height of Abrasive Grains by Means of Stereo Pair and Influence of the Protrusion Height on Grinding Performance

  15. 金属结合剂金刚石砂轮结合强度高,刚性大,耐磨性好,使用寿命长,对保证形状精度有利,因此,金属结合剂金刚石砂轮主要用于精密磨削和超精密磨削。

    Metal bonded diamond grinding wheels have good shape retention because of their high bond strength and Stiffness . So metal bonded diamond grinding wheels are mainly used in accurate grinding and ultra precise grinding .

  16. 结果表明,多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮节块在承受横向剪切载荷下,最大应力发生在胎体上,这与试验中节块断裂往往出现在胎体中孔的棱边上相一致。

    The result show that the maximum stress fields of the model is on the matrix which is agree with the experimental results that the fracture occur on the edge of the porous metal-bonded diamond wheel .

  17. 介绍了目前利用通电烧结、热等静压和真空烧结等方法制造多孔金属结合剂金刚石砂轮的主要技术及其性能。

    We reviewed the main technology for fabricating porous metal bonded diamond wheel and capacity of the diamond grinding wheel , including the pulse electric current sintering method , hot isostatic press method and vacuum sintering method etc.

  18. 金属结合剂金刚石成形砂轮电解修整阴极设计的研究

    Research of Cathode Design for Electrolytic Dressing of Metal-bonded Diamond Wheels

  19. 所以,研究金属结合剂金刚石成形砂轮的精密修整技术具有重要的应用价值。

    So it has great applied value to research metallic bond diamond wheel .

  20. 金属结合剂金刚石多孔砂轮的试验研究(Ⅰ)&造孔剂添加量的优化设计

    Experimental study on porous metal bond diamond grinding wheels (ⅰ) & Optimum design on amount of porosity inducers

  21. 在金属结合剂成形金刚石砂轮电解修整过程中,电解参数对工具阴极的形状有显著影响。

    During electrolytic dressing process of metal-bonded diamond wheels , the designed cathode shape is decided by dressing parameters .

  22. 与普通磨削砂轮不同,金属结合剂金刚石微粉砂轮的修整分为整形和修锐两个阶段。

    Different from general grinding wheels , dressing of metal-bonded diamond grinding wheel includes two steps : truing and sharpening .

  23. 使用金属结合剂金刚石成形砂轮可实现复杂型面硬脆材料的精密、高效、量产化加工。

    The metallic bond diamond wheel can process hard brittle material of complex surface , it can be high efficiency , precision and large-tonnage scale .

  24. 采用金属结合剂金刚石成形砂轮在线电解磨削可以实现硬脆材料复杂型面零件的精密、超精密加工,并能极大地提高加工效率。

    The precision or ultra-precision machining of parts with complicated profile can be achieved by electrolytic in-process grinding with metal-bonded diamond grinding wheels , which greatly improves the machining efficiency .

  25. 树脂-金属复合结合剂金刚石微粉砂轮的电解调整原理和基础现象

    Electrolytic Adjustment Principle and Basic Appearance of Micro Diamond Powder Wheel with Resin-Metal Binder

  26. 针对镜面程度的表面粗糙度和高形状精度要求的超精密镜面磨削加工,提出了采用电解调整后的树脂-金属复合结合剂金刚石微粉砂轮的方法。

    According to the ultra-precision mirror grinding for mirror level with surface roughness and high shape accuracy , proposes the method of using micro diamond powder wheel with resin-metal binder electrically adjusted .