
huǒ qiáng
  • Firewall;hot wall;fire net;a wall with flues for space heating;bag-wall;a wall warm with fire
火墙 [huǒ qiáng]
  • (1) [a wall warm with fire]∶中间有烟道可用来取暖的墙

  • (2) [fire net]∶火网

火墙[huǒ qiáng]
  1. 他走近时发现前面是一道烈火熊熊的巨大火墙。

    As he came closer he saw a gigantic wall of raging flame before him .

  2. 北方村镇火墙式火炕采暖系统热性能研究

    Thermal Performance of Heating System of Hot-wall Kang in Northern Rural Areas

  3. 炕、散热器、火墙供暖房间热环境数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Thermal Environment of Kang , Radiators , Firewall Heating Room

  4. 把它放在火墙边。

    Try it again next to the fireplace .

  5. 他们面前有一堵火墙。

    A wall of fire stood before them .

  6. 矿用新型密闭材料的优选及其在寺河矿密闭墙中的应用封闭灾区加压隔火墙

    The Optimization of New-type Mine Closed Materials and its Application in Shihe Mine pressurized stopping

  7. 附录I收入了设在隔火墙内的这种系统所采用的方法的实例。

    Appendix I contains examples of methods used to apply such systems in fire-sector barriers .

  8. 一堵火墙靠近了海洋的一处跑道,这里的一座军事基地遭围。

    A wall of flames closing in on a Marine air strip , a military base under siege .

  9. 火墙烧得很热,屋子里的窗帘早早就拉上了。

    The fire-heated wall of his room was very warm , the curtain long since having been drawn .

  10. 本平台亦会使用隔火墙技术防止收集得的资料被未授权人士盗用。

    All personal information you provide to EMV via Resopedia are secured by firewall to prevent access by unauthorized personnel .

  11. 介绍了网络安全的基本内容,简述了加密技术、份认证技术、火墙技术等基本的信息安全技术。

    This paper introduces the basic content of network communications . It also discusses cryptography , user authentication , firewall etc.

  12. 主要论述采用口令、据加密、火墙、字签名、络安全管理技术。

    Using password , data encrypt , fire wall , digital signature , network security management technology , etc are mainly introduced .

  13. 巨大的火墙毁坏了成百上千的房屋,森林,农田,是澳州历史上最严重的山火之一。

    Giant walls of flame have destroyed hundreds of homes , forests and farmland in the country 's worst ever wildfire disaster .

  14. 指出要防止炉管结焦应该拆除挡火墙并建立定期的检验和经常的巡察制度;

    It is concluded that to prevent coils from coking , the fire wall should be removed and periodical checking aud inspecting system established .

  15. 对村内最近两年新兴起的火墙式火炕进行充分调研基础上,进行了实地及后续试验测试。

    On the basis of fully investigation of the new type of firewall-kang , the field and experimental test has been carried out in recent two years .

  16. 福州三坊七巷传统民居建筑群是福州的重要标志之一,它当中的封火墙规模较大,保留最为完好,最具有代表性。

    Fuzhou San-fang Qi-xiang traditional residential complex is an important symbol of Fuzhou , where wind-and-fire wall is the largest scale , the most intactly retained and the most representative .

  17. 看着那堵比我以前见过的任何都更高更凶猛的火墙,我感到无助、渺小,无力阻止火焰,无力保护我爱的地方。

    And staring at that wall of fire higher and more ferocious than any I 'd seen before , I felt helpless , small , powerless to stop the flames , powerless to protect the place I love .