
quán cūn
  • the whole village
  1. 全村的人都获邀参加聚会。

    The whole village was invited to the party .

  2. 全村的人都得了流感。

    The whole village was attacked with influenza .

  3. 全村共三十户。

    There are thirty households in the village .

  4. 河堤出险,全村的人都赶去抢修。

    When the dyke was in danger , the whole village rushed out to repair it .

  5. 全村不论男女老幼,都参加了抗旱斗争。

    All the villagers , men and women , old and young , took part in the battle against the drought .

  6. 他因偷商店的东西引起全村的公愤。

    His theft from the shop caused scandal in the village .

  7. 洪水在顷刻之间就淹没了全村。

    The flood has overflowed the whole village within a short time .

  8. 全村的人都匆匆逃走了,或许因为有土匪到达该地区。

    The village had hurriedly deserted , perhaps because bandits were in the district .

  9. 全村人都敛集树枝,把火扑灭了。

    All the people from the village gathered branches and beat the fire out .

  10. 全村从老人一直到小孩都非常热情。

    All the villagers from the elderly people to the little kids were very friendly .

  11. 这谣言令全村人惶惶不安。

    The rumour disturbed the whole village .

  12. 1upinarms竭力反对;进行武装斗争全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划。

    The whole village is up in arms about the proposal1 to build an airport nearby .

  13. 抢劫使全村陷入混乱。

    The robbery put the village in a turmoil .

  14. 全村几十户人家,都在这口井里打水。

    Several tens of families in the whole village drew water from the well .

  15. 全村的人都跑来帮忙,而他们所得到的回报却是一顿嘲笑,白费了心力。

    The whole village came running out to his assistance when all the return they got was to be laughed at for their pains .

  16. 光辉v.焚烧;泛红当我们到那儿时,全村陷入火海。n.一瞥;

    flame The whole village was in flames when we got there .

  17. 是啊,它的奶可供我们全村喝。

    B : Yes , its milk feeds our entire village .

  18. 伪军在全村搜寻我们的地下工作人员。

    The puppet soldiers searched the village for our underground workers .

  19. 全村的人都来看发生了什么事情。

    The whole village came to see what was the trouble .

  20. 少数民族山区,光身儿童蹲在窗台上看全村惟一一台电视。

    Children watch the only television in their small mountain village .

  21. 他在青少年时期就已闻名全村。

    He was well known in the village in his adolescence .

  22. 全村的人都对此事抱有不同的看法。

    The whole village look upon the matter with another eye .

  23. 第一,它必须是全乡全村一致对敌的。

    First , all the villagers are united against the enemy .

  24. 全村的人被冰封在村里达一星期。

    The whole village was frozen in for a week .

  25. 但是,他身上所刺的花使他变成了全村的名人。

    Bat the tattoo made him a famous man in his village .

  26. 他把那消息告诉了全村的人。

    He told the news to everybody in the village .

  27. 带着全村人给他准备的土地雷。

    With a whole village to the land mine he was prepared .

  28. 全村人都出来欢迎公主。

    The whole village turned out to welcome the princess .

  29. 为了显示她的上流人士身份,布兰德顿夫人把全村的人都请来了。

    Branderton had routed our all villagers for her show of gentlefolk .

  30. 他获得冠军之后成了全村的骄傲。

    He is the pride of the village after winning the championship .