
  • 网络warehouse cost
  1. 发出此次声明之前,腾讯财经的调查发现该组织使用国家资金建造仓库,费用为每年90万。

    The announcement came after an investigation byTencent Finance found the organization had rented out warehouses built with government funds for 900000 yuan a year .

  2. 其中总成本主要包括运输费用、仓库的固定费用(建设费)以及仓库的变动费用。

    The total costs consist of the transport cost , fixed costs of the warehouse ( construction costs ) and variable costs of the warehouse .

  3. 在每一年的一月的头一个星期,顾客的原材料打包,装进我们的仓库是不收费用的。

    Customer-owned raw materials and packaging in our warehouses are counted free of charge once a year , in the first week of JANUARY .

  4. 此外,还简要地分析了节点仓库与数据集市的异同,构建分布式数据仓库的方法与费用,从而指出分布式数据仓库应用的乐观前景。

    This paper also briefly analyses the similarities and differences between the node warehouse and dada mart . It shows a good prospect in application of the distributed data warehouse to explain the method and cost on building the distributed data warehouse .