
  • 网络Barcode scanning;barcode scanner;Bar Code Scanning
  1. LV12条码扫描仪系列带来了条码扫描所有类型的OEM设备的好处。

    The LV12 barcode scanner Series brings the benefits of bar code scanning to all types of OEM devices .

  2. 自动检测系统录入,识别采用条码扫描方式和手工录入式。

    The system entry will be detected automatic , using bar code scanning and manual entry mode for identifying .

  3. 介绍了现场校验仪、蓝牙技术以及PDA的发展,并对一款采用带蓝牙和条码扫描的PDA现场校验仪的应用作了系统化的阐述。

    Introduces the development of the on-site checking instrument , Bluetooth technology and PDA , and describes the application of on-site checking instrument by using Bluetooth and PDA with bar code scan .

  4. 另外,通过对升级与更改FPGA硬件逻辑以及系统软件,可使系统平台支持二维条码扫描、RFID卡读写,门禁控制等功能,实现了软硬件体系的可重构与平台的可重用。

    Through update FPGA logic and system software , this platform can support two-dimension code , RFID card and Security control functions , which prove the advantages of SoPC technology & soft / hardware reconfigurable and platform reuse-able .

  5. 随后研究了系统实现过程中采用的关键技术,包括Palm手持设备与PC机的数据同步技术、物资在途定位技术、条码扫描与自动识别技术等。

    Then the key technologies applied in the system are lucubrated in the thesis , including data synchronization between Palm OS handset and PC , material positioning , bar code scan and automatic identification , etc.

  6. 该系统是集成无线局域网接口、条码扫描接口、视音频压缩传输、显示驱动、嵌入式操作系统、交互式电子技术手册、用户认证与通信加密等功能的瘦客户PMA体系。

    The system is the thin client PMA system which integrated functions such as wireless network , barcode scanners , video compression / transport , display drivers , embedded OS , IETM , user authentication and communication encrypting .

  7. 条码扫描信息不匹配的实际信息。

    Barcode scanning information doesn 't match with the actual information .

  8. 配套条码扫描,测试过程可全程监控。

    Support bar code scanning , the testing process can be monitored .

  9. 基于嵌入式的条码扫描摄像系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Bar Code Scanner and Camera Based on Embedded System

  10. 基于条码扫描的特种冰箱集存库系统设计与应用

    The design and application of Bar Code Scanner based Depository System for Special Type Refrigerators

  11. 条码扫描系统在汽车纵梁折弯全自动生产线的应用

    The Application of Barcode Scanning System in the Automatic Bending Production Line for the Auto Side-member

  12. 通过通光槽的设置,从而可以支持试剂瓶条码扫描。

    As a result , the light input slot helps support the barcode scanning of reagent bottles .

  13. 所以,你可以尽情享受这一切,如亚马逊,虚拟货架渲染,分类,标签内容检索的自动化和网络摄像头条码扫描线制作的。

    So you can enjoy everything MediaMan has , such as automated content retrieval from Amazon , virtual-shelf rendering , categories , tags , and webcam barcode scanning .

  14. 激光打印、条码扫描、激光治疗、工业焊接等都以半导体激光器为关键部分。

    In applications such as Laser printing , bar code scanning , laser treatment and industrial welding , Semiconductor laser is always a key part of the whole contracture .

  15. 大型超市、商场等场所实行完全自助化已经成为趋势,低成本的便携无线条码扫描结算终端也就成为一种必不可少的设备。

    It has become the trend of social development that supermarkets and shopping malls put the complete self-help mode into practice . So the low-cost portable wireless bar code scanner terminal is necessary .

  16. 在比较分析现有标识技术的基础上,重点研究了刀具的直接标刻与自动识别技术,主要包括刀具编码、刀具标刻以及系统与条码扫描设备的集成。

    Based on the comparison of existing marking technologies , this dissertation strengthens study on the tool direct marking and identification technology , such as tool coding , tool marking and integration of scanner and system .

  17. 但是黑岩城在2009实施了一个对道尔蒂来说是特别异乎寻常的改变:早到达的人要进行条码扫描才能进入,他觉得这太专制了。

    But Black Rock City implemented one change in 2009 that struck Doherty as particularly egregious : early arrivals to Burning Man were given a bar code to be scanned before they could enter . He thought it was a little too ' Big Brother . '

  18. 钢筋物流配送到工地时,再利用二维条码扫描器扫描发货。

    When steel logistics distributes to the site , the rebar is scanned by wireless PDA barcode scanner and dispatched .

  19. 本文首先研究了嵌入式系统开发存在的问题,通过采用基于平台设计的方法,提出了条码图像扫描引擎的分层概念及软件开发平台与通用体系结构开发栈之间的映射。

    Firstly , the problems in embedded system development are concerned . A concept of hierarchical barcode scan engine and the map between software development platforms and general-purpose architecture design stack is derived form platform-based design methods .

  20. 系统采用串口连接条码枪来扫描冰箱条码和抽空计条码进行配对操作。

    The system adopts serial port to connect barcode gun with server to scan refrigerator bar and pump bar which is matched with refrigerator bar .

  21. 基于图像处理的条码识别系统是图像条码扫描引擎的核心,在实际的应用过程中,PDT(PortableData-collectionTerminal,便携式数据采集终端)中采用图像条码引擎需要解决两个系统之间的通讯问题。

    The barcode recognition system , based on the digital image processing , is the main part of the barcode image scan engine . PTD ( Portable Data-collection Terminal ) need solve the communication of two systems if the system needs the barcode image engine in practice .

  22. 该条码可以将URL和文本转化为条码一样的图像,可以使用手机或二维条码阅读器来扫描。

    The codes barcode-like images that can be scanned using a mobile phone or a QR code reader .