
  • 网络conditional branch instruction;conditional transfer;conditional jump
  1. 利用R参数和条件转移指令实现球面数控铣削编程

    Programming for Sphere Milling Based on R-Parameter and Conditional Transfer Instruction

  2. 球面类三维曲面铣削加工,许多人认为只有使用CAM软件进行自动编程方可实现,实际上只要充分利用SIEMENS(西门子)802D数控系统的R参数和条件转移指令,可以方便地实现球面的铣削手工编程。

    In fact , the three-dimentional surface like sphere can be milled not only by programming with CAM software , but also can be done expediently by programming manually based on R-parameter and conditional transfer instruction of SIEMENS 802D NC system .

  3. 本文重点围绕动态二进制翻译中的关键技术进行了研究,主要研究内容和创新点为:1、针对程序中比例较高的比较-条件转移指令对提出了一种标志位快速映射方法。

    This article focuses on the key aspects of dynamic binary translation technology , content and innovation : 1 . This paper propose a highly efficient dynamic approach for " compare and condition branch " instruction pair , which occupy a large proportion of the program .

  4. 条件绝对转移指令与条件相对转移指令

    Absolute Conditional Transfer Instruction and Relative Conditional Transfer Instruction

  5. 本文主要对条件绝对转移指令与条件相对转移指令的使用范围进行分析并举例说明。

    This essay mainly deals with the usage range of absolute conditional transfer instruction and relative conditional transfer instruction .

  6. 条件转移或跳越-指令追捕者一跳越过了栅栏。

    Branch or skip on condition The pursuer cleared the fence in one hop .

  7. 条件和无条件转移指令。

    Both conditional and unconditional branch instructions .